17 years 11 months

This once-great website has turned into a propaganda site. I used to be proud to direct people here. No longer.

My comments and posts

My comments
Post date Comment Article Comments New
4/18/17 - 9:02 am C'mon, MC New York Times only hurts itself when it tries to speak Boston English 36
4/15/17 - 9:17 pm Me, Too Hey, Brooklyn, match this: Somerville now has an oatmeal restaurant 16
4/15/17 - 11:12 am Reminds Me... Hey, Brooklyn, match this: Somerville now has an oatmeal restaurant 16
4/13/17 - 7:07 pm Adam's Rhymes... Do Orange Line delays bother this tabby? Will he whine and get all crabby? 30
4/13/17 - 6:58 pm Well... We don't want to worry your aunt, but there's a dead train at Ashmont 4
4/13/17 - 5:45 pm I Love Cats Do Orange Line delays bother this tabby? Will he whine and get all crabby? 30
4/13/17 - 1:41 pm *cringe*? J. Geils dies 14
4/12/17 - 5:28 pm Ignorant Bastards The Swan Boats return to the Public Garden 22
4/12/17 - 12:28 am Magnificent Band J. Geils dies 14
4/6/17 - 10:57 am What Causes That? Car goes up in flames on the Expressway 4
4/5/17 - 5:19 pm The Next Thing You Know... Dorchester billiard parlor behind the eight ball over unlicensed food, beer and smoking 11
3/26/17 - 11:30 am Ah! The things you learn when you fall on the Green Line tracks at Park Street 8
3/25/17 - 11:10 pm Not Necessarily The things you learn when you fall on the Green Line tracks at Park Street 8
2/27/17 - 3:44 pm Damned If I Know Col. Mustard, with a lead pipe, in the library 41
2/15/17 - 10:46 am Local Limitations Brighton's long bowling drought could be ending 17
2/14/17 - 9:50 pm Miss Both... Brighton's long bowling drought could be ending 17
2/6/17 - 5:49 pm The Best Dewey beats Pats 16
2/6/17 - 9:19 am You know... Duckboats on Tuesday, starting at 11 a.m. - right in the middle of a storm 56
2/4/17 - 6:18 pm The RIGHT Kind of Bowling The New York Times suddenly cares what New Englanders think about something 30
2/2/17 - 3:49 pm Government Employees & Elected Officials Not everyone from Boston walks around drinking Dunkies and shooting guns - and some are even black 47
2/2/17 - 3:33 pm Points Unknown? Police looking for guy they say keeps stealing bikes from the Stony Brook T stop 12
1/30/17 - 11:25 am Interesting Some people just a bit too stoked about marijuana in Massachusetts 9
1/28/17 - 4:08 pm Nu Pixie BC class project: Figure out how to revive historic but run-down Hyde Park theater 7
1/25/17 - 11:44 pm Actually... A request 111
1/23/17 - 10:06 pm I'm a Member MBTA approves contruction of new Mattapan station on the Fairmount Line 47
1/23/17 - 4:02 pm And BOOM MBTA approves contruction of new Mattapan station on the Fairmount Line 47
1/22/17 - 10:09 pm Suck it, Goodwill? Patriots do it again 40
1/12/17 - 7:51 am True, But... When advertisers try too hard to reach the local market 49
1/10/17 - 9:35 pm If You're Going To Do It... When advertisers try too hard to reach the local market 49
1/10/17 - 9:31 pm Long-Time Dorchester Resident When advertisers try too hard to reach the local market 49
1/3/17 - 8:58 pm Thanks, Adam Man jumps on Red Line tracks, demands T workers let him die, but they refuse 3
1/3/17 - 6:02 pm Fourth Paragraph White man in Lexington charged with throwing bananas at black neighbors' car, slashing its tires 24
1/3/17 - 10:53 am Awwww... Bun seeks way home 5
12/30/16 - 9:09 am Not As Much Fun As Scumquistador's Explanation Thundersnow! 10
12/29/16 - 11:28 am Differing View Citizen complaint of the day: The lady who drives into Dorchester to feed street cats 65
12/29/16 - 11:26 am Ah, Let's All Stay Indoors Then! Citizen complaint of the day: The lady who drives into Dorchester to feed street cats 65
12/23/16 - 1:12 pm Yesterday, Route 3 South An illuminating highway sign 21
12/23/16 - 9:36 am Blunder Buss? The guy John Adams couldn't stand 3
12/20/16 - 2:01 pm Talented Buchholz era ends 14
12/19/16 - 9:58 am Please... Bogus Harvard e-mail address used in Russian malware exploit 24
12/16/16 - 6:22 pm Old Time Pricing News you can use: Globe reports that if you go up to strangers asking where to buy pot, they'll look at you like you're nuts 54
12/16/16 - 6:10 pm Dear Wile E: As if the turkeys in Brookline weren't enough 1
12/14/16 - 11:28 am I Swear I'm Not Making This Up Ooh, it makes me wonder 19
12/14/16 - 11:24 am True Ooh, it makes me wonder 19
12/14/16 - 11:21 am Slippery Slope 93 from the south a mess; when it's fixed anybody's guess 37
12/14/16 - 11:15 am Next Door to the Ladies' Cafe... What's a lady gotta do in this town to find her own cafe? 19
12/13/16 - 6:20 pm Really Makes Me Wonder... Ooh, it makes me wonder 19
12/9/16 - 11:58 am Bizarre Man who choked, punched and slapped girlfriend objects to being told he can never contact her again; court says too bad, the order stands 27
12/2/16 - 10:03 am Glad You Corrected It Turkeys overrun Harvard Square 18
12/2/16 - 9:50 am With The RUBLE? Turkeys overrun Harvard Square 18


My articles