16 years 7 months

My comments and posts

My comments
Post date Comment Article Comments New
6/30/16 - 8:15 am You also miss the point Don't be shocked if the electric-vehicle crowd gets touchy about its parking spaces 87
6/28/16 - 1:18 pm Hey! Train gives up ghost at Alewife; for riders, it's their morning strife 4
6/24/16 - 10:31 am They tried Charlie now rides forever 'neath the streets of Cambridge thanks to the Red Line 7
6/22/16 - 8:45 am What the... Firefighters rescue person in Charles River near Mass. Ave. bridge 5
6/21/16 - 3:43 pm I dunno Walsh reviving Little City Halls, but with a new name 14
6/18/16 - 3:12 pm A new future for Adam? Impending TV station has ideal job for social-media newshound with no life 16
6/16/16 - 8:24 am Not always What lies beneath 45
6/15/16 - 7:47 am Whoda thunk It's a grand old flag - a really, really old flag 5
5/26/16 - 7:54 am Demise of the Phoenix Boston's live-music scene in trouble? 76
5/24/16 - 11:04 pm Snapped a short video of it The bubbliest bus stop in Boston 6
5/13/16 - 11:34 am Traffic? Large Dot Ave. project gets BRA nod 15
5/13/16 - 11:12 am Excelt that Residents of 12-story luxury building on Greenway object to proposed 13-story hotel 9
5/8/16 - 9:34 pm Indeed Board rejects Starbucks in City Point 84
5/8/16 - 9:31 pm Did it work? Keolis to scrutinize commuter-rail tickets at South Station in evening rush; says it will try to avoid gumming up the commute 39
5/4/16 - 2:50 pm Mahty Mayor: City Point has enough coffee shops 108
5/4/16 - 2:46 pm Is it worth it Precariously balanced Dewey Square building goes for $139 million 6
5/4/16 - 12:29 pm $$ Chain of high-end steakhouses to open waterfront outlet 26
5/4/16 - 12:25 pm Consumer decide? Mayor: City Point has enough coffee shops 108
4/26/16 - 1:22 pm Here's a better idea Keolis looks at a 'ring of steel' to crack down on commuter-rail fare evaders 110
4/25/16 - 10:09 am What's in a name In media mess: New paper couldn't have chosen a different name? 17
4/22/16 - 1:56 pm bummer It's curtains for last downtown fabric store 22
4/22/16 - 1:15 pm yep New newspaper in Back Bay, South End looks a lot like the old one 3
4/22/16 - 1:13 pm New name same problem? Jerry Remy's in the Fenway shuts again, apparently for good this time 13
4/22/16 - 10:48 am ditto Just in time for the evening rush hour, lights at two stations lost their power 6
4/22/16 - 10:40 am Other options? It's curtains for last downtown fabric store 22
4/22/16 - 7:56 am BRA? Suffolk Construction seeks to expand Roxbury headquarters 3
4/14/16 - 12:13 pm Ditto Massholes know train-crossing warning lights never really mean anything 91
4/13/16 - 8:46 am small fights Just no: Boston does not have a neighborhood called Innovation Crossing, so stop that right now 39
4/13/16 - 8:43 am ahhh MBTA Marathon Monday details 8
4/12/16 - 3:00 pm Kind of Whoa: Verizon to bring FiOS to Boston 69
4/9/16 - 1:06 pm idiots East Boston condos approved after owner removes three-bedroom units to keep students away 26
4/8/16 - 9:48 am Construction City of Cambridge gridlocked 41
4/7/16 - 2:16 pm Well, No. Fired worker tries to kill man who fired him, fails, shoots self to death 30
4/5/16 - 1:50 pm That was a nice building Nothing beats a Fisk tire 19
4/5/16 - 8:55 am Agreed New downtown skyscraper would add swoops to Boston skyline 59
4/4/16 - 2:14 pm Who's viewing who? Old downtown nightclub to be replaced by new 30-story building - but facade would remain 17
3/25/16 - 1:11 pm Indeed Fire in a BU recording studio goes to three alarms 9
3/24/16 - 2:01 pm nah World Shaving Headquarters to be joined by World Diesel Locomotive Headquarters 24
3/24/16 - 1:15 pm Interesting... World Shaving Headquarters to be joined by World Diesel Locomotive Headquarters 24
3/14/16 - 2:17 pm When it's convenient 'At least she has a kitchen again' 38
3/11/16 - 7:40 am What's in a name Shell shock: Malden breakfast eatery sued over egg-based name 31
3/11/16 - 7:33 am Very silly Walsh moves to restore high-school cuts - partly at expense of expanded advanced work in lower grades 34
3/9/16 - 11:10 am Or Quincy bank robber might have ties to South Boston 28
3/8/16 - 9:47 am Yah, but T fares going up July 1 149
3/2/16 - 8:44 am hmmmm City orders shortening of the St. Patrick's parade again, even with no snow on the ground 68
3/1/16 - 10:34 pm Barcalounger. City orders shortening of the St. Patrick's parade again, even with no snow on the ground 68
3/1/16 - 1:33 pm It is until it isn't Shots fired in the Fenway 19
3/1/16 - 1:30 pm $$ Oops: Engineering goof delays work on Comm. Ave. bridge over turnpike, but that's good news for turnpike drivers 15
2/29/16 - 8:22 am Thanks State considers whether to let Children's Hospital build over garden 11
2/26/16 - 1:33 pm Cars Groups move to save Northern Avenue bridge - and not just by dumping its remains in East Boston 37


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