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Warren losing state, Boston

MassLive.com reports that Joe Biden is getting the most votes for president in the Massachusetts Democratic primary, followed by Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren.

The same order is holding in Boston, according to unofficial city numbers, which, however, show a much narrower gap between Biden and Sanders.



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If you look at the district map the pattern is pretty clear. White suburbanites like dumb, quasi-Republicans with groping issues... not surprising I suppose considering they liked Bill Clinton too.

I know a lot of people will look at this election and say us socialists should form a new, independent party. But I still like the idea that the entire party must swing hard left, and kick out the entire, centrist establishment that is holding it back. Why should I move? Make them.

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She should have dropped out and endorsed Bernie.

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The United States will never be a socialist country. NOTHING is free; somebody somewhere (usually the middle-class working stiffs) pay for all of this 'free' stuff.

Have you ever spoken with anyone who has lived under a socialist regime - from Cuba, the Baltics, Russia? They will tell you that it is a crappy way of life. If you want that system so badly, why don't you move to Cuba? Or even better, Venezuela - the quality of life is excellent down there!!!!

Buenas noches, mi amigo!

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Nothing is free now. Right now poor people pay for everything and the rich prosper.
Socialism is merely the attempt to ensure that nobody does without basic necessities of life, and that pay for labor is distributed more fairly. The budget need not increase one iota if you add back various wealth taxes. Typically those do not affect the middle class as they are not wealthy.

Also so tired of stupid right wingers going "Why don't you move to..."
Why don't you move to North Korea since you like totalitarian regimes that fuck the poor so much?

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I mean Elizabeth lives in a multi-million dollar home and makes $300K/yr for teaching a single class. (No wonder she wants us all to foot the bill, past, present, and future)

Is that rich?

Bernie is also a multi-millionaire with three homes.

Is that rich?

More of do as I say, and not as I do?

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Trump is giving farmers billions in bail out money to compensate them for this idiotic trade policies. (But no help for those in other jobs who also suffer.) We all know about the Wall Street bail outs about a decade ago. Big corporations now expect to get huge tax breaks just for opening up an office somewhere.

Why is it called "Socialism" when it's providing additional support for less well off individuals but "stimulus" when it involves giving money to corporations?

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Bernie's essentially a New Deal era type Democrat. Why it was ever branded with one of America's favorite dirty words seems to have been at least one serious misstep. It just plays directly into the right wing bad faith playbook.

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Nice Democratic party talking points, but this New Deal Democrat line is just a bunch of BS. Bernie has been honest throughout his career where he stands, and that is with Socialism first and Democracy second. He has not changed since the Bernie of the 1980's and there are hundreds of written and televised remarks to prove where he stands. This is not even a debate.

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This is the exact right wing playbook I'm talking about. The issue here is really semantics. The underlying policy falls rather neatly in-line with New Deal era Democratic Party economic policies.

Just because you want to play boogeyman with a word you don't like doesn't make it true.

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Bernie identifies Eugene Debs as his closest philosophical mentor rather than FDR. He has kept a portrait of him on the wall of his office since he was mayor of Burlington, not a portrait of FDR.
Listen to Bernie himself, not the talking points of the party trying to make him less unappealing to middle class suburbanites. He keeps the details of how he would implement his goals vague so that people like you can promulgate this moderating sophistry. The thing I respect the most in Bernie is his admission of who he is and what he believes. You are the one denying him his message.

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But I also said "New Deal era" not specifically FDR. That coalition included socialists and democrats alike.

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Corporations get lots of tax money. And you can't get a major company to grow or build unless you give them money. Communism is a disaster because the people don't get to elect their leaders. A bunch of crooks with Panamanian bank accounts can't be compared to Democratic Socialism.

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Except, when you look at "socialist" states like.. oh I don't know ALL OF EUROPE, they all have a higher quality of life and are higher on the happiness index than the US. I don't like Bernie. He has no plan. And if you look at his language he says "we should have..." Not "I'll make it happen". Bidens only message is that he was Obama's VP. Why is Elizabeth Warren not doing better? He plans aren't as left as Sanders and she's actually laid out plans not only of what she wants to get done, but HOW she'll use her various presidential powers to get it done. HOW IS SHE NOT WINNING?

