everyone needs a dose of southie...best place I've experainced yet throughout Boston. No one fake and uptight over there, 100% real soul and very down to earth.I come from NY, but I've adapted well right into Southie's armsone luv
hey i read the Book all souls by Michael Patrick MacDonald....dude i would like to live there..im 100% irish and i like how everyone got along and stood up for eachother..so the people writing shit in here are just jealous they cant live there
First of all I'm from southie and do luv it, but I don't like seein all you ganstas out there that think your black. U can listen to rap but do'nt go rappin about bein Irish or nothin cuz that just doesn't make make sense. Like a lot of other people on this page have said, most of you have money and live in good homes. Don't be afraid to be real. No offense but I really don't like kids who get all cocky and think there tough cuz they can act black. And don't get me wrong Southie is my home and i give it props but there's alot ofmisguided people in it.
I was in boston this past nov. southie was great and every irish and bostoian I met were very welcoming and helpful.IHAD A GREAT TIME AND WILL GO ASAP. The only people that rude were black who grew up there not immigrants.
yo yall cant see what there doin they trying to get rid of are community to make it a middle class one so that means for us poor irish we will become home less juss like what new york did to hell's kitchen a irish lower class it's cause where white and boston dont want to look racist if they do it to a black or latin one.
Excuse me. Not all of us were born with a golden spoon in our mouths or handed everything to us by our Mommy's and Daddy's. I am a college educated student of an Ivy League school of Boston and earned my way there by hard work, a full time job since the age of 16, and have always staying true to my native home. There is nothing wrong with Dorchester, Southie, or any of the other neighboring towns around us. Grant it, we all have our feuds and town rivalries as you all do out there. Also, just to clarify, not all of us are Irish, though many are, and those who actually care about "street credit" are the ones who need to learn how to grow up. (And Southie is not the only place in which that exists.) How about you wake up to America and the issues that surround what is going on in our world today because of hatred, biggotry, and poverty. You should use some of your Connecticut money out of your "village" home, with your beamer in your driveway and golden retriever in your front yard which you pay others to mow, and put it to good use such as the education of this country. Thank you. Originally from Dorchester and proud of it!
i was born and raised in southie and i love it here to death but this town is dying away and so are the people. there is nothing to be proud of anymore and there is nothing to be loyal to. why don't all you kids go to school and get a job and have something to truly be proud of.
Ok I've lived in southie my entire life and listenin to all of these kind of makes me laugh. i recently had to move and it's killin me all I want to do is go home! Someone commented on how all Irish Americans think they are God's gift and how we're all white trash umm yea i don't think so! Being an Irish American i can say one thing I'm from American unlike this guy who says that he just grew up in Boston sorry but then you're not really a bostonian. give me a break we are absolutely not white trash! Southie kicks ass however!
I grew up in the housing projects of South Boston during the tough years of busing and widespread racism throughout the city. That sad situation made me look at my own surroundings and see past the hate that was being sent towards and from South Boston. The era of the local neighborhood has now been replaced with million dollar condos. Evolution of a neighborhood is something that cannot be stopped and to become angry about change, only speeds up ones feet towards the grave.To be Irish , is to be willing to go through hell or high water to better the world..anyone remember the book "How the Irish saved Civilization" by Thomas Cahill? read it....Dig down deep when judged...dont hate others and most important..dont hate yourselves....Southie may change and become another Back Bay....but....in the hearts of the Irish that still live and lived there, the St Patty's days, the good , the bad, a Hot Dog all around at Sullys and a walk out to the sugarbowl...that is where the spirit of the Irish live....the name calling. the insults, all are such wastes of time. Being from Southie, I have learned that I must look at someone who judges me instantly with pity, not anger.......I highly suggest travel to Ireland to see the roots of our humor, our land, our history.peace to you all......poi.
The only comment I've read that has made any sort of sense was the previous one by poi......my sentiments exactly. I grew up in the lower end and now live up the point. Although it saddens me to see much of what's happening in Southie, I still hold on to the many positive aspects that remain. Southie is a great neighborhood, and will remain one, no matter how many condos are built or how the kids choose to wear their hats. Ignorance, as always, is our only enemy. Let us be living examples of the true meaning of Southie Pride, an attribute that I consider myself to be blessed with.
im from ireland i live in dublin and i do be so proud when people that r only half irish say they are proud!!im only 15 and i am very proud to say im irish!!you cant beat the irish!!!IRELAND IRELAND IRELAND.
Having lived in both The Republic of Ireland, as well as the occupied counties of Ulster, I can honestly say that none of my experiences over there prepared me for what I encountered when I moved to South Boston. What swill. What trash. How dare you call yourself Irish? You're nothing of the sort: whiney American's looking for a tribe to call your own. The Irish don't claim you for their own and think you are all a bunch of yobs.Want to save your neigbourhoods and ways of life? Get an education. Get a decent job. Earn your right to stay in your neigbourhood(s) by playing the game. Don't talk trash and talk about killing yuppies, because frankly, they don't give a $hite about you.
