Boston Police report arresting three out-of-towners in Maverick Square while looking for whoever put up those white-supremacist posters that went up a couple days ago in East Boston.
WFXT reports a police source told it the three were responsible for the posters.
Police say officers patrolling Maverick Square last night because of the posters:
Observed a group of males wearing face masks [on Winthrop Street]. Officers approached the group, one of which had been carrying a can of spray paint, in an attempt to speak with them. While speaking with one of the members of the group, who was extremely uncooperative, the male removed his wallet from his pocket. However, when officers reached to obtain what they thought would be the male’s identification card, they were met by the male slapping the officer’s hand away. Officers placed the male under arrest. Officers subsequently arrested two additional members of the group.
Matthew Wolf, 26, of Lowell, was charged with assault and battery on a police officer, police say. Tylar Larson, 18, of Rochester, NY, and Christopher Hood, 20, of Malden, were both charged with possession of a dangerous weapon. Police did not specify the type of weapon. They were not charged in connection with the posters.
Innocent, etc.
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What did these posters say?
By Stevil
Sat, 02/16/2019 - 9:05pm
All I can read is something about illegal aliens being criminals and call DHS if you see anything.
What does the bottom say?
While many may disagree with the sentiment expressed - why are the police out looking for people posting posters? What is the crime?
By adamg
Sat, 02/16/2019 - 9:38pm
Southern Poverty Law Center on the group in question. You can probably skip the first few paragraphs on the group's origins to get to the part about what they're doing to bring about a white ethno-state.
The crime
By adamg
Sat, 02/16/2019 - 9:43pm
Yes, they have a right under the First Amendment to espouse views that expose them as racist assholes. However, posting flyers on property - in this case utility poles - without the owners consistent, is illegal, even if, I suspect, the owner is the city (since utility poles are not generally considered a "public forum" such as a park and so the city can decide what they are used for).
They had masks on, were
By Lmo
Sat, 02/16/2019 - 10:05pm
They had masks on, were disturbing the peace, one assaulted an officer when handing over an ID and they had illegal weapons. I don’t think they were arrested just bc of the posters.
Not the same people
By Stevil
Sat, 02/16/2019 - 10:32pm
I don't think those were the guys putting up the posters.
And not remotely defending what they are saying - but staunchly defending their right to say it - as long as they don't cross certain lines.
And not buying the "but it was on a telephone pole" ruse - do the cops go after all the band posters, garage sales and everything else with equal vigor?
When you start selectively enforcing the laws based on your opinion of what people are saying (as long as what they are saying doesn't violate the law) - you are well on your way down a slippery slope.
Says the man who loves graffitti
By anon
Sat, 02/16/2019 - 10:58pm
Where do you live? Lets go put some free speech on the outside walls and all over the front door and lobby.
I know
By SwirlyGrrl
Sun, 02/17/2019 - 2:40pm
A big AOC poster on his front door!
By adamg
Sat, 02/16/2019 - 11:26pm
Yeah, you're right - BPD doesn't go after people slapping up band flyers - although they certainly would if they caught them in the act.
The police were patrolling a neighborhood that probably has the city's highest percentage of immigrants the night after somebody - whether these guys or not - put up posters designed to induce fear in that community. Good for BPD, that's some good community policing.
And these guys weren't charged with anything having to do with the posters. They were charged with going after cops who had stopped to question them.
I'm not a lawyer, but I'm going to suggest that the cops had a good legal reason to talk to them, at least based on the BPD account: Three guys in masks at night holding a can of spray paint in an area that could be considered high crime (one of the criteria for determining probable cause). Then, and again, this is based on only one side of the story, they committed potential felonies by attacking a cop (yes, granted, a slap, not something more serious, but that's still A&B).
No problem with this
By Stevil
Sun, 02/17/2019 - 5:33am
Handled these guys perfectly.
More concerned about the police out selectively "hunting" for people based on their apparently legal message, not their actions. Per my post below, it would be equally bad if the opposite occurred (although supporting illegal activity may not be protected speech-I'll leave that to the lawyers).
Cool cool
By Parkwayne
Sun, 02/17/2019 - 8:42am
Can I put huge swastika on the door of the Model Railroad Club?
Did you see any swastikas on this material?
