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Stenographic record of the last 4 public meetings of Boston City Council.

Stenographic record of the last 4 public meetings of Boston City Council.
On Mon, Oct 22, 2012 at 4:14 PM, Kathleen.Sullivan at cityofboston.gov wrote:
>…I have not yet received the Sept. 19 or Oct. 17 records due to computer problems…
>4 attachments
> cc10112012.SGSTN.SGSTN
> cc08222012.SGSTN.SGSTN
> cc09122012.SGSTN.SGSTN
> cc10032012.SGSTN.SGSTN
>Kate Sullivan
>Budget Director and Interim Staff Director
>Boston City Council
>Boston City Hall
>Boston, MA 02201



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North End, Hanover St, tree snaps and falls on SUV


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Boston City Council redistricting: Dividing neighborhoods. Again.

I love my house. It’s a wonderful spot in a wonderful neighborhood. My neighbors and I watch out for one another. We bring over cookies and attend on another’s parties. We have neighborhood gatherings. We decorate for Halloween. We all vote. In droves. We take our community and our civic responsibilities seriously. It’s a fantastic neighborhood.

While we view ourselves as one neighborhood — our elected officials do not. They continue to “redraw” us into new political districts every opportunity they get. And they do it with an eye toward their own interests — not to the interests of this amazing neighborhood.

The Boston City Council will be voting on a final redistricting map this Wednesday October 31st. The latest proposal gaining momentum would remove two precincts Ward 19 Precinct 7 (Forest Hills, Arboretum, Bourne area) and Precinct 12 (another large section of the Bourne area) out of Jamaica Plain and that is one precinct too many!

Please contact your district Councilor and 4 at-Large Councilors to make sure that they will vote against such a plan.

As someone who lives in Ward 19/precinct 12, I’m personally incredibly upset that our precinct continues to be “traded” around as if there were no impact on my neighbors’ lives.



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Mitt Romney and his Education Legacy in MA

During the final presidential debate, Romney boasted that MA is a leader in education and number one in the country.

MR. ROMNEY: — just about education, because I’m — I’m so proud of the state that I had the chance to be governor of. We have, every two years, tests that look at how well our kids are doing. Fourth graders and eighth graders are tested in English and math. While I was governor, I was proud that our fourth graders came out number one of all 50 states in English and then also in math, and our eighth graders number one in English and also in math — first time one state had been number one in all four measures."

It is true that MA is the birthplace of public education, something Romney would gladly claim if he could. Our schools also receive one of the highest rates of funding from the federal government and spends more per student than other states. As such, our schools were number one before Mitt and after. One of the main reasons for MA’s success was its investment in early chilhood education, which Romney cut as soon as he became Governor.
In addition, something that Mitt did not claim but happened on his watch was the Unz initiative, which made bilingual education illegal and widened the opportunity Gap.



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Friends of the Library Ongoing Booksale Feature: Portuguese!

The Friends Booksale has Portuguese Books! Get them while there here!

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Each One, Teach One - Empowerment Through Education

Press Pass TV is a non-profit organization that harnesses the power of media arts to empower youth in under-served communities. In this segment, PPTV partners with the City School to take an in-depth look at an innovative education program in Haiti. Click here to check out the video!



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Skillshare: Effective Volunteer Engagement

Need volunteers to help with your charitable endeavors? Join Socializing for Justice for a Skillshare on Effective Volunteer Engagement on October 1, 6:00 - 8:30 PM.

Register at www.sojust.org - Newcomers always welcomed!

SoJust hosts events that draw progressives of all stripes that share common values but may work on different issues. We create social spaces that allow for the possibility of cross-issue connections and run a Skillshare Series, hosted by The NonProfit Center*, which increases our individual capacity for movement building.

6:00-6:30 Socializing - bring your own dinner (microwave and water cooler available)
6:30-8:30 Training and Q & A

Event fee: $10-$20 cash at the door.

Effective Volunteer Engagement
How do we attract and engage motivated volunteers who will further our charitable work? We will consider motivation, from the benefits of volunteering to our needs and the effort required to manage/support volunteers. No prior knowledge expected—We'll start with fundamentals. Participants will come away with a position description template and strategic approaches for customized volunteer recruitment and engagement.




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Aardvark Jazz Orchestra: 40th Season Opener and CD Release Party -- Oct. 3, 2012

Aardvark Jazz Orchestra: 40th Season Opener and CD Release Party, with vocalists Jerry Edwards and Grace Hughes. Wednesday, October 3, 2012, at 8:00 pm. Scullers Jazz Club, Doubletree Guest Suites, 400 Soldiers Field Road, Boston, MA 02134. Admission: $20. Reservations and information: 617-562-4111 or www.scullersjazz.com.