Southie is the place where I like to enjoy good spicy bloody mary, horror movies, my neices and nephews, drag queens, vintage clothes, shopping alone, concerts,Sex and the City, cuddling on the couch when it's raining out, the beach, Pearl Jam, oh and PDA ( I think it's cute)
i hate people that dont know anything about sports and then recite word forword what was written in the herald but they will mispronounce someonesname.it's ok if you dont know much about sports really
Southie is wicked awesome, everybody knows they got the best aluminum cans.Editor's note: This message has been translated into English from my native language, Mutish.
Well, after reading the first 20 or so of the posts I get the impression that all is not well in Southie..wherever the hell that is, Boston Massawhatsit!Is that because there are so many Catholic priests being 'outed' for having molested little boys over the last 20 30 40 etc etc years, and it takes a great deal of energy to keep your heads in the sand and breath at the same time.Also I wonder what the Americans (NavahoMenominee, Passamaquoddy, Penobscot et al) think about your claim to their land?? Who the hell invited you in the first place? Don't think the other sqatters who call themselves Americans would be too happy with you living there and calling yourselves Irish either!!Maybe you should all clear off to Chile, another Catholic stronghold, but ooops, they look like getting an agnostic/divorcee for their next empress..oh my! Light them bonfires, quick.
I live in DC and am going to be in Boston for Patty's Day 2006 with friends. Should we hit bars in Southie for Patty's Day? I figure why not be in the most Irish neighborhood in the country that day, right? Any suggestions for good Southie Irish bars? Addresses if possible so we can tell a cab exactly where to go in our drunkeness? Also, how many T stops in Southie? any?
Change is inevitable. It's happening in Southie, as well as my own beloved Savin Hill. In the long run, it's a change for the better. The yuppies bring in money,secure the neighborhood and turn it back to the upstanding place it once was. You will have to adapt or move. Ecenomic DarwinismI read about the hardasses like Rooster, Sean Foley? Heh. I know a few of the older thugs, and you know what? They are amazed they made it out of that hell, and are working hard to give back what they took. Their friends? Dead, in jail or missing.The yuppies are here to stay. Their taxes make Boston a better city. You wannabe tough guys do not.You detract from your surroundings.It doesn't really matter.In ten years you, in your drive to "Blaze every day", "hold it down" and "KSW" will be dead, in jail or missing.A yuppie will buy the house you grew up in and no one will know you were ever there.
Another Southie girl here. Grew up in D St. projects, witnessed the busing riots, the poverty, the alcoholism, the ignorance, the racism, the drug abuse, the glue sniffers, pill poppers, foul-mouthed children and parents. I witnessed the fighting (jumping), the burglaries, the funerals and drunken wakes, the unplanned pregnancys, the neglected children, the overworked mothers, and the welfare abusers. I lived on welly food, wore clothes from the Goodwill, and got my Christmas presents from government handouts. Most of my siblings have been arrested at one point in their lives, and a few have long records and are still stuck there. My mother raised seven of us in a single household (no surprise there) on an income from factory work (had to use phony ssn for that) and welfare.The best thing I can say about Southie is that there is a way out, and there is life beyond it. The experience made me appreciate soooo much of my life now. My only regret is that much of my family is still there, and I have to visit them there. Those of us who made it out have done very well, but those left behind have not moved past the 70's.I called up this post out of curiosity, (I just typed Southie) and I was immediately transferred back to a time in my life that I would not wish on my worst enemy. Southie will claim your very soul if you let it. If anyone reading this has ANY way out, please take it. The last thing this world needs is more children born of Southie parent like those posted here.Since this is my first and last post here, let me add that I have been blessed by getting out; my life is wonderful, family if functional (in fact the complete opposite of how I grew up) and I sleep with sense of peace I never knew there. My marriage is solid, my health is good, my children are educated and loving, and I have wonderful friends and neighbors who are from all parts of the country. I may not be wealthy, but I have love, compassion and respect for others. I try to make the world a better place, not "my" place. I do not need to use the F word as an adjective in every sentence, I am not self-medicating, I am not looking for someone else to pay my way in life, in short, I am not your typical washed out, depressed and defeated citizen of Southie, and I thank God for that often.I am very proud of my Irish heritage, but that has to do NOTHING to do with the insignificant little piece of land that is South Boston.Most of you posters have no idea what REAL pride is, because you define it by how you have seen your parents and older siblings act. (possessive,self-righteous, bullying, demanding and oblivious of what it is they are trying to hold on to)If you are a Southie lifer, you never had a chance, but believe me, it is never too late. Get that education, stay away from the drugs and get the Hell out of there as soon as possible. Do it for yourself, your children, and society as a whole.
By a real proud Irish/American on Sat, 03/04/2006 - 11:32am
Re: Posted by wjdavisMarch 4, 2006 02:15 AM:You are an example of what a "Proud Irish" should be....There were a few other quality posts too.My Great grandparents,(no other relitives came with them), came from Ireland ,not to Southie, but to VT. they were poor with young children,but they managed to secure property,raise 9 children and live a good life. Their children and they, worked hard, long hours,to achive what they had. They didn't get welfare,etc. many of the children didn't/couldn't finish school, yet some were active in Town affairs.Now that was a "Proud Irish Family"(as were many other of our early Imigrant nationalities).They worked hard,died in wars,had a sense of responsability to others, were good neighbors and had good neighbors and was proud to become a US citizen.As far as I could see, most of the neg. Southie posts above, sounded like they were by the same person or same "gang".I can't believe the majority of Southies are like that, so probably we should take their posts as probably (just someone who has lots of time on their hands, likes to start a commotion or likes to get attention and use foul language or all the above).