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1) Bloomberg sucked a lot of air out of the room with his Super Tuesday blitz, so it was really hard for anyone else to get their name and plan out there. I don't watch a lot of TV outside of the football season, but I don't remember seeing an ad for anyone other than Bloomberg or Steyer. So in the end, people voted for who they had heard of (the former VP or the guy who maybe should have won last time or the rich A-hole filling the airwaves)
2) In the case of Bernie fans, some of Warren's plans smell a teeny bit like compromise (I disagree that they were actual compromises, but that's a debate for a different time), and I don't blame many people on the left for being tired of starting with the compromise position. Getting the GOP to meet you in the middle is probably never going to happen, but it's more likely that you end up with a Warren-like plan if you start off with "Free healthcare for everyone yesterday".
3) For many Biden supporters, 2016 got a lot of people spooked, and they care about one thing: defeating Trump. Sure matchup polling has suggested that any of the D candidates would win handily (though maybe 2016 also taught us that a 9/10 victory according to polls is not absolutely guaranteed either), so they want the comfortable return to normalcy candidate that they know (think) won't scare off "swing voters". And after 2016, do we really think Americans are ready to vote for a woman?
Which leads into
4) Misogyny.

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Shades of Jon Lovitz... I mean - Mike Dukakis.

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Except, when you look at "socialist" states like.. oh I don't know ALL OF EUROPE, they all have ...

You mean like those ones with a national health system, like Ireland, where care is sometimes inaccessible, where they've been in a crisis of available beds (horror stories of people parked for hours/days on gurneys in hallways), and my parents always heard from their relatives over there about "yeah, national system, but I carry private insurance anyway so I can get a radiology scan appt in less than 6 months?"...?

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Do you know anyone who is deeply in debt because of medical bills? If so, are they American? Or do they live in one of the dozens of other first-world countries with free health care?

How about someone with massive student loans?

Or a new parent who gets zero paid leave?

Of course all of these issues don't exist for you if you're a multi-millionaire.

We need a president who will change the system.

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Are the only people I can think of who do not get paid leave. Good luck getting a politician to change that. CVS clerks have a paid short term disability program and long term. What are your friends or you doing for a career that is not allowing sick time/paid leave?

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You understand that there is a difference between authoritarian socialism and democratic socialism, right? And that of course nothing is free but we as a people will pay more taxes (especially the rich, much more, which is the point) so everyone can have health care, food and housing, right??

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More taxes, but less insurance premiums, copays, and deductibles. It's an ongoing argument about whether the taxes will be less than the insurance money. Guess which side of that the insurance companies and their wholly-owned politicians are on.

That the health care in Ireland, or Latveria, or wherever, is less than great (based on my anecdote!!) is not an indication that we can't do it better than them. We can, and we should. The system we have now is killing people.

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Doctor Doom wouldn't appreciate the criticism.

Perhaps you were thinking of a real country, like Latvia?

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The secret wars were fought over health care in Latveria.

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The Doctor is the only good character in that Flabtastic Four series. Latveria's been on my bucket list forever.

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Minority here. Brown and proud. My whole family and I voted for Biden.

You white people should stop telling us what to do and who to vote for.

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told Black folk in South Carolina to vote for Joe Biden. And according to exit polls, around 60% of those voters stated that Clyburn telling them 'what to do and who to vote for' had a major influence on their decision to pull the lever for Biden.

So maybe you can amend your comment to "you white >and black< people should stop telling us" who to vote for . .

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Nah. Black people haven’t historically tried to hold me back.

You white people should stop telling us what to do and who to vote for.

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. . by falling in line behind a 78 year old white guy who fought against school desegregation, raising the minimum wage, and any regulation of your credit card company . .

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Is the “power” you want me to fight by voting for who you are telling me to vote for “white power“ that you and your ancestors have wielded mercilessly over me and my ancestors?

White people should stop telling us what to do and who to vote for.

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She runs a nasty campaign and every third word out of her mouth is "fight". Most Americans want someone who will work not fight.

Between her and Bernie, Bernie got the votes because, however misguided, he actually believed what he says while Warren will say whatever she thinks will get her elected.

