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Veterans group organized to back a Flynn for Mayor bid

Politico reports a group of "veterans across Massachusetts" has started work to convince City Councilor Ed Flynn (South Boston, South End, Chinatown, Downtown), and a Navy vet himself, to run for mayor next year. It has an official PR spokesman, who now has his own PR firm but who, Politico notes, is "an alum" of Regan Communications, which is run, of course, by George Regan, who wants to "save our city" from those dreaded left-wingers like Michelle Wu.



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Mayor Wu just pulled 60% of the vote for a brand new, first time candidate against the last election's second highest at-large vote getter...

No shot anybody beats her next year, but these mediocre white dudes should feel free to ruin their reputations trying.


Wu is a nice person and intelligent, but she is not in touch with reality, and run by people who are motivated by self-promotion, bad faith, and race-based anger and revenge. As a "mediocre white dude", who has been a community activist and volunteer for well over 40 years, I feel betrayed first by Marty and now by Michelle. If Ed Flynn runs, he has my vote and my public support.




And she's intelligent enough to know she'll get more votes by pandering to those who aren't in touch with reality.

Cartwright had Pressley, Campbell and plenty of others beyond the mayor. And some of us maybe voted to keep Nee-Walsh from getting on the Council.

Adam - The other day you had some twerp making fun of the Irish, now someone is dismissing someone, and others collectively owing to their race.

I guess you are allowing bias up here.

Not what I expected from you.


is not an ethnic slur, it's a description. Are you offended by being called white?


It says Mediocre White Dudes.

The S makes it plural.

It is a racist slur.


I know of two mediocre white dudes who have been talking about running, Flynn and Kraft. I don't know what your internal logic here is, but when you have more than one white dude in the English language, you add an "s".

I guess you could say they make up a mediocre white dude "brace", "pair" or perhaps a "duet" instead?

"Mediocre white dude" is well within the discourse and descriptive.

In Flynn's case, I will add "nepo baby of a boozebag mediocrity and Republican shill" and "shithead."

The Irish can take being made fun of. Sure, nobody does it more than themselves.

This "Veterans for Flynn" is so transparent astroturfing and PR bullshit. How many in the group, three? What are their names?


I couldn't care less who veterans or anyone else that doesn't live here thinks should be mayor.

There's also no way I'd vote for Flynn, no matter how much flag-waving he does.


I have this phrase I use a lot.. its like something you'd see on Match Game.

Just because someone is ____________ doesn't mean they aren't _____________ .

This blankety blank phrase fits so many things. Like this

Just because someone is a vet doesn't mean they aren't a buffoon.



From Dominic Armenta, the group's PR person:

Boston-area Veterans Unite to Form Veterans for Ed Flynn Dedicated to Supporting Boston City Councilor Flynn

Boston, Mass. (September 12, 2024) – Today marks the announcement of the upcoming formation of Veterans for Ed Flynn, a coalition of Boston-based Veterans dedicated to celebrating Boston City Councilor Ed Flynn (U.S. Navy Retired, Operation Enduring Freedom) for his ongoing commitment to those that served our country.

Veterans for Ed Flynn is formed by a diverse group of Veterans across Massachusetts rallying for Ed Flynn who understands that leadership during these challenging times is important. As a city councilor, Flynn is a tireless advocate for a city that is safe, inclusive and prosperous for all residents, in all of Boston’s neighborhoods. Veterans for Ed Flynn will be organizing a series of community events and initiatives to support the critical work of Councilor Flynn who believe having a veteran in elected office is important to the city and our nation.

"Veterans for Ed Flynn is in the process of being formed to embolden and inspire Ed Flynn to continue his positive leadership in Boston,” said Dominic Amenta, spokesperson for Veterans for Ed Flynn. “An additional announcement about the organization and its constituents will be made in the weeks ahead.”

Others interested in helping the organization are encouraged to attend a fall reception honoring Ed Flynn on Tuesday, September 17, 2024 from 5 – 8 p.m. at Florian Hall in Dorchester. For those unable to attend, and would like more information about joining Veterans for Ed Flynn, they can send an email to [email protected] .

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