You can take the boy out of Southie but you can't take the Southie out of the boy. First, let's correct a few things.Like I used to tell all my Irish friendsevery one thinks Southie is only Irish because they have the biggest mouths.;-)Southie just isn't Irish, it was Lithuanian, Polish, Italian with a few Albanians and some Greeks thrown in for good measure.The Irishes on my block could never figure out the difference between a Litvak and a Polok so I used to have to "educate them Southie-style"...oh, by the way, back in the day, that was with fists and nothing else....Back during the busing days, every one idolized the Irish mob gangsters...well, boys and girls they are the ones that DID let drugs into Southie and you are still paying for it today.Southie needs change for sure...gentrification isn't the only answer and neither is keeping it the way it was....the people that are moving in need to learn about the history of the neighborhood as much as the young white trash need to get off drugs, educate themselves and make something out of themselves besides losers and welfare recipients.The old family homestead in Southie is still in my families' hands. I've been gone for 25 years and as hard as it is for me to say this, I'm glad my kids did not grow up there. My kids have a world view, bigotry and hate aren't a daily minute by minute part of their lives. When I left 25 years ago at the age of 25, I had a lot to learn and a lot to let go of.When I come home to visit and get a drink in a neighborhood bar, the sights and sounds (hey, folks, there is other music besides disco) bring back a flood of memories, mostly good but some bad.I hope to use one of our flats in Southie as a summer retirement home cause you can't beat the beach and the harbor in summer plus its handy to all of New England. Those of us that "escaped" all need to someday try to give back...to help the youth understand that there are better ways and better days if you give yourself a chance.....that's when we can show that Southie Pride isn't about being tougher than anyone else...its about love of neighborhood and being educated and smarter....
I love southie, but we spend to much time fighting eachother when there are greater wars going on, if yuppies keep moving into Boston it want be southie anymore. We spend our time fighting with our brothers!we need to unite with places like Charlestown and somerville and take back our nieghborhoods, how funny that those are the ctiies of the irish Mob so lets return to our roots, and unite The Boston irish, just as the Irish want the North back. take back your hood......kill a yuppie
wake up yo! you cant get rid of the yuppies, you cant unite with other towns, and you cant reclaim your neighborhoods because you have no solidarity! any sort of vigilantism aimed towards rich people living in southie will get you beat down by the cops 10 times worse than any thing to do with the blacks might. stop blaming people for your own plight. try not hanging out on street corners 7 days a week. welfare is quickly begining to fade out and so are you.
born and raised up the point 6th street between i and k have a love hate relationship with it... ran those streets for alot of years had to get out .. has taken a turn for the worst there is alot of confused teenagers on those street corners.
By Shamrock Films presents Danny Boy on Thu, 06/15/2006 - 1:53am
Here is the opening excerpt from our film Danny Boy that's in pre-production in Southie. It sums up a lot of the posts here.------------Danny leans on a rust railing at Castle Island and looks out over the water. Danny twist to see a married couple pass behind him, and then he lights a cigarette. (Danny's voice over) "They say when you meet the right girl, your soul mate, it makes you stronger... a better man. But I don?t know if that was ever possible for me. You see, I was raised in Southie.Where cloths are green, and the junkies fein... ready to take your hard-earned roll.Where yuppies move in only to live in sin... to find they've lost their soul.Where fathers booze and beat kids with shoes... because love they do not know.Where bars are loud, and mother's proud... bury sons in a six-foot hole.
Whats is sad about all of these posting are they are from people who are never going to leave there. I grew up in "Southie" and was into all the bad shit like everyone else. The truth is I got out and the rest of my friends are all dead or dying. Its cool right now, lets get high, shoot up, cause trouble, jump people. Come 10 years from now when your friends are hanging themselves and ODing on herion, its not going to seem such a cool place to grow up. I have lived in 4 states all big cities and I have and probally never will see so much suicide in one small community. Here is some "Southie" advise, GET EDUCATED AND GET OUT!!!!!Miss you Sean, Roo, Dwayne, Kevin, PJ, Bill, Jay RIP!
Southie R.I.P-----I'm blessed to have grew up in Southie! Southie people aren't racist @ heart. Bussing divided, polarized, and demonized the town. Turned us into something we weren't/aren't. Segregation is wrong but the experiment they pulled with us (bussing), was wrong (to say the least). Most things forced are noo good!There is no more "Southie"! It's now "SoBo". Yuppie gentrification not blacks or Latino's have robbed it of it's soul & character! The "limosine liberals" played, black/white against eachother like pawns on a chess board. We have more in common with our brown brothers in roxbury than the souless yuppies! Michael MacDonalds book All Souls was filled with half truths and exagerations. He didn't tell it like it is or was. And his lies caused alot of pain to be relived!Toicfaidh Ar La!