Give her credit for knocking out Bloomberg though. Her opening salvo threw him for a loop and he never recovered. The sad part is, it got her nothing but that and Bernie's performance on 60 minutes gives us Biden as the nominee. Nice man, but God help us. Half the time he doesn't know where he is, the other half he doesn't know who he's talking to and the other half (in his words) "what was that third half?"

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"She runs a nasty campaign and every third word out of her mouth is "fight""

So just like the president then? And just like Bernie? And like all of the other candidates?

Honestly this just sounds like a re-hashing of the BS arguments made against Hillary that white men made who really just did like a louder woman. Like this giant steaming pile "he actually believed what he says while Warren will say whatever she thinks will get her elected."

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Which is one reason among many why I would never vote for Trump and would hold my nose and use latex gloves to vote for Bernie - maybe.

Nothing to do with being female. Was a big fan of Klobuchar and hoping she is a top contender for VP.

As for Warren, my favorite description is "she has a tenuous relationship with the truth". At best she embellishes, at worst, she's a total fraud. An opinion I've had for almost 10 years now.

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Thank you BlackKat for your prejudice against white people and suburbanites. If sounds like you are a pleasant and tolerant person. A gentleman as well as scholar for sure. I’m sure you are not racist.

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If you can find me a republican or moderate who is not racist, greedy, or a religious nut - I will change my mind. But until then I stand that anyone right of the extreme left needs to move left or be forcibly re-educated.
Also suburbs are bad things.


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What are you, Fidel Castro? Yes - Bernie is for you. Here are some options:

North Korea
China (the Muslim part)

BTW - I'm a dyed in the wool moderate (by middle American standards - not yours) - and I don't think anyone that knows me would refer to me as a racist, greedy or religious nut. In fact, I'd say that applies to most of my friends - for the most part none of them are racists, greedy or particular religious - but nobody's perfect.

so time to change your mind.

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I've seen your posts about taxes and schools.

None of the countries you or another poster listed are democratic socialist political systems, nor do they anything sufficient to promote economic equity among the people. They are all oligarchies where the power is concentrated for the benefit of a select few.

For examples of what the US should move closer to, one needs to look mostly to Scandinavia.

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What do my posts about schools and taxes have to do with this?

Plus - YOU wanted re-education. That's not Scandinavia - that's authoritarian regimes.

And moderates specifically DON'T want us to be Scandinavia. That's your idea. It's fine. If you like economic pablum. Doesn't mean we can't do a better job with the environment, gun control, universal health care and lowering the cost of education - but let's not kill the goose that lays the golden eggs while we are at it.

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do not - i repeat - do NOT improve society even one bit.

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I'm a moderate who leans liberal. I'm not a racist, I'm not greedy and I can't stand religion. Get off your extreme horse and accept that there are good people across the spectrum.

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Get off your extreme horse and accept that there are good people across the spectrum.

ThErE aRe fInE pEoPlE oN bOtH sIdEs.

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...of why Bernie's supporters turn off so many potential voters.

The last thing this country needs is another Cult of Personality with foaming-at-the-mouth adherents who are completely detached from reality, think facts are inconvenient, and anyone who doesn't agree with them 100% (or heck, deigns to even ask a question) should be burned at the stake.

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all voted for Warren/Biden (so did Boston if you want to count the narrow margin there).

If you look at the "district" basically the entire state voted for Biden, not just "white suburbanites".

And you should move because you "socialists" are the ones who will get Trump elected again if Bernie wins. That's my prediction anyway. ("moving" as a metaphor I assume)

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Perhaps all the supporters of the non-Democrat should abandon the Democratic Party.

And as others noted, perhaps you could "blame" other racial groups that seem to be supporting Joe Biden more strongly, but that won't help your narrative, so I don't see that happening.

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Except that it's wrong.

Unless you can explain the political journey of Jim Jeffords, I'd say that in fact people in the Green Mountain State do in fact define themselves as Democrats, Republicans, or whatever else.

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I'm originally from Boston. Politically I'm pretty far left. However, I've lived in the swing state midwest for the past 2 years. You're totally out of touch with the rest of the country if you think Sanders can beat Trump in the electoral college.

