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City's new Innovation District doesn't have high-speed Internet service

Really? Really. The Boston Business Journal reports one Waterfront landlord had to turn to an expensive wireless service for its high-tech tenants. Verizon refused to wire the area, which is what you'd expect, given its never-ending feud with Innovation District backer Tom Menino. Comcast says it will get around to it one of these days.



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This is the problem with Menino and his "visions". If he had a long term vision for South Boston waterfront to serve start ups and the creative economy, he would have been pushing for infrastructure like internet and subway (they were putting an bus in, he could have been like Somervilles maor and fought for a train). Instead, there is a silver shuttlebus that goes about 8 mph and does crazy eights to get to the airport. I worked at a startup there that left for these reasons, which is now in Kendall.
Menino is an utter failure whose only reacts (like the lack of development in that area) rather than planning for the future to be a great city.

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Ow! My foot! I've been shot!

This is one of those things that brings a huge smile to the cynics' faces.

Rather, in the words of Ted Mosby, let's "Maggie" this one - (make adjustments, go get it energized!)

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ouch. also this site is loading as fast as dialup. ironic.

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The Boston Business Journal or Universal Hub?

If the latter, I apologize - I've noticed some flakiness tonight I need to look at. But unlike the city of Boston, I'm not trying to attract cutting-edge research firms to my street :-).

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