I Laura here from Dublin Ireland Born and Bred. Not half not quater - all Irish. Can you tell me SAOIRSE what in MP McDonalds book was a lie? I am just intrested. Also juddging by the language of the boards some of you do seem to think you are black. Speak english correctly or is that no black enough for you.
My father grew up in southie. Does anyone know Frank Sances or sometimes he was called Bud or Buddy.I also have an aunt and uncle and cousins from there. Amy and Tav Capellano. does anyone remember these names.
By Thomas R. Blankenship on Mon, 08/21/2006 - 10:42pm
Hello the Irish a friends,I am a Greek man living on a the South Side of Chicago and all I have to say is that a the some bozos clown up there said that there was no Irish place like the Southie and now that is a the yoopies that there ain't no Irish place like it no more. Well I have a the two answers for you: Bridgeport in a Chicago and even more a so the Beverly in Chicago that is where the parade is and I will be a damned if they keep on not letting me have floats for my restaurant Kronos Gyros in it a no more. Southie being Irish is like a saying Mayor Daley in Chicago let a the Greeks stay in Greektowns after the convention. To quote a the Hawk Harrelson of former Red Sock fame "We gone."Peace outs Outhie you have a nice run.
SOUTHIE IS THE BEST PLACE TO LIVE EVER! Its is the greatest place on earth. it makes you strong and skilled. fuck anyone who hates it. Love it or we'll kick ur ass!
I moved from Souhthie recently. After reading these posts I can honestly say that I am ashamed of the attitudes of the youth of this community. This is a different Southie than the one I knew.
i miss the good old days @connollys whatever happen to the old crew the foleys the selter girls billy brennick mikey t and pam sansone the leclairs ??????? we all know what eddie mac turned into
Funny, I only have fond memories of my hometown; I have been called (not by my homies}) a racist, homophobe and a bigot........ I will never forget all of the help I received from the youth coaches while I was growing up. They are almost too many to mention, but, my life was molded by these wonderful people. They were liths and poles and irish and like me Italians. South Boston is not a town it is a spirit. When I meet people, I know who I am and what I stand for. Fairness and being proud of my heritage..Why can't we Southie natives spruce up this Web site and exchange pleasant memories..
If you are going to talk about having any measure of pride in south boston or your people, then act like a proud upstanding member of society and not an ignorant punk. Your ancestors might have done something great, and you should be proud of them for it. Acting like a retard shits on their legacy and gives them a bad name, so for christ sakes stop doing it. Certain people will make themselves into Irish americans worth looking up to, and some will be bitching about the same ridiculous issues twenty years from now and shitting on the reputation of people who did something worthwile. Don't be a prick.
re: Southie
By RXSouthie
Tue, 12/21/2004 - 6:55am
everyone needs a dose of southie...best place I've experainced yet throughout Boston. No one fake and uptight over there, 100% real soul and very down to earth.I come from NY, but I've adapted well right into Southie's armsone luv
re: Southie
By Kathleen
Wed, 01/05/2005 - 4:56pm
hey i read the Book all souls by Michael Patrick MacDonald....dude i would like to live there..im 100% irish and i like how everyone got along and stood up for eachother..so the people writing shit in here are just jealous they cant live there
re: Southie
By from southie 101
Wed, 01/12/2005 - 9:02pm
First of all I'm from southie and do luv it, but I don't like seein all you ganstas out there that think your black. U can listen to rap but do'nt go rappin about bein Irish or nothin cuz that just doesn't make make sense. Like a lot of other people on this page have said, most of you have money and live in good homes. Don't be afraid to be real. No offense but I really don't like kids who get all cocky and think there tough cuz they can act black. And don't get me wrong Southie is my home and i give it props but there's alot ofmisguided people in it.
re: Southie
Sun, 01/16/2005 - 3:51pm
I was in boston this past nov. southie was great and every irish and bostoian I met were very welcoming and helpful.IHAD A GREAT TIME AND WILL GO ASAP. The only people that rude were black who grew up there not immigrants.
re: Southie
By irish3
Thu, 03/17/2005 - 5:20pm
To my homies.yo dont let outsiders violate our block and what not. the outsiders are the yuppies and anyone who is not irish. R.I.P liam
re: Southie
By celtic
Thu, 03/17/2005 - 5:44pm
Hey im Irish American lookin to live in southie.How much is it for a apt in southie.
re: Southie
By irish3
Sat, 04/16/2005 - 4:48am
yo yall cant see what there doin they trying to get rid of are community to make it a middle class one so that means for us poor irish we will become home less juss like what new york did to hell's kitchen a irish lower class it's cause where white and boston dont want to look racist if they do it to a black or latin one.
re: Southie
By Stuck in the 'burbz
Wed, 06/08/2005 - 8:39pm
I'm looking to move to southie... stuck in the suburbs for now, sick of this yuppie crap I was raised into... Half-Irish... any advice?