By Stevil
Sun, 02/17/2019 - 9:56am
Don't be an ass and put words in my mouth.
Nobody said that wpuld be cool.
Except you.
They literally say "Blood and Soil" on them
By fungwah
Sun, 02/17/2019 - 11:38am
Is that Nazi enough for you? Or is anything ok just as long as they're clever enough to leave off the swastika?
By Stevil
Sun, 02/17/2019 - 12:41pm
I have no idea what that means. Nor do I see it rising to any level of unprotected speech.
Well, read a newspaper sometime
By Parkwayne
Sun, 02/17/2019 - 2:33pm
Ignorance isn't a good defense unless you're as cynical as Sen Collins or any other 'moderate' Republican who claims to not understand the language of white hatred which runs rampant through our society these days. But hey, as long as your taxes don't go up, I guess you don't really care right?
SPLC Hate Group
By SwirlyGrrl
Sun, 02/17/2019 - 2:38pm
Adam already linked to it - you don't even have to google.
Do you ever read your own links
By Stevil
Sun, 02/17/2019 - 5:29pm
Or the ones you say to read - I still don't see the words blood and soil - and I can't imagine more than 1% of the country knows the meaning or origin of that (although apparently the NYT opinion page does cover it a lot if you like reading stuff about neo-nazis - not high on my personal list. I prefer to mostly ignore them - although I did attend the Common counter protest when they were at the Parkman bandstand.
Do you pay attention to anything that isn't Ayn Random
By SwirlyGrrl
Sun, 02/17/2019 - 5:41pm
Seriously dude. You. are. really. cornered. in, your. stupid. tree. here.
Don't know what your problem is, but you might want to borrow some exlax from another poster here who tends to argue himself into multiple stupidholes using EPIC SEMANTICS and then suffers from it while claiming victory on technical grounds that boggle the rational mind.
Gee, if only someone had included a link in their post
By fungwah
Sun, 02/17/2019 - 8:43pm
"I have no idea"
By lbb
Mon, 02/18/2019 - 10:11am
Then maybe you should take the trouble to study up on some common Nazi slogans (like, what they said at Charlottesville) before you go around defending them so vigorously.
Nobody is defending them
By Stevil
Mon, 02/18/2019 - 2:28pm
I am defending their right to say whatever the hell they want as long as it is protected speech.
Now I'll repeat my question - what was on those posters that crossed the line into unprotected speech?
Or do you think the jackboots should be out hunting people posting any kind of posters or just the ones you don't like/agree with. My guess is the latter - until our Dear Leader goes out hunting people posting things you happen to agree with - then that would be bad.
Act your age
By lbb
Mon, 02/18/2019 - 3:23pm
Your question has been answered multiple times.
Try that in a court of law
By Stevil
Mon, 02/18/2019 - 4:20pm
Good luck - you'll lose. this is not Europe (where that would likely not be allowed in many places - including and perhaps especially Germany.
Again - these people are abhorrent -but the only line I see them crossing legally is posting crap on telephone poles and if you want to uniformly go after what they are doing, not what they are saying, you have a case. That's not what happened here - the city put out a patrol to track down people espousing a certain point of view. Reprehensible as that view may be - they are within their rights and the city is overstepping (and possibly exposing itself to a lawsuit) if they are targeting people exercising their rights.
You can fix it - just work on getting the Constitution amended and you are all set.
By Scratchie
Tue, 02/19/2019 - 10:15am
Then maybe you should keep your fucking mouth shut, for fuck's sake.
By Stevil
Tue, 02/19/2019 - 11:02am
It's not exactly a commonly known term AND it's also protected speech.
Can't wait until some progressive goes out and does EXACTLY the same thing and people start clamoring for the ACLU to get involved. You are one more to a growing list of people that has completely failed to demonstrate how anything on those posters is NOT protected speech, just making emotional arguments against the first amendment. Nobody is saying these are good people or that these are doctrines modern Americans should endorse. However, if people want to demonstrate their jack-assedness and associate with other jack-assedness individuals - that is their right. And you can't make an argument otherwise (other than people shouldn't post crap on telephone poles - but that was never what this was about)
Your ignorance is no excuse,
By Scratchie
Tue, 02/19/2019 - 1:00pm
Your ignorance is no excuse, and nothing to brag about either.
