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Looking to the future at the Joyce Kilmer School in West Roxbury

New Joyce Kilmer mural on the side of the school

Artist Thomas "Detour" Evans finished his mural on the side of the Joyce Kilmer Lower School on Baker Street in West Roxbury this week.

"It's done, and it's pretty awesome," Brendan, who captured the school's new look, said.

The work, titled, "Together We Rise, is one of several BPS murals funded through a program overseen by the Mayor’s Office of Arts and Culture and Street Theory.

The bottom of the mural incorporates the words "Respect, Responsibility, Empathy, Inclusion and Equity," which are the school's official "core values."

Evans, who lives in Denver, recently won a commission for a hanging sculpture in a new terminal at that city's airport.

When the painting was still underway.



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Kids have something nice to look at, when their art and music classes are cut by the BPS.

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But it doesn't, it's from a separate, non-BPS program and includes funding from federal Covid relief funds.

But you've got your Melania jacket on, don't you.

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That makes art classes cuts alright how?

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Shouldn't you be in bed? You have school tomorrow since you seem to know so much about how BPS works.

Are you bring up this because you're upset they got rid of Finger Painting your Butthole 101 ?

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Finger Painting your Butthole 101

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But it's after 9am local time.

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Woke = awake at all hours

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What is your suggestion for increasing school funding for the arts?

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Same recipe he has for everything: low effort one-liners that sound devastating in his own head.

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What’s the next problem that needs solving?

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They all came out of the closet for this one on West Roxbury Connect on Facebook....

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Those "community" (or town) facebook pages are a breeding ground for NIMBYism, Racism.. or rather anything that ends in -ism.

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Oh yeah, that is the same thing that happens on this site.

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so much racism on uhub. mmhmm.

(score: the distant sound of hit dogs hollering)

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How does this relieve Covid?

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Not to some of the people in this discussion, perhaps, but the rest of us.

ARPA funds were designed to help communities get back on their feet after Covid, and the money came with relatively few strings attached, chief among those, it has to be spent by a certain date.

Boston was given $560 million to spend. The city spent (or is spending) about half of that on housing, with other big pieces going to replacing revenue lost due to Covid, dealing with climate change, job training and mental- and public-health programs.

And $26.2 million is going to "strengthen arts and culture and activate our neighborhoods," like, for example, through murals.

More from the mayor's office.

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It's something people can enjoy outdoors, without going inside during the current covid wave, or the ones after it.

Please, keep masking indoors and in crowds, get your booster vaccines, and stay home when you're sick.

What we need is for more people to go back to masking before they get sick, and better ventilation in schools, offices, and other places people gather. What we're getting is people saying we should "live with" covid, meaing that I should stop masking because seeing a stranger in an N95 reminds them that the virus exists.

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NIMBY tears are a well-known restorative.

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But the noses don't quite look right on any of those kids.

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Nasal equality for all!

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the creepy teeth on the mural at the tiny Trader Joe's on Boylston.

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no local artists???

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One of the hardest things to get right in drawing people.

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They all look fine to me. It's a pretty nice mural.

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Ther's all about 5-7 years old and not a single one has a booger hanging out. Suspicious!

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OK, we’re hours into this thread and no mention of relistate or select men yet? Folks, we’re slipping into complacent mediocrity here.

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It's a "Woke" future!

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I would have added some kids riding bikes for maximum triggering.

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Even better, some art in art: Kids on bicycles riding in front of the mural on Centre Street where they replaced Dapper O'Neil.

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But I assure you that at the next selectmen's meeting, I'll use the public comment period to note what a nice mural this is.

And yes, I'm happy that the windows don't have paint over them, which was my only criticism while it was being installed.

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Seems they were phased out in the 1800's.

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I’m always impressed by how muralists maintain perspective and scale. Nice job.

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For those who dislike this mural and/or think it's going to bring down your property value, let's trade. We have two seriously dilapidated second floor porches to our left (one fully missing for months and months and the other completely rotted/missing too many spindles to count and on our right another home with peeling paint, falling shingles on its sides and a front porch the postman wouldn't step on for fear he'd fall through. Across my street and a few doors down is a property with so many tenants they were parking on the grass and now the owner wants a basement unit so MORE people can sardine into that property. I'd take this mural on my street any day of the week and twice on Sunday--it's simply stunning.

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I've seen at least one mural crew lay down a grid first like you do in art class.

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Yeah, I’m going to admit that I poked the bear. There was a post from a woman basically saying that this beautiful artwork equated to graffiti. I just had to respond:

“Wow…based on this thread, so glad I don’t live in WR anymore. However, this narrow, pearl-clutching, lace Irish curtain attitude is everywhere.”

Probably not the best chosen words in the heat of the moment since I was called a racist By the original poster. So, I caused Donnybrook. (Think first, think again, walk away from the computer, think again. Then you can post…)

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Well “Donnybrook” is itself kinda inappropriate. No longer associated with Paddies causing uproar and disorder but a rather nice suburb of south side Dublin.

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The mural has tapped into the NIMBY, anti-woke, city is going to hell combo platter. The outrage is sad. As someone who graduated from there and lives 2 blocks away, I have no issues with this. The West Roxbury connect Facebook page sees this as the coming of the apocalypse

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