re: Southie
By me
Sun, 06/19/2005 - 2:09am
irish pride
re: Southie
By B
Tue, 06/21/2005 - 2:39pm
Excuse me. Not all of us were born with a golden spoon in our mouths or handed everything to us by our Mommy's and Daddy's. I am a college educated student of an Ivy League school of Boston and earned my way there by hard work, a full time job since the age of 16, and have always staying true to my native home. There is nothing wrong with Dorchester, Southie, or any of the other neighboring towns around us. Grant it, we all have our feuds and town rivalries as you all do out there. Also, just to clarify, not all of us are Irish, though many are, and those who actually care about "street credit" are the ones who need to learn how to grow up. (And Southie is not the only place in which that exists.) How about you wake up to America and the issues that surround what is going on in our world today because of hatred, biggotry, and poverty. You should use some of your Connecticut money out of your "village" home, with your beamer in your driveway and golden retriever in your front yard which you pay others to mow, and put it to good use such as the education of this country. Thank you. Originally from Dorchester and proud of it!
re: Southie
By person
Sat, 09/17/2005 - 12:07am
i was born and raised in southie and i love it here to death but this town is dying away and so are the people. there is nothing to be proud of anymore and there is nothing to be loyal to. why don't all you kids go to school and get a job and have something to truly be proud of.
re: Southie
By Someone
Mon, 10/03/2005 - 10:26am
Ok I've lived in southie my entire life and listenin to all of these kind of makes me laugh. i recently had to move and it's killin me all I want to do is go home! Someone commented on how all Irish Americans think they are God's gift and how we're all white trash umm yea i don't think so! Being an Irish American i can say one thing I'm from American unlike this guy who says that he just grew up in Boston sorry but then you're not really a bostonian. give me a break we are absolutely not white trash! Southie kicks ass however!
re: Southie
By Jim
Tue, 10/25/2005 - 6:13pm
How many of the Southie locals who are so proud to be Irish have actually visited Ireland?
re: Southie
By om
Fri, 10/28/2005 - 11:30pm
I grew up in the housing projects of South Boston during the tough years of busing and widespread racism throughout the city. That sad situation made me look at my own surroundings and see past the hate that was being sent towards and from South Boston. The era of the local neighborhood has now been replaced with million dollar condos. Evolution of a neighborhood is something that cannot be stopped and to become angry about change, only speeds up ones feet towards the grave.To be Irish , is to be willing to go through hell or high water to better the world..anyone remember the book "How the Irish saved Civilization" by Thomas Cahill? read it....Dig down deep when judged...dont hate others and most important..dont hate yourselves....Southie may change and become another Back Bay....but....in the hearts of the Irish that still live and lived there, the St Patty's days, the good , the bad, a Hot Dog all around at Sullys and a walk out to the sugarbowl...that is where the spirit of the Irish live....the name calling. the insults, all are such wastes of time. Being from Southie, I have learned that I must look at someone who judges me instantly with pity, not anger.......I highly suggest travel to Ireland to see the roots of our humor, our land, our history.peace to you all......poi.
re: Southie
By Johnny Mc.
Sat, 10/29/2005 - 12:43am
The only comment I've read that has made any sort of sense was the previous one by poi......my sentiments exactly. I grew up in the lower end and now live up the point. Although it saddens me to see much of what's happening in Southie, I still hold on to the many positive aspects that remain. Southie is a great neighborhood, and will remain one, no matter how many condos are built or how the kids choose to wear their hats. Ignorance, as always, is our only enemy. Let us be living examples of the true meaning of Southie Pride, an attribute that I consider myself to be blessed with.
re: Southie
By from ireland
Wed, 11/09/2005 - 1:55pm
im from ireland i live in dublin and i do be so proud when people that r only half irish say they are proud!!im only 15 and i am very proud to say im irish!!you cant beat the irish!!!IRELAND IRELAND IRELAND.
re: Southie
By Jennie Leeds
Mon, 11/21/2005 - 10:14pm
Having lived in both The Republic of Ireland, as well as the occupied counties of Ulster, I can honestly say that none of my experiences over there prepared me for what I encountered when I moved to South Boston. What swill. What trash. How dare you call yourself Irish? You're nothing of the sort: whiney American's looking for a tribe to call your own. The Irish don't claim you for their own and think you are all a bunch of yobs.Want to save your neigbourhoods and ways of life? Get an education. Get a decent job. Earn your right to stay in your neigbourhood(s) by playing the game. Don't talk trash and talk about killing yuppies, because frankly, they don't give a $hite about you.
re: Southie
By Chezwinks
Tue, 11/22/2005 - 12:52pm
Southie is the place where I like to enjoy good spicy bloody mary, horror movies, my neices and nephews, drag queens, vintage clothes, shopping alone, concerts,Sex and the City, cuddling on the couch when it's raining out, the beach, Pearl Jam, oh and PDA ( I think it's cute)
re: Southie
By Chezwinks
Tue, 11/22/2005 - 1:03pm
Southie is the greatest place in the world. Everyone there is sarcastic during thunderstorms, and that turns me on!
re: Southie
By Dave
Tue, 11/22/2005 - 1:05pm
i hate people that dont know anything about sports and then recite word forword what was written in the herald but they will mispronounce someonesname.it's ok if you dont know much about sports really
re: Southie
By Laldo
Wed, 11/23/2005 - 1:30pm
Southie is wicked awesome, everybody knows they got the best aluminum cans.Editor's note: This message has been translated into English from my native language, Mutish.