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Oh puhleease,

Suburbanites waited to see what was going to happen with Biden before making a decision, they wanted to go with a winner and have their votes "count". I voted for Warren even though I knew that Biden would take MA. And please shut up about lumping Warren voters in with Bernie voters. Everyone I know who voted for Warren definitely don't want Sanders as our candidate, they voted for her as a demonstration of her capability and confidence even though they knew she couldn't win.
It is very, very, very interesting (and entertaining) to see how badly Sanders got spanked in MA, though.
Have a great day and please remember to wash your hands and not touch your face!!

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This election isn't about picking our favorite progressive, it's about picking someone with a realistic chance to court enough centrist voters to not have Donald Trump be president for another 4 years. Those same people you deride as not liberal enough and the same people you need to win an election.

Just look at the results in the the south and midwest. Biden won Virginia, North Carolina, Tennessee, Alabama, Arkansas, Texas, and even more typically progressive areas like Massachusetts and Minnesota.

In a general election you need to have a plausible chance throughout the country, and after Trump's attack machine goes into full Bernie-Is-A-Communist there are going to be huge swaths of the country that just will not vote for him.

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Warren isn’t going to drop? All she’s doing at this point is helping Biden. She drops and Bernie gets all her supporters.

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She's standing up for women everywhere! What would it look like if a progressive party had all of its candidates from marginalized groups drop out in deference to white men?

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Warren’s supporters would be split.
We’ll never know though. She’s not going to drop out yet.

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Is to go to a brokered convention and have Biden and Bernie compromise on her. Nagahapen.

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The realists will vote Biden.

The idealists will vote Bernie.

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I think her supporters are pretty split on Biden/Bernie.

Her supporters liked her policies and her interest in changing (not breaking!) the system.

I think both campaigns should offer her the VP slot, or whatever she wants, for full-throated support. Whoever gets it wins the nomination IMO.

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Like hell.

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Warren supporters are generally intelligent and/or educated folks. You think they would not vote for the other progressive candidate because of some of that candidates supporters?

When it comes to the issues, Sanders is much closer to Warren than Biden, so it's a logical shift. Choosing Biden when/if she drops over Sanders means one never really cared about the issues - especially if it's due to spite over his supporters - and was really just voting for a person they liked best.

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Exactly this. Some time Sunday evening, three important phone calls were made:

Hey Buttigieg, drop out.
Klobuchar, step aside.
Warren? You're fine. Stay right there.

Bern has been neutralized by the party (and rightly so; he's not even a member. Even former Republican Bloomberg went and got his [D]) but unlike in 2016 it was done subtly. Yeah, we're gonna need to suffer through a few months of insufferable Bernie bros acting like they're not going to fall in line behind Biden, but in the end they'll do exactly that. This is how the sausage is made, and we're serving extra sweet sausage in November.

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Bernie was my mayor. The Democratic Party will nominate him, or they will not receive my vote. Keep sucking, America. I've survived 37 1/2 months of the Cheeto, and I'm wealthier now than I was in 2016.

I did my job and voted yesterday for a guy who wants to give the middle and the bottom a fairer shake, because I don't have that much wealth. Maybe that screws the value of my stocks, but if this country can do better at getting good medicine and education to people, there's value there.

Or we can just keep fluffing corporations. I win if we do that too.

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I voted for Warren, and now I hope she throws her support to Biden. Warren, despite what right-wingers and other lazy people say, is not a socialist; she favors a regulated, well-managed capitalism with strong supports for the rights of workers. Bernie is an incompetent, ignorant, self-aggrandizing fool, who would happily burn the world to feed his own sanctimony. I despise him almost 10% as much as I do Trump, and that’s a lot.

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...because how will you pay for them?

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Dreaming you can fly is good. Claiming you can fly is not.

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Then trying to fly ends in disaster.

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If you look at the polling before we knew the SC results, Warren and Sanders were neck and neck with Biden behind. What we saw yesterday was Biden way up and Warren falling. Many Warren voters already made the calculus that she was out. It looks like more went to Biden than Sanders (anecdotally, I know of several people who did exactly this, in some cases even though their kids were begging them to vote for Sanders).

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doesn't mean anything. Just a friendly FYI

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But what of the data I cited?

