Several Boston-area Jewish groups are organizing a vigil at the Parkman Bandstand at 2 p.m. on Sunday, following today's murder of 11 by an anti-Semite with an AR-15:
We are as devastated as we are horrified. We have reached out to the Pittsburgh Jewish community to express our support. We pray that the families of the victims find comfort during this unimaginably painful time and for the full recovery of the wounded. And we offer our gratitude to the brave first responders in Pittsburgh who risked their lives to prevent further bloodshed.
In our close-knit Jewish communal world, many of us have friends and family in Pittsburgh, and know congregants at the Tree of Life Synagogue. These are our brothers and sisters, our friends, our family, and our children. ...
Anti-Semitism and hatred in its many forms are antithetical to our faith and an affront to humanity. For the victims, we will mourn. For the living, we will continue to fight for a better, more just world.
May the memories of those we lost today be a blessing.
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So you're OK with disarming this Jew?
By Roman
Mon, 10/29/2018 - 2:36pm
Or all of us?
Not my problem
By Kaz
Mon, 10/29/2018 - 3:08pm
I'm okay with changing the laws and/or Constitution so that it's illegal for you to have your firearm.
How you choose to respond to that change in the laws isn't my problem.
By Roman
Mon, 10/29/2018 - 5:29pm
Should it also be illegal for me to throw a punch in reciprocity to a physical assault?
When you need them most
By capecoddah
Mon, 10/29/2018 - 3:26pm
When you need them most, police cannot protect you.
Good point.
Not learning your lesson
By Kaz
Mon, 10/29/2018 - 10:07pm
If the police can't stop him, then a bodyguard at the door...a 90 year old with a being Mr. aren't likely to stop him either.
The time to stop this guy was far before the minute he started opening fire.
Your compensation popgun...
By lbb
Mon, 10/29/2018 - 4:09pm not gonna save you if "they" ever come for you. And you won't even scratch the paint.
thanks for the
By Luke Warm
Sun, 10/28/2018 - 11:26am
new (to me) term. stochastic terrorism.
this is a powerful definition that we very much need to understand; furthermore it provides a clear logical basis for why this violence incited by Trump.
According to on-site
By Turalura Lipschitz
Sun, 10/28/2018 - 11:48am
According to on-site reporters, and backed up by video, Trump election rallies frequently included one or more groups marching with the "blood and soil" chant -- the chant most closely associated ("Blut und Boden") with Hitler and white/Aryan nationalism. I am certain that then-candidate Trump never once said "these guys have no place in our camp." Now, being a virulent racist is not the same thing as turning a blind eye to the virulent racism of some of your supporters. But it's still pretty high up there in the list of abhorrent stuff.
Now that said, some of the stuff that Trump supporters claim is probably valid. CNN -- the shabby remnant of a formerly-respectable news network -- does go out of its way to pick at Trump. Apparently, they think that their viewership goes up when they play up controversial stuff rather than sticking to news.
And for that matter, there's a sprinkling of truth to the Herald's claim, albeit harder to discover. Those on the left who watch/listen only to the media that broadcast news they want to hear are no better off than those who get their news from Fox and Drudge.
Trump got the electoral votes, but a lot more people voted for Clinton than voted for Trump 2 years ago. If those of us on the left want to win back political control of the country, we need to do a MUCH better job of listening to those who voted for Trump and understanding their complaints. As far as I can see, there's not much of that taking place (on either side).
Nothing to understand
By anonymous person
Sun, 10/28/2018 - 12:22pm
A sizeable faction of this country feels that racism, sexism, transphobia, xenophobia, etc., is either something they support or something they're willing to overlook (which, honestly, what's the difference?).
There's nothing more I need to understand about those people. What I need to continued to address and understand is why so many people who call themselves moderates or progressives won't draw their own line in the sand and tell those people that their beliefs and hatred are completely unwelcome. Moderates and progressives need to stop making excuses for these people or pretending it's noble to "tolerate different beliefs." Bigotry is not a valid "other side of the issue" to be tolerated. It's wrong, and every time we progressives don't speak out and call it what it is, and let people know it's absolutely unwelcome, we're complicit.