re: Southie
By sid walsh
Thu, 12/01/2005 - 7:46pm
I was born up on A street, raised up on B street, Southie is my home town!!!
re: Southie
Thu, 12/08/2005 - 8:55pm
I love southie 331 E street
re: Southie
By Kemo Sabay
Sun, 01/15/2006 - 11:10am
Well, after reading the first 20 or so of the posts I get the impression that all is not well in Southie..wherever the hell that is, Boston Massawhatsit!Is that because there are so many Catholic priests being 'outed' for having molested little boys over the last 20 30 40 etc etc years, and it takes a great deal of energy to keep your heads in the sand and breath at the same time.Also I wonder what the Americans (NavahoMenominee, Passamaquoddy, Penobscot et al) think about your claim to their land?? Who the hell invited you in the first place? Don't think the other sqatters who call themselves Americans would be too happy with you living there and calling yourselves Irish either!!Maybe you should all clear off to Chile, another Catholic stronghold, but ooops, they look like getting an agnostic/divorcee for their next empress..oh my! Light them bonfires, quick.
re: Southie
By philly79
Wed, 02/01/2006 - 4:31pm
I live in DC and am going to be in Boston for Patty's Day 2006 with friends. Should we hit bars in Southie for Patty's Day? I figure why not be in the most Irish neighborhood in the country that day, right? Any suggestions for good Southie Irish bars? Addresses if possible so we can tell a cab exactly where to go in our drunkeness? Also, how many T stops in Southie? any?
re: Southie
By Adam
Fri, 02/03/2006 - 10:10pm
Change is inevitable. It's happening in Southie, as well as my own beloved Savin Hill. In the long run, it's a change for the better. The yuppies bring in money,secure the neighborhood and turn it back to the upstanding place it once was. You will have to adapt or move. Ecenomic DarwinismI read about the hardasses like Rooster, Sean Foley? Heh. I know a few of the older thugs, and you know what? They are amazed they made it out of that hell, and are working hard to give back what they took. Their friends? Dead, in jail or missing.The yuppies are here to stay. Their taxes make Boston a better city. You wannabe tough guys do not.You detract from your surroundings.It doesn't really matter.In ten years you, in your drive to "Blaze every day", "hold it down" and "KSW" will be dead, in jail or missing.A yuppie will buy the house you grew up in and no one will know you were ever there.
re: Southie
Tue, 02/07/2006 - 10:23pm
Hey i got some advice for you. If your not from southie then dont leave broadway on St. Patties day or you will most def. get your ass kicked.
re: Southie
By wjdavis
Sat, 03/04/2006 - 2:15am
Another Southie girl here. Grew up in D St. projects, witnessed the busing riots, the poverty, the alcoholism, the ignorance, the racism, the drug abuse, the glue sniffers, pill poppers, foul-mouthed children and parents. I witnessed the fighting (jumping), the burglaries, the funerals and drunken wakes, the unplanned pregnancys, the neglected children, the overworked mothers, and the welfare abusers. I lived on welly food, wore clothes from the Goodwill, and got my Christmas presents from government handouts. Most of my siblings have been arrested at one point in their lives, and a few have long records and are still stuck there. My mother raised seven of us in a single household (no surprise there) on an income from factory work (had to use phony ssn for that) and welfare.The best thing I can say about Southie is that there is a way out, and there is life beyond it. The experience made me appreciate soooo much of my life now. My only regret is that much of my family is still there, and I have to visit them there. Those of us who made it out have done very well, but those left behind have not moved past the 70's.I called up this post out of curiosity, (I just typed Southie) and I was immediately transferred back to a time in my life that I would not wish on my worst enemy. Southie will claim your very soul if you let it. If anyone reading this has ANY way out, please take it. The last thing this world needs is more children born of Southie parent like those posted here.Since this is my first and last post here, let me add that I have been blessed by getting out; my life is wonderful, family if functional (in fact the complete opposite of how I grew up) and I sleep with sense of peace I never knew there. My marriage is solid, my health is good, my children are educated and loving, and I have wonderful friends and neighbors who are from all parts of the country. I may not be wealthy, but I have love, compassion and respect for others. I try to make the world a better place, not "my" place. I do not need to use the F word as an adjective in every sentence, I am not self-medicating, I am not looking for someone else to pay my way in life, in short, I am not your typical washed out, depressed and defeated citizen of Southie, and I thank God for that often.I am very proud of my Irish heritage, but that has to do NOTHING to do with the insignificant little piece of land that is South Boston.Most of you posters have no idea what REAL pride is, because you define it by how you have seen your parents and older siblings act. (possessive,self-righteous, bullying, demanding and oblivious of what it is they are trying to hold on to)If you are a Southie lifer, you never had a chance, but believe me, it is never too late. Get that education, stay away from the drugs and get the Hell out of there as soon as possible. Do it for yourself, your children, and society as a whole.
re: Southie
By a real proud I...
Sat, 03/04/2006 - 11:32am
Re: Posted by wjdavisMarch 4, 2006 02:15 AM:You are an example of what a "Proud Irish" should be....There were a few other quality posts too.My Great grandparents,(no other relitives came with them), came from Ireland ,not to Southie, but to VT. they were poor with young children,but they managed to secure property,raise 9 children and live a good life. Their children and they, worked hard, long hours,to achive what they had. They didn't get welfare,etc. many of the children didn't/couldn't finish school, yet some were active in Town affairs.Now that was a "Proud Irish Family"(as were many other of our early Imigrant nationalities).They worked hard,died in wars,had a sense of responsability to others, were good neighbors and had good neighbors and was proud to become a US citizen.As far as I could see, most of the neg. Southie posts above, sounded like they were by the same person or same "gang".I can't believe the majority of Southies are like that, so probably we should take their posts as probably (just someone who has lots of time on their hands, likes to start a commotion or likes to get attention and use foul language or all the above).
re: Southie
Sun, 03/05/2006 - 3:05pm
You can take the boy out of Southie but you can't take the Southie out of the boy. First, let's correct a few things.Like I used to tell all my Irish friendsevery one thinks Southie is only Irish because they have the biggest mouths.;-)Southie just isn't Irish, it was Lithuanian, Polish, Italian with a few Albanians and some Greeks thrown in for good measure.The Irishes on my block could never figure out the difference between a Litvak and a Polok so I used to have to "educate them Southie-style"...oh, by the way, back in the day, that was with fists and nothing else....Back during the busing days, every one idolized the Irish mob gangsters...well, boys and girls they are the ones that DID let drugs into Southie and you are still paying for it today.Southie needs change for sure...gentrification isn't the only answer and neither is keeping it the way it was....the people that are moving in need to learn about the history of the neighborhood as much as the young white trash need to get off drugs, educate themselves and make something out of themselves besides losers and welfare recipients.The old family homestead in Southie is still in my families' hands. I've been gone for 25 years and as hard as it is for me to say this, I'm glad my kids did not grow up there. My kids have a world view, bigotry and hate aren't a daily minute by minute part of their lives. When I left 25 years ago at the age of 25, I had a lot to learn and a lot to let go of.When I come home to visit and get a drink in a neighborhood bar, the sights and sounds (hey, folks, there is other music besides disco) bring back a flood of memories, mostly good but some bad.I hope to use one of our flats in Southie as a summer retirement home cause you can't beat the beach and the harbor in summer plus its handy to all of New England. Those of us that "escaped" all need to someday try to give back...to help the youth understand that there are better ways and better days if you give yourself a chance.....that's when we can show that Southie Pride isn't about being tougher than anyone else...its about love of neighborhood and being educated and smarter....
re: Southie
By fitzy
Mon, 03/20/2006 - 12:27am
im 100% Irish and southie sounds like a great place to me, mass rep
re: Southie
By B-Irish
Fri, 03/24/2006 - 11:03am
I love southie, but we spend to much time fighting eachother when there are greater wars going on, if yuppies keep moving into Boston it want be southie anymore. We spend our time fighting with our brothers!we need to unite with places like Charlestown and somerville and take back our nieghborhoods, how funny that those are the ctiies of the irish Mob so lets return to our roots, and unite The Boston irish, just as the Irish want the North back. take back your hood......kill a yuppie
re: Southie
By Cz
Wed, 03/29/2006 - 8:06pm
wake up yo! you cant get rid of the yuppies, you cant unite with other towns, and you cant reclaim your neighborhoods because you have no solidarity! any sort of vigilantism aimed towards rich people living in southie will get you beat down by the cops 10 times worse than any thing to do with the blacks might. stop blaming people for your own plight. try not hanging out on street corners 7 days a week. welfare is quickly begining to fade out and so are you.
re: Southie
By dimaggio
Mon, 04/10/2006 - 11:46pm
born and raised up the point 6th street between i and k have a love hate relationship with it... ran those streets for alot of years had to get out .. has taken a turn for the worst there is alot of confused teenagers on those street corners.
re: Southie
By 1978 340 1011
Fri, 04/21/2006 - 10:49am
i would die for southieFor souhie, For southieThy glory is oun own
re: Southie
By person
Sat, 04/29/2006 - 4:11pm
alot of you arent even full irish, just part.
re: Southie
By ryan l
Mon, 05/01/2006 - 2:12pm
wattup ive lived in southie since day 1 and im now locked up at harvard street.I hope yobe home soon.
re: Southie
By Irishmen
Wed, 05/10/2006 - 11:34am
Three cheers to the boys from kerry and to the boys from New York, but the boys who beat the black n tans were the boys from county cork
re: Southie
By Shamrock Films...