So to you...
By Stevil
Tue, 02/19/2019 - 2:55pm
Being well-versed in neo-Nazi sloganeering is more important than a working knowledge of the First Amendment?
Talk about ignorance being no excuse.
If the Model Railroad Club
By Refugee
Sun, 02/17/2019 - 5:08pm
If the Model Railroad Club had for years tacitly allowed everyone and anyone to post flyers on their door, then yes, you can put a huge swastika, cross, AOL free trial CD, pair of googly eyes, Yankees logo, or Mark Walhberg movie poster on the door without fear of being charged with "trespassing" or anything like that.
No, you can't
By adamg
Sun, 02/17/2019 - 5:41pm
It's up to the owner of the property to decide what goes up on their property. A model-railroad club is not the government and can decide to, tacitly or otherwise, decide to let everybody post anything - but then draw the line at Nazi propaganda.
Ideally, they would have some formal policy that states what is or isn't allowed, which is how the MBTA was able to get courts to agree it had the right to bar racists from putting anti-Palestinian screeds on ads on T property - they had a written policy to exclude ads that disparages specific groups of people - but if you were stupid enough to sue a model-train club for tearing your Nazi poster off their door, well, say goodbye to your lawyer's fees (because your lawyer is going to want his or her money upfront).
Yes, you can
By Refugee
Sun, 02/17/2019 - 8:37pm
The key question is the police role. Of course the Model Railroad people themselves can remove posters from their own door at will, but can they compel police involvement because they disagree with a poster? I wouldn't think so.
Using your MBTA analogy, the MBTA cannot press charges against a group that merely submits an application for an anti-something sign. The MBTA can only reject the application.
Are you kidding?
By lbb
Mon, 02/18/2019 - 10:09am
You need to google "pretextual search". And then you need to decide if you're going to also "defend to the death" the right of people who are simply going about their lives, or if you want to blather on about the rights of Nazis to post Nazi propaganda and do nothing about all the people that police "selectively hunt" for based on their race, age, gender, because they're driving an older car, etc.
1979 Called
By anon
Sun, 02/17/2019 - 9:49am
Not to change the subject, but who are these people "putting up band flyers" in 2019? We used to do that in 1979 in the golden age of the local Boston music scene, and long before the internet and social media. There are other methods now. Oh, and yes, sticking up flyers was illegal even back then and we used to hear about it occasionally.
From Boston to Burlington...
By Pete Nice
Mon, 02/18/2019 - 9:38am
If the police see someone walking around in the middle of the night with spray paint, a court will say the police have enough reason to stop them and question them. I don't think the high crime area is even an issue here.
The crime is assault and
By anon
Sat, 02/16/2019 - 10:28pm
The crime is assault and battery on a police officer. Which the new DA doesn’t want enforced except when it’s convinient to her? Maybe resisting arrest and ABPO should stay illegal no matter who is doing it, regardless of their background and politics views.
(Also fuck these racist assholes).
Man, it's so easy to make baseless shit up
By adamg
Sat, 02/16/2019 - 11:11pm
Please find me a citation that shows Rollins ever said anything about not prosecuting assault-and-battery cases. Here, I'll make it easy for you: Look at the list the Herald published. You can't even read between the lines and come up with that.
List of charges to be decline.
By anon
Sun, 02/17/2019 - 8:20am
Just picking the ones that seem related:
Disorderly conduct
Disturbing the peace
Wanton or malicious destruction of property
A stand alone resisting arrest charge, i.e. cases where a person is charged with resisting arrest and that is the only charge
By adamg
Sun, 02/17/2019 - 5:42pm
That's basically the same list the Herald published. Again, says nothing about assault and battery.
The description of the
By anon
Mon, 02/18/2019 - 8:05am
The description of the assault is not substantially different than what resisting arrest would entail.