When someone lets you know they're fine with bigotry, do you think it's enough to just politely express your disagreement? Because it's not. We need to be calling these people out, not making excuses for "different beliefs." We need to be standing up and saying that we will not permit supporters of bigotry in our homes, schools, houses of worship, or businesses, because we are choosing to keep them safe and respectful places. We need to choose the safety of our brothers and sisters who are of color, of minority religions, sexual minorities, with disabilities, over the supposed virtue of tolerating those who have no concern for these people's safety.
When people ask how genocidal maniacs managed to take over entire civilizations, and why "good people" just let them do it, well...
So yes, we are all responsible for Trump and for the increase in hate crimes that has occurred. We all need to step up and be responsible for stopping it.
With that attitude, there's nothing you can
By Roman
Sun, 10/28/2018 - 5:38pm
But still:
Lesson 0: border enforcement is not bigotry.
Lesson -1: borders are not bigotry.
I knew it
By capecoddah
Sun, 10/28/2018 - 6:20pm
Can't have different beliefs. Wow.
Can't even tolerate them. Just wow.
Do you tolerate Nazis?
By lbb
Mon, 10/29/2018 - 9:04am
Old-timer, I'd think you'd know better, but apparently not.
So Nazi
By erik g
Mon, 10/29/2018 - 9:55am
Such collaborator. Much dumbass. Wow.
And "lying press"
By anon
Sun, 10/28/2018 - 1:56pm
The ugly history of ‘Lügenpresse,’ a Nazi slur shouted at a Trump rally
Each of us should ask what we can do
By Roman
Sun, 10/28/2018 - 5:34pm
to lower the temperature.
What the press can do is to stop passing off transparently partisan propaganda as objective reporting. Then when someone smears them as the luggenpresse it will be easier to dismiss as nonsense. Right's not as easy to dismiss as it should be.
calling a lie a lie
By anon
Sun, 10/28/2018 - 6:01pm
is not partisan.
and they dont even do it enough. they let him get away with pretty much whatever he wants.
No but calling a truth a lie is
By Roman
Sun, 10/28/2018 - 10:09pm
So is making accusations of what is claimed to be criminal impropriety in the absence of evidence or even in the presence of evidence to the contrary.
If Trump is guilty of anything it's of refusing to politely avoid asking provocative questions that no one in the establishment has a good answer for and for being the one to call out bullshit that's there for all to see but pretend doesn't exist.
Hey Roman...
By lbb
Mon, 10/29/2018 - 10:18am
Have you stopped beating your wife yet?
Just a "provocative question". Nothing false or inflammatory about it.
"They're bringing drugs. They're bringing crime. They're rapists."
"I watched when the World Trade Center came tumbling down. And I watched in Jersey City, New Jersey, where thousands and thousands of people were cheering as that building was coming down. Thousands of people were cheering."
"According to Pew Research, among others, there is great hatred towards Americans by large segments of the Muslim population."
"I think Islam hates us. There's a tremendous hatred. We have to get to the bottom of it. There is an unbelievable hatred of us."
I can go on...
The "tone" everyone decries
By anon
Sun, 10/28/2018 - 11:49am
The "tone" everyone decries is a direct outgrowth of the power-grabbing that Republicans have been doing, most overtly lately but for decades. They don't believe in democracy. Trump is one of the builders, but not the architect.
We need to have a national
By anon
Sun, 10/28/2018 - 12:05pm
We need to have a national conversation about social media.
Trump can't
By Luke Warm
Sun, 10/28/2018 - 12:36pm
come out and credibly state unequivocally that this shooter and other lunatic soil blooders Trumpenkriegen Nazi freaks are not allowed under the umbrella of his camp because Trump has already made clear that such lunatics are in fact welcome in his arena--and he maintains that message ongoing.
It doesn't matter what the fuck he says if it is positive, and his followers know that unless he is saying something nasty he is just trying to fool the press of Western democracies--so they wait. The only thing he is ever communicating is more negativity for his camp to feast on--they know the that the "positive" message is just a temporary tissue paper for "liberal tears." The human brain has not evolved in 150 thousand years; his base is demonstrating the widespread failure of rational scientific culture to create peaceable human animals. There is a humane answer, however, but "hearing them out" is NOT it.