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Sokolow Now! in Black & White -- Sept. 15, 2012

SOKOLOW NOW! in BLACK & WHITE: an evening of three works created by Anna Sokolow; presented by the Sokolow Dance Foundation. Saturday, September 15, 8pm. Tickets: $22 general admission, $18 for students/seniors/BDA members. For advance tickets call 1-800-838-3006 or visit www.brownpapertickets.com/event/264121. Tickets also available for purchase at the box office by calling 617-358-2500 (open Wed.-Fri., 2-6 pm, and one hour before the show).

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Jobs for Justice: Building a Youth Movement

Press Pass TV is a non-profit organization that focuses on telling the stories of the community. For years, Press Pass TV has been covering the ongoing fight for more youth jobs funding. Here, we take a look at how young people across Massachusetts are using their shared battle to unite around a larger youth movement for justice.Click this link to find out more about Jobs for Justice: Building a Youth Movement


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Jobs for Justice: Building a Youth Movement

Press Pass TV is a non-profit organization that focuses on telling the stories of the community. For years, Press Pass TV has been covering the ongoing fight for more youth jobs funding. Here, we take a look at how young people across Massachusetts are using their shared battle to unite around a larger youth movement for justice.Click this link to find out more about Jobs for Justice: Building a Youth Movement



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Murders on Harlem Street

Press Pass Tv is a non profit organization that is dedicated to telling the stories of the community using film. Four young Black women were shot Sunday night August 12th while they sat in their car parked on Harlem Street in Boston. We went to Dorchester to talk to community members about how we can help stop the violence in our community. We hope that you will be able to share this story with other people who believe that it is time for a change, especially here in Boston.

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Bread & Puppet Theater: The Circus of the Possibilitarians (free outdoor show, rain or shine) -- Sunday, September 2nd, 3 pm

Bread & Puppet Theater: The Circus of the Possibilitarians. Held outdoors on Sunday, September 2nd at 3 pm on the Cambridge Common, near the intersection of Mass. Ave. and Garden St., Cambridge. Free performance [pass-the-hat donations welcome], rain or shine. For further details, call the Boston-area Bread & Puppet Theater information line 617-286-6694 or log onto www.breadandpuppet.org.

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Bread & Puppet Theater: The Circus of the Possibilitarians (free outdoor show, rain or shine) -- Sunday, September 2nd, 3 pm

Bread & Puppet Theater: The Circus of the Possibilitarians . Held outdoors on Sunday, September 2nd at 3 pm on the Cambridge Common, near the intersection of Mass. Ave. and Garden St., Cambridge, 02138. Free performance [pass-the-hat donations welcome], rain or shine. For further details, call the Boston-area Bread & Puppet Theater information line 617-286-6694 or log onto www.breadandpuppet.org.

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Crazy Khazei surfaces in Mitt Romney's entourage


Who is Crazy Khazei?


August 25, 2011



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Romney/Ryan 2012: Reducing the deficit, one 65 year old at a time

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MBTA - let your people go

Anyone want to help get the MBTA to get rid of the closed door policy on the Green Line?

Checked and no one else had set up Facebook page so I did. Welcome any and all suggestions. It's only going to get worse when school starts in the fall.

URL is www.facebook.com/MbtaLetYourPeopleGo


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Tea Party Republican Comments on Mosque burned in Joplin Missouri

Mosque burned in Joplin: Another hate crime?
Hours after the shooting in Wisconsin, a mosque burns to the ground in tornado-ravaged Joplin
By Susan Campbell


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Hate-Filled Hearts, Lie-Filled Mouths: Tea Party Comment on Oak Creek Tragedy


At least seven people, including a gunman shot by a police officer, have been killed in an attack on worshippers at a Sikh temple in the Milwaukee suburb of Oak Creek, Wisconsin, on Sunday, police said.


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The rare street signs of Boston

Adam had a post regarding the Boston neighborhood markers (http://www.universalhub.com/2012/what-happened-mar...) and I had mentioned about the old street signs that still exist in Boston, such as the one on the corner of Temple and Baker Street that still exists.

Over the past few months, however, I have been using Google Maps and Bing Maps to find pictures of the signs that still exist. They are divided into sections; simply click a point on the map, and select Street View to see the image.



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