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DA: IRS agent handcuffed intern, then raped her at gunpoint in Government Center garage

An IRS agent charged with aggravated rape and other charges for an alleged attack on an intern in his office last year was released on personal recognizance today but ordered to stay away from the woman and not leave Massachusetts, the Suffolk County District Attorney's office reports.

James Clarke, 44, was formally charged with aggravated rape, indecent assault and battery, strangulation and assault and battery with a dangerous weapon for an attack on July 26, 2017, which came after the student intern accepted his offer to get a drink after work, the DA's office says. Prosecutors had asked for bail of $10,000.

[Assistant District Attorney Ian] Polumbaum told the court that Clarke spent several hours with the victim at a downtown bar. Later, when the victim was intoxicated, he offered to drive her to South Station to catch a train home.

While parked in his IRS-issued vehicle in the Government Center garage, Polumbaum said, Clarke handcuffed the woman - initially under the guise of showing her what it was like given her interest in law enforcement work. Polumbaum told the court that Clarke groped the woman, placed his service weapon in her throat, and subjected her to sexual contact against her will. Polumbaum said an additional assaultive act occurred in the car outside South Station after Clarke had driven the victim there.

Innocent, etc.

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"Ten grand and see you at Opening Day? Don't have it? Noooooo problem!"

Imagine if this piece of shit was a person of color. Think he'd be seeing ROR and such a stern warning?

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Agreed this POS sounds like a complete psycho - and should never have been allowed to walk out the door.

Horrible actions - none of them acceptable.

But why does your comment need to focus on race?

What is the goal?

Hell in this situation, I'm most concerned with the well-being of the victim.

And the prosecutor only asked for 10K bail (that is "low bail") - he would have just paid then walked anyway.

Hopefully, this lowlife will be convicted when he actually goes to trial and then to prison where he belongs.

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I am subject to the same old criticism about focusing on race. So you tell me if this guy was black and was an Uber driver in this town, think he'd get ROR and a pass like this until his eventual deal from what seems to be a very sympathetic and in no way, no way indicative of the way things have been around here DA?

Two years tops and he won't even allocute.

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again horrible allegations...$1,000 bail (and a six-month sentence) seems pretty darn low to me. no?


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He won't even what? I believe you mean he won't "allocute," or make an allocution. Are you a real lawyer or are you just playing one on the Internet? (FWIW, I agree with you on the race issue.)

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(intransitive) (facetious) to speak as if practising elocution; declaim

Just someone who has spent a shitload of time in courtrooms and around lawyers. Forgive my apparent error for not knowing the proper spelling.And let's see how much time this scumbag gets.I'll bet money he gets off easy.

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No defendant ever has to elocute, or allocute, or do anything at all. The burden is on the government to prove his guilt, not the defendant to prove his innocence.

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No previous record of violent assaults or defaulting on payments or bails/court appearances?

I'd say there is a pretty good chance he is even found not guilty, and thatmay be based more on his race.

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Actually an uber driver (using false credentials) did rape a girl going to Boston College in 2016. He was given 2500$ bail and promptly left the country and fled back to the Dominican republic. That literally was the end of the case. ;/

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In a country where a white supremacist is president and black people are given longer jail terms than white people who commit the same crimes I would say race is very often a factor and is worth discussing.

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And don't forget where women are assaulted at an alarming rate with a only a tiny fraction of perps are ever given punishment.

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Because Rostonian, our country in its past and in its current time has a provable pattern of behavior when doling out punishment to whites vs blacks when said whites and blacks committed alleged crimes. So while in this particular instance, one should not assume of course, but if the alleged rapist was black, bail would of been involved and the guy probably would not of walked away with his own personal recognizance.

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"one should not assume of course"..ok then why assume?

What does that achieve?

The focus should be on the victim, their safety and creating awareness against similar crimes - not injecting race where it was not involved in the crime.

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bu race was sure part of the punishment.

And as far as Carlos, he did two years and did not allocute either and was the first man ejected from the legislature since a white guy was kicked out in 1916.Now he's a pariah in this town and rightfully so.

Now tell me about the phalanx of lackeys trying to continue the covering of Stan Rosenberg's ass about his twink terrorizing the State House, something I even knew about years ago and was common knowledge allegedly at the House.