In terms of hearing them out--that is not something that we should ever do in earnest. They don't need to be heard. They need an economy that is robust enough that it will pacify them into ceasing to vote. And, they will stop voting entirely if they have jobs. Voting is clearly not held in the right regard by them, and they will let it go. They only view voting as another waffle stop to the neck of the most vulnerable.
The main mistake liberal culture has made is thinking that these people will ever come on board. They won't. They need to be treated like human beings. They need jobs and healthcare. Secure that for them, and you can pretty much forget about them continuing to be a political menace. They aren't cut out for politics. It's an abstraction too far from the violence of their bitter hearts.
Liberals need to stop trying to force tolerance on ignorant people and start creating an economy that can lull these nasty trolls back to the sleep of pacified infants.
Truth in darkness
By Roman
Mon, 10/29/2018 - 12:32am
Subtract out in the insults and that's been the Republican position since before Trump even thought about being Trump. Congratulations. You got there. It took 11 dead, but you got there.
Here's how I would have put it:
Liberals need to stop trying to ramrod their idea of utopia down everyone's throat and stop undermining the conditions necessary for broad-based material prosperity and social cohesion in this country so that people who think they have little to lose are few and far between. That means specifically not accusing a large chunk of the country of being ignorant, greedy, and hateful when they aren't, not mounting well-funded and slickly-produced "grass roots" campaigns to ostracize and bankrupt ordinary people for having opinions contrary to yours, and refraining for pointedly celebrating and/or hurrying along the demise of the white male heterosexual.
I have a better plan
By erik g
Mon, 10/29/2018 - 10:02am
You need to get the fuck out of threads where you're clearly out of your depth (which is to say all of them), and stop dropping what you think are truth-bombs about those terrible liberals when we're talking about a goddamn anti-Semitic massacre by a goddamn white nationalist. I've tried coming at this more circumspectly, but you clearly don't understand nuance, tone, subtext, or quite possibly the written word, so let's just lay this out in words I'm sure you can understand: you are a first-grade dumbass and a buffoon, who is hiding behind a false name and a bullshit cover story in order to spew hatred. You're doing this by banking on the generosity of spirit of a man whose religion is now openly under attack by the Trump brigade, and I honestly have no idea why he hasn't swung the banhammer your way. If this were an actual physical forum in which you were trying to get traction for your hideous ideas, you would have been physically assaulted months ago, and no one would be the least bit sorry for it. Go sell crazy somewhere else, you semiliterate piece of shit right-wing mouthpiece.
Seems I've blown your mind.
By Roman
Mon, 10/29/2018 - 3:01pm
More's the pity. About 1/3 of us Jews vote Republican. My anecdotal evidence leads me to believe it's actually a majority of Jews from the former Soviet Union.
I guess the world isn't all neat and cookie cutter. Find peace with that.
No True Scotsman Fallacy
By SwirlyGrrl
Mon, 10/29/2018 - 12:37pm
Call for "action" and incite violence.
Claim that any that do violence "can't be ours" or "didn't result from incitement".
Lather Rinse Repeat.
Dear Leader was Obama, pick a
By Murkin
Sun, 10/28/2018 - 1:07pm
Dear Leader was Obama, pick a new nick name for this one.
So we have had Clinton, Bush, Obama and now Trump. As a country we are terrible at picking Presidents. I fear where the pendulum will swing next.
By adamg
Sun, 10/28/2018 - 2:53pm
Obama, for all his faults, understood and respected the Constitution.
Trump is a lying, narcissistic kleptocrat with fascist tendencies who would just as soon have himself anointed emperor and throw his political enemies in prison, if not just have them executed.
Ummmmm yup, here is a video
By Murkin
Sun, 10/28/2018 - 5:28pm
Ummmmm yup, here is a video from 2008 calling Obama Dear Leader. You’re 8 years too late.
By Roman
Sun, 10/28/2018 - 5:30pm
DACA was and is unconstitutional.
The individual mandate of the ACA was and is unconstitutional.
Lois Lerner's fun with the IRS was so damned unconstitutional that even congressional Democrats condemned it.
That took all of thirty seconds.