Thu, 06/15/2006 - 1:53am
Here is the opening excerpt from our film Danny Boy that's in pre-production in Southie. It sums up a lot of the posts here.------------Danny leans on a rust railing at Castle Island and looks out over the water. Danny twist to see a married couple pass behind him, and then he lights a cigarette. (Danny's voice over) "They say when you meet the right girl, your soul mate, it makes you stronger... a better man. But I don?t know if that was ever possible for me. You see, I was raised in Southie.Where cloths are green, and the junkies fein... ready to take your hard-earned roll.Where yuppies move in only to live in sin... to find they've lost their soul.Where fathers booze and beat kids with shoes... because love they do not know.Where bars are loud, and mother's proud... bury sons in a six-foot hole.
re: Southie
By All Souls Fan
Thu, 06/15/2006 - 5:06pm
After reading All Sould I have full respect for SOuthie I just want everyone to be careful!
re: Southie
Tue, 06/20/2006 - 8:17am
Whats is sad about all of these posting are they are from people who are never going to leave there. I grew up in "Southie" and was into all the bad shit like everyone else. The truth is I got out and the rest of my friends are all dead or dying. Its cool right now, lets get high, shoot up, cause trouble, jump people. Come 10 years from now when your friends are hanging themselves and ODing on herion, its not going to seem such a cool place to grow up. I have lived in 4 states all big cities and I have and probally never will see so much suicide in one small community. Here is some "Southie" advise, GET EDUCATED AND GET OUT!!!!!Miss you Sean, Roo, Dwayne, Kevin, PJ, Bill, Jay RIP!
re: Southie
Tue, 06/27/2006 - 6:12pm
Southie R.I.P-----I'm blessed to have grew up in Southie! Southie people aren't racist @ heart. Bussing divided, polarized, and demonized the town. Turned us into something we weren't/aren't. Segregation is wrong but the experiment they pulled with us (bussing), was wrong (to say the least). Most things forced are noo good!There is no more "Southie"! It's now "SoBo". Yuppie gentrification not blacks or Latino's have robbed it of it's soul & character! The "limosine liberals" played, black/white against eachother like pawns on a chess board. We have more in common with our brown brothers in roxbury than the souless yuppies! Michael MacDonalds book All Souls was filled with half truths and exagerations. He didn't tell it like it is or was. And his lies caused alot of pain to be relived!Toicfaidh Ar La!
re: Southie
By Laura
Wed, 07/19/2006 - 7:34am
I Laura here from Dublin Ireland Born and Bred. Not half not quater - all Irish. Can you tell me SAOIRSE what in MP McDonalds book was a lie? I am just intrested. Also juddging by the language of the boards some of you do seem to think you are black. Speak english correctly or is that no black enough for you.
re: Southie
By Amy
Mon, 08/07/2006 - 12:48pm
My father grew up in southie. Does anyone know Frank Sances or sometimes he was called Bud or Buddy.I also have an aunt and uncle and cousins from there. Amy and Tav Capellano. does anyone remember these names.
re: Southie
By Thomas R. Blan...
Mon, 08/21/2006 - 10:42pm
Hello the Irish a friends,I am a Greek man living on a the South Side of Chicago and all I have to say is that a the some bozos clown up there said that there was no Irish place like the Southie and now that is a the yoopies that there ain't no Irish place like it no more. Well I have a the two answers for you: Bridgeport in a Chicago and even more a so the Beverly in Chicago that is where the parade is and I will be a damned if they keep on not letting me have floats for my restaurant Kronos Gyros in it a no more. Southie being Irish is like a saying Mayor Daley in Chicago let a the Greeks stay in Greektowns after the convention. To quote a the Hawk Harrelson of former Red Sock fame "We gone."Peace outs Outhie you have a nice run.
re: Southie
By Tim
Fri, 10/27/2006 - 10:52am
SOUTHIE IS THE BEST PLACE TO LIVE EVER! Its is the greatest place on earth. it makes you strong and skilled. fuck anyone who hates it. Love it or we'll kick ur ass!
re: Southie
By MaryE
Wed, 11/01/2006 - 10:59am
I moved from Souhthie recently. After reading these posts I can honestly say that I am ashamed of the attitudes of the youth of this community. This is a different Southie than the one I knew.
re: Southie
By wanabe
Sun, 12/03/2006 - 9:50pm
i miss the good old days @connollys whatever happen to the old crew the foleys the selter girls billy brennick mikey t and pam sansone the leclairs ??????? we all know what eddie mac turned into
re: Southie
By chip
Wed, 01/10/2007 - 3:30pm
Funny, I only have fond memories of my hometown; I have been called (not by my homies}) a racist, homophobe and a bigot........ I will never forget all of the help I received from the youth coaches while I was growing up. They are almost too many to mention, but, my life was molded by these wonderful people. They were liths and poles and irish and like me Italians. South Boston is not a town it is a spirit. When I meet people, I know who I am and what I stand for. Fairness and being proud of my heritage..Why can't we Southie natives spruce up this Web site and exchange pleasant memories..
re: Southie
By oi
Wed, 01/31/2007 - 1:35pm
If you are going to talk about having any measure of pride in south boston or your people, then act like a proud upstanding member of society and not an ignorant punk. Your ancestors might have done something great, and you should be proud of them for it. Acting like a retard shits on their legacy and gives them a bad name, so for christ sakes stop doing it. Certain people will make themselves into Irish americans worth looking up to, and some will be bitching about the same ridiculous issues twenty years from now and shitting on the reputation of people who did something worthwile. Don't be a prick.
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