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In case you missed today's Senate debate, or just want to relive it

The Herald's posted a video of the Democratic debate it co-sponsored with Suffolk University.

Blue Mass. Group liveblogged it.


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Half-off Nutcracker tickets, on sale today only

Joel Brown has the details on which performances you can get the tickets for.


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Motorcycle cop injured in West Roxbury collision

Boston Police tweet the officer was struck by a vehicle on Corey Street late this morning. Corey was closed at the VFW Parkway for an investigation. No word on his condition.


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Warm gun brings no happiness for Dorchester man

Gun in the snow: Rodrigues's gun (via Suffolk County DA)Gun in the snow: Rodrigues's gun (via Suffolk County DA)
A Dorchester man will have some time to contemplate a unique achievement: He is the first person convicted by a Massachusetts jury based on evidence from a handheld thermal imager, according to the Suffolk County District Attorney's office.

Thermal imagerThermal imagerJose Rodrigues, 25, was convicted last week in Boston Municipal Court on a charge of illegal possession of a loaded handgun. When Rodigues was arrested after a chase through snowy Dorchester streets on Jan. 12, police didn't find a gun on him. But they did find a gun lying in the snow in a yard past which he'd run - after watching him apparently throw something there. Officers whipped out a Bullard TI Commander, which creates a heat image and showed the gun was still warm, meaning it had been held recently. Bullard normally sells the devices to fire departments, which use it for finding hidden fires and helping determine where fires started.

According to the DA's office, Massachusetts courts had previously rejected thermal-imaging images as evidence. In 2008, though, prosecutors succeeded in having Priam Pillai, an MIT graduate student in mechanical engineering, certified to testify as an expert witness in "heat-transfer technology."

After a four-day trial, Rodrigues was found guilty and sentenced to up to 2 1/2 years in jail.

"Television and movies can contribute to unrealistic or even impossible expectations when it comes to scientific evidence and testimony," DA Dan Conley said. "This case allowed us to go beyond the conventional and bring the cutting edge to bear."

One issue that did not come up at the trial: Whether the gun was, in fact, a gun. In recent weeks, the Massachusetts Appeals Court has thrown out a series of gun convictions because prosecutors relied on certificates from ballistics experts without calling them into court. Jake Wark, spokesman for the DA's office, said that was not an issue in the Rodrigues case - the office had an expert ready to testify, but Rodrigues's attorney agreed to accept his certification that the gun was actually a gun.


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Woman mugged while walking into her Audubon Circle building

BU Police report a woman was robbed in her vestibule at 503 Park Dr. around 8:15 p.m. on Nov. 24. Police say the woman entered the building talking on her cell phone:

Tue, 11/24/2009 - 20:15
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Final Democratic candidate debate for the US Senate special election

The final debate for the Democrats' primary election will occur this Wednesday (12/2) for one hour starting at 7 PM at the NECN studio in Newton. The Globe, WBUR, WGBH-TV, and NECN are sponsoring the debate and RD Sahl of NECN will be the moderator (Details at Blue Mass Group). You will be able to get live coverage of the debate on NECN, WGBH-TV, and WBUR.


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How the Globe is recouping the tons of money it poured into its search engine

Mac Slocum reports that when boston.com built a fancy Boston-area search engine and not all that many people actually used it, the site figured it could repurpose the thing as a platform to power its Your Town hyperlocal sites:

... Database? Targeted content? That’s search, and that's something Boston.com already had. The search platform in place had more than enough mojo to power the hyperlocal sites. All it took were a few customizations. ...


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Back Bay bank robbed

Boston Police tweet the TD Bank branch at 579 Boylston St. was held up this morning by a white male who passed a note indicating his desire for an immediate withdrawal of money that was not his.

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Missing Boston

Alex Howard moved to Washington this past summer. He likes his new home, but still pines for Boston - and compiles a list of all the things he misses (50 categories!), including:

... Jamaica Pond. Whether it was fishing, sailing, rowing, cycling, running, reading or enjoying an amble in the annual Lantern Parade, this kettlehole pond was always a joy to visit. ...


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Track Gals once again attempt to blackmail sources

Maybe I'm just bitter because I never have a clue who any of the unidentified rapscallions in columns like this are and am too lazy/uncurious to ever attempt to find out (let alone read the columns all the way to the end). But what's the point of running item after item without naming the offending parties save to blackmail their PR people into giving up juicy tidbits about other PR people's clients?


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