Think Stan will give up his seat and if he does, guess where he'll land? And if you're so concerned for the poor victim, let the DA know of your objections.No one here is denying the impact of the crimes committed against her, only saying that because of the Agent's status, she is still living in terror.

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Punishment? This is bail, not punishment. Let's see what the punishment is when (hopefully) this POS is convicted.

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Thanks for the whitesplaining.

Facts, figures, and lived reality all wither under your NO IT ISN'T "reasoning".

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Thanks for the whatifism as well.

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Is outrageous. Not even a GPS monitor? If I were the intern, I'd be out of my mind with anxiety.

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I'm not the intern, but as a woman I'm concerned about a guy who is willing to put a gun to his victim's neck is still out and about!

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Not just against her neck -- down her throat.

But I'm sure if we ask nicely, he'll be a good boy.

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As a man I too am concerned with a guy who would do this to a women, or anyone for that matter.

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This says IN her throat - meaning he put this gun in her mouth.

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bail recommendation of $10k to NOTHING without having to explain the rationale for that decision is equally outrageous.

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You still don't get it, do you.

The judge doesn't work for the prosecutor. The prosecutor is ONE of TWO parties who ASK the judge for things.

Dude, this isn't rocket science. This is fundamentally basic high school civics.

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The judge made the decision for no bail. What you commented is not relevant by any means and is obvious.

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Bet this isn't his first rape.

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I’m guessing the same. This doesn’t sound like his first rodeo.

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This is kinda a weird take away, but does the IRS normally issue weapons to agents? I figured they had a specialized division, but standard issue?

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They have a criminal investigation unit, probably the ones who would carry firearms.

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Reminds me of the movie "The Inspectors", featuring postal inspectors investigating a mail bomb. "Who are those guys?"


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He got out on Personal Recognizes for aggravated rape at gun point. Yea he's a white guy. If he looked like me there would either be No Bail or a $1 Million Bail -aka- no bail.

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Who the fuck does he know in the judge's office?

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probably the judge

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If this guy was a black uber driver from Roxbury he would be held on a half a million dollar cash bail or with no bail thats just the way it is everybody knows that!!! the fact theres no high cash bail in a violent rape charge is embarrassing also if he was a black uber driver from Roxbury and he put handcuffs on his victim trust and believe there would be a kidnapping charge thrown in there but if your employed in law enforcement agencies you can commit carjackings, rape throw racial slurs at your victims and even post it on social media like the Mass Statie and God forbid you ever get charged you can hang around your house while the case in pending while anybody else would be in Suffolk County Lock up

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Oh really?

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there should be a standard 2x or 3x multiplier on sentences for any crime committed by someone we as a society trust enough to give a service weapon

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Don't forget, bail is not intended to be punishment. If the judge determines the suspect is likely to report for trial, and is not a threat to society AT THIS MOMENT WHILE ON BAIL, then no bail may be reasonable. I have no idea how he determined that in this case, and most of you don't, either.

If there is a racial disparity in setting bail system-wide, that should be addressed. But an institutional problem has little to do with this specific case.

And finally, if he is convicted of what he's accussed of, I hope he goes away for a long time.

But as Adam likes to say, "innocent, etc".

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But the Uber driver still got a $10,000 cash bail which in his world might as well be 10 million and this guy got released with no cash bail no gps bracelet etc etc did they even make him surrender his weapon the one he forced down his victims throat??? Regardless its a double standard the games fixed and unlike the Uber driver the taxpayers will be paying this creep his $2,000 a week for the next 3 years while the case is pending and hes out on paid leave

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Why on earth does an IRS agent have a firearm?

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A woman is violently raped while a gun is shoved down her throat and some men here are mainly concerned that a black male rapist uber driver would get a longer jail sentence than a white male racist??? Are you f'ing serious!!! NO concern for the victim, just rapists' skin color. I'm pretty sure rape is rape no matter what the skin color of the rapist! Wake up to yourselves! I'm so disgusted right now.

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of course the victim is the real tragedy here especially when a person in a form of law enforcement is the perp and gets cut loose when in most of these cases the Perp is in custody after there arraignment except if your a middle aged Caucasian with a badge you are allowed to live your daily life in the comforts of your house while the victims probably suffering just as much as the night it happened cause the court system and sitting judge that day didn't treat this guy like they would a normal criminal

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