Adam Castiglioni watched as Jane Richard of Dorchester spoke at the groundbreaking for the park to be named for her brother, Martin, who died in the Marathon bombings.
I was driving to the house I grew up in a few months ago and I saw Jane Richard walking along her front lawn like any pre-teen retrieving something from her parent's car and it reminded me of the incredible dignity and grace but also good works that have happened in the past 4 years as the result of this family operating in a manner that many could not have done when faced with this situation.
I was at the Bruins game two days after the bombings and while the anthem was nearly a holy event, chants of USA! USA! were quickly silenced by the lack of participation of the rest of the crowd.
This park will do more help than any empty yelling in a sports arena will do.
This is Boston Strong, not an ad on the side of a Pepsi Truck.
It'sgoing to be a lovely park in a very prominent place near the Children's Museum. It will get alot of use and will make many families very happy. Grace indeed.
Link isn't working
By mg
Wed, 08/16/2017 - 11:13pm
By adamg
Wed, 08/16/2017 - 11:36pm
Link fixed.
Much More Effective Than Jingoism
By John Costello
Thu, 08/17/2017 - 2:26pm
I was driving to the house I grew up in a few months ago and I saw Jane Richard walking along her front lawn like any pre-teen retrieving something from her parent's car and it reminded me of the incredible dignity and grace but also good works that have happened in the past 4 years as the result of this family operating in a manner that many could not have done when faced with this situation.
I was at the Bruins game two days after the bombings and while the anthem was nearly a holy event, chants of USA! USA! were quickly silenced by the lack of participation of the rest of the crowd.
This park will do more help than any empty yelling in a sports arena will do.
This is Boston Strong, not an ad on the side of a Pepsi Truck.
It'sgoing to be a lovely park
By Heather
Thu, 08/17/2017 - 6:28pm
It'sgoing to be a lovely park in a very prominent place near the Children's Museum. It will get alot of use and will make many families very happy. Grace indeed.