You can quit clutching those pearls, Steve
By erik g
Sat, 02/16/2019 - 11:28pm
Most civilized folk don’t find much in common with Nazis. Most remember that their parents and grandparents spent five years and five trillion dollars punching Nazis square in the face, and don’t make dumb arguments about the first amendment when it’s clear to everyone involved that we’re talking about white nationalist scum like this. Maybe you can use this as a learning experience, in the hopes of not being yourself branded as in league with these assholes and suffering any associated face-punching
Don't own any pearls
By Stevil
Sun, 02/17/2019 - 5:28am
And technically this is likely illegal by posting things on private property. But you'd be equally up in arms if someone in say Texas started hunting down poster posters in because the posters were encouraging sanctuary to undocumented immigrants. In fact, as abhorrent as these people may be, these posters seem to be encouraging civic action to report people breaking the law. Encouraging sanctuary promotes breaking the law, but yet most on this thread would be appalled if the police went on a midnight hunt for those people.
Don't care how much you hate the speech or the person speaking it, this is stepping into the realm of "thought" police based on what I can see on this poster.
And for the record, glad the cops nailed these guys even if they had nothing to do with the posters.
One more time
By perruptor
Sun, 02/17/2019 - 5:40am
These guys were not charged with, and were not questioned because of, putting up flyers. They were questioned because they were wearing masks at night. They were charged with carrying weapons and assaulting a cop. You're arguing so strenuously against something that is irrelevant to the case. The cops say they were the ones who put up the fliers, but that's not why they were arrested. Stop wasting our time arguing for their freedom of speech; it's not being attacked.
One last time
By Stevil
Sun, 02/17/2019 - 7:07am
"Police say officers patrolling Maverick Square last night because of the posters"
Not saying I like or agree with the message or the methodology. However, it is dangerous when the government starts selectively enforcing rules because they don't like the message.
You sound disingenuous to me.
By Sock_Puppet
Sun, 02/17/2019 - 8:30am
"While on directed patrol in the area of the above-mentioned location due to recent reports of a group causing a disturbance while hanging posters which were upsetting some of the residents..."
So is it your position that a group causing a disturbance should not be a matter of concern to the police, or that posters which upset residents should not be a matter of concern to the police?
What's your proof for your assertion that this represents selective enforcement of rules? Can you point to another group that was causing a disturbance and upsetting residents that the police just ignored while they were walking around in disguise with implements of destruction?
Should I repeat the post?
By Stevil
Sun, 02/17/2019 - 10:01am
I have no problem with anything the cops did EXCEPT according to Adam's original post they were there specifically because of WHAT people were saying, not how they were saying it. And based on the picture, the speech was 100% in bounds.
Different story if they are libeling, slandering, yelling fire in a theater or hate speech. "Report illegal activity" is not hate speech.
Convoluted logic twist
By BlackKat
Sun, 02/17/2019 - 11:25am
Putting up racist posters is hate speech - which is not welcome even under the guise of free speech.
Tell me
By Stevil
Sun, 02/17/2019 - 12:40pm
What was racist on these particular posters and I'll agree with you. A bit hard to read, but from.all I can see it says call homeland security if you know of someone breaking immigration laws.
How is that racist?
Quick Question
By SwirlyGrrl
Sun, 02/17/2019 - 5:43pm
Will you be going to the theater soon?
Someone will meet you there and start shouting "FIRE".
They will be depending on you for constitutional backup and defense!
Again - do you read?
By Stevil
Sun, 02/17/2019 - 5:56pm
That's exactly the point I've been making - based on what I've seen on the posters, it's protected speech. Yelling fire in a theater is not.
In the meantime - tell me what's on those posters that's NOT protected speech.
Give it up
By SwirlyGrrl
Sun, 02/17/2019 - 6:11pm
"fire in a crowded theater" did not pertain to LITERAL yelling of "fire" - it was a metaphor by example of how freedom of speech was NOT without some constraints when it came to violent yammering like "blood and soil" traffics in.
You go any further and you might turn that hole into a volcano.
By Stevil
Sun, 02/17/2019 - 6:29pm
Tell me specifically what is on those posters that violates the limits of the first amendment?
I don't support these people in any way - but as long as they don't cross the line of protected speech, they can say what they want. that's the way it works in this country if you hadn't noticed. Wander down the Freedom Trail if you need a few reminders of how that came to be.
"Blood and Soil" is a nazi slogan
By anon
Sun, 02/17/2019 - 5:45pm
This was patriot front an open Neo-Nazi organization whose website is literally called blood and soil fuck this bullshit.