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and there is no going back from that except for the undoing of our entire civilization. You can have what we have now, socialism for the rich, or, you can have socialism for the people.

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Character is what you do when nobody is looking. Almost all voters have filled out forms where the question of race is asked. Most would never dream of checking the wrong box for personal gain. Warren did just that and committed the ethnic fraud that allowed her to advance far beyond her abilities. The voters finally brought her to heel and essentially told her, "no more cheating, Liz." The only surprise will be if she is reelected to the Senate in 2024.

The DNC/media and Biden's other handlers would be smart to recruit some of Tom Menino's surviving top-echelon aides. After a troubling start, Menino's gaffes were reinvented as "folksy" and "cute" and not a cause for concern. Although Biden may be having more serious cognitive issues than Menino, the six and seven figure handlers can certainly spin the folksy Grandpa Joe shtick while keeping him hidden until the convention and then until November. Biden's gaffes don't have to be an "Alcatraz" around his neck, as Menino proved. Bernie's people rioting when it's stolen from him again will be epic. Can't wait!

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She didn't receive any personal gain. Why is it impossible to believe that a person that sells millions of books is talented? Why is it impossible to believe that prestigious law schools hired her for her expertise? Don't you find something pathetically insecure in believing that she has advanced far beyond abilities? 64 delegates won't win the nomination but for a first time presidential candidate it is an accomplishment. She beat Scott Brown because she was more accomplished and talented. How many women that worked their way through law school as catalog models have been elected to the senate?

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I am pretty sure Harvard touted her as a “woman of color” on their website... then Lizzie dropped the whole Native American/woman of color schtick when she was elected senator.

Probably just an “anecdote” as everyone’s hero Deval would say.

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I'm pretty sure you don't know what you're talking about.

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You’re gifted.

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The word "socialism" has so many meanings that it is questionable whether it is useful any more. In the early 19th century the word (or the French variant, socialisme) was associated with groups as disparate as the Owenites, the Fourierists, and the Saint-Simonians, groups that differed strongly with each other and within themselves. By the 20th century the usage of the term to describe the doctrines of Marx and Engels predominated, though there were holdouts. When Marxism became revolutionary, and attained power in the form of Marxist-Leninism, the word was given an official meaning, and people were murdered for using it in other ways. Even where Marxist-Leninism does not prevail, that usage has prevailed ever since. At a minimum, that usage implies state control over the means of production.

Older, vaguer applications remained in use, but always with a qualifier. Parties favoring a strong welfare system call themselves Democratic Socialists if they are liberal, and Christian Socialists if they are conservative (those who think a strong social welfare policy is incompatible with conservatism should look into the foundation of the first modern welfare state, in the German Empire under Otto von Bismarck).

Bernie, to the degree that his ideology is coherent enough to characterized, appears to be a Democratic Socialist. Referring to himself as a "socialist", without qualification, plays into the hands of the right-wing propagandists who want to associate him with the monstrous crimes of Lenin, Stalin, and Mao. I don't think Bernie actually is a Marxist-Leninist, but he is too proud, vain, and stupid to disassociate himself from them.

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That perhaps Bernie's agenda isn't as broadly popular as his supporters think it is? He spent $20m on ads Tuesday and Biden's campaign was nearly broke. Maybe spending 5 years attacking ~70% of the DNC electorate he needs wasn't the greatest strategy.

Maybe still struggling to criticize Castro to this day (and quoting questionable government-provided statistics around things like literacy in a country who had disproportionately high literacy before the revolution as his defense) is in fact a weakness? He seems to spare no harsh words for other contemporary leaders like Netanyahu (not that there isn't a lot to criticize there).

Or maybe he'd do better if he actually understood anything about the Scandinavian economies: https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/bernie-sanderss-scandinavian-fan...

I also would not assume all of Warren's supporters would go for Bernie either: https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2020/02/differences-between-wa...

The fact of the matter is, this primary had higher turnout and he lost votes across the board: https://twitter.com/jonward11/status/1235048909564592129

He just squeaked by 50% in his own damn state.

I think what we witnessed last night was the post-Trump movement of suburban voters back into the Democratic Party, and a better representation of where the nation as a whole really sits (it's generally center-right, if you weren