In thirty more, I can point to some choice examples of the MSM building Obama's personality cult and deliberately and repeatedly shielding him from criticism by derailing any and all discussion of the merits of his policy proposals with nonsequitor reminders about how he was the first black president and not so subtle intimations that the only possible motive for criticizing his performance was racism.
I might be wrong but as far
By John
Sun, 10/28/2018 - 6:02pm
I might be wrong but as far as I know, no court has ruled DACA was unconstitutional. So that is just your opinion.
I thought The Supreme Court ruled in 2012 that the Individual mandate was constitutional.
As far as Lois Lerner goes, Jeff Session's Justice Department wouldn't reopen the case. In a letter to members of Congress, the Justice Department said that "reopening the criminal investigation would not be appropriate based on the available evidence."
You are both correct and incorrect
By Roman
Mon, 10/29/2018 - 1:41am
To set the tone for the discussion: the most recent ruling on DACA is that DHS wasn't allowed to discontinue it based on its blatant unconstitutionality because only judges are allowed to rule things unconstitutional. The implications of this ruling are that any executive department can do any damn thing it pleases and can't stop unless a court tells it to.
Roberts in 2012 decided that compelling people to engage in commerce with legally delineated entities fell under the taxation power granted to Congress (either under Article 1 or under the 16th Amendment, I forget). I don't agree with that reasoning. Compelled commerce between private parties is a bad precedent. It ain't like car insurance: no one has to drive; everyone has to suck down oxygen.
All that says is that Lois Lerner covered her tracks well and we can't put her away for anything. Fine. The results of what she did are self-evident. We live in a system where guilt must be proven incontrivertibly. That means some bad actors will get away with shit. That's fine so long as we aren't blind to what's going on.
Now's where you accuse me of moving the goal posts.
Why can't it be both....
By anon
Sun, 10/28/2018 - 1:33pm
....1) Yes, the current incendiary political climate has been inflamed by Herr Trump and,
2) and also yes, the death toll might have been reduced had they had weaponry to fight back with so they wouldn't feel like they were so helpless in waiting for a response from law enforcement
2) Nope
By adamg
Sun, 10/28/2018 - 2:55pm
The guy who slaughtered 11 innocent people managed to shoot four highly trained and armed police officers. All that more guns would have done would have been to increase the body count.
Not arguing....
By Pete Nice
Sun, 10/28/2018 - 3:07pm
But I do know several temples in the Boston area who used the same armed company for their Saturday services. I am not 100% sure if they are there every Saturday, but I know they are there at some Saturdays at some of the larger temples.....
Yes, and I know ...
By adamg
Sun, 10/28/2018 - 3:28pm
There are congregations that now lock their doors on Saturdays and station a senior congregation member at the door, who only admits people he recognizes.
And it's sad, so sad - do churches have to employ armed guards? Do they lock their doors before the start of Sunday services?
But we're straying a bit from the point. The President of the United States said fewer people would have died if only people attending a bris had been packing. Do we really need to go through the whole good-man-with-a-gun fallacy here? Because good men with guns showed up at the synagogue and the shooting didn't stop. The question should really be: How do we keep people like this loser Nazi from getting his hands on a weapon that lets him carry out a mass murder.
That's just willful obtuseness
By Roman
Sun, 10/28/2018 - 6:31pm
The cops showed up and went in after he was done killing 11 people. You make it sound like they were there waiting to get picked off first.
Adam, can you drop the Shiva
By anon
Mon, 10/29/2018 - 1:05am
Adam, can you drop the Shiva campaign ads?
They're particularly offensive on this post.
Hmm ...
By adamg
Mon, 10/29/2018 - 1:20am
They're coming in via one of the ad networks I'm using. Will see if I can block them in the morning (well, later this morning, that is).
You can block them
By lbb
Mon, 10/29/2018 - 9:10am
See Sleeping Giants for help if you need it.
There are people that have fallen for the biggest political
By bulgingbuick
Mon, 10/29/2018 - 1:02pm
con job in history. Some are dumb. Some are willfully ignorant and take their cue from Fox Newts and talk radio. Some are more sophisticated and employ technology in their effort to maintain supremacy. All are antethsis to American values. Whataboutism is a temporary smoke screen that will run its course and the majority of Americans being good and decent will come too.
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