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Christy Mihos

By adamg - 10/19/06 - 7:37 pm

Joe Dwinell is posting away.

By adamg - 10/19/06 - 6:06 pm

Mihos comes out against the tollbacks on the turnpike as a cheap political trick.

Elias calls it electoral blackmail. Berto thinks eliminating the tolls is a great idea, but predicts the plan will die when Patrick wins.

By adamg - 10/4/06 - 3:09 pm

From televised debates, that is. Greater Boston's Emily Rooney is among the media honchos who've put together gubernatorial debates this year and she says enough is enough: The fringe candidates have had their say, now it's time for Healey and Patrick to go at it mano a mano:

... After four attempts to "do the right thing", the media consortium needs to "do the gutsy thing" and pull the plug on Mihos and Ross for the November 1st debate so voters can hear what the two real contenders, Deval Patrick and Kerry Healey, have to say, unencumbered by a sideshow.

By adamg - 10/4/06 - 10:19 am

Missed the debate? Listen to it.

Miss Kelly sums it up. Patrick:

... Sure talks a lot about sound bites for someone who doesn't like sound bites.

On Blue Mass. Group, Charley on the MTA summarizes the debate and invites Grace Ross to become a Democrat.

By adamg - 10/3/06 - 1:28 pm

The Herald's Kimberly Atkins breaks the news that one of the Healey Three, Sen. Steven Baddour of Methuen, made secret committments to the Healey campaign to help her out should his man, Tom Reilly, lose the primary. Atkins reports on her blog that she came to work this morning to find three more voicemails confirming her account.

By adamg - 10/1/06 - 10:15 am

Latest poll shows Patrick still way, way up - with high unfavorables for Healey. Political Intelligence has more.

Matt Margolis on Hub Politics, retorts that the meetings prove Patrick will just be a rubber stamp and seems relieved that Patrick finally admits there might be cases in which he'd want to raise taxes.

By adamg - 9/27/06 - 3:49 pm

Who knew Jon Keller and Christy Mihos were so tight that Keller would bare his teeth at Hub Politics for suggesting that Mihos is really just a Patrick sock puppet? Keller's exact words about the Hub Politics musings (that Mihos is running only to help Patrick so Patrick can re-appoint Mihos to the turnpike board; with the tie being a lawyer who helped Mihos in his turnpike court case who is now Tim Murray's spokesman):

By amusings - 9/27/06 - 7:23 am

So this morning my husband tells me he saw a tv commercial last night for Christy Mihos for Governor. He was somewhat surprised that it was aired on TV. So we went to his website to see it, and it is right there on the front page.

By adamg - 9/26/06 - 9:23 am
By adamg - 9/25/06 - 7:26 pm

On Blue Mass. Group, David liveblogged the debate.

Hub Politics says Patrick failed to shine and that the main act was the sparring between Mihos and Healey.

Timmah: Deval Patrick has got to love Christy Mihos right now.

By adamg - 9/12/06 - 12:58 pm

Much gnashing of teeth among the local blogocracy over the recent gubernatorial endorsements of the two local dailies - Globe for Patrick and Herald for Reilly:

By adamg - 9/7/06 - 7:39 am

Kimberly Atkins provides highlights from a debate in Roxbury last night. Kerry Healey was a no-show.

By adamg - 9/6/06 - 3:56 pm

Yes, even Grace Ross. MassINC has posted transcripts and audio of interviews with all the candidates.

By adamg - 7/13/06 - 8:18 am

Andy at Mass. Revolution Now posts notes from an environmental forum last night.

By adamg - 6/11/06 - 9:14 pm

Michael Feldman surveys all the candidates running for governor this year and gets depressed:

... Speaking as a political tout, we can't work up a single calorie of heat over any of these morons. What do they all have in common? Money, ego, ambition, good suits and expensive haircuts, with the exception of Ms. Ross.

By adamg - 5/18/06 - 10:37 pm

Blue Mass. Group has notes on the debate. Also on the Democratic side, Sco provides some thoughts. Hub Politics provides the non-Mihos Republican view.

The Globe's Political Intelligence has excerpts here and here.

By adamg - 5/16/06 - 10:39 am

The wife of the guy who registered the domain at the center of the dispute between the Mihos campaign and Hub Politics replies to the Hub Politics folks in this comment.

Mass. Marrier has some additional thoughts.

By adamg - 5/13/06 - 10:36 pm

The Margolis brothers at Hub Politics are getting support from unusual quarters in its fight with the Mihos campaign, which tried to shut the blog down over its comments about a Web site that may or may not have been owned by the Christy's Market company.

Mass. Marrier, about as far to the left as Hub Politics is to the right, comes to the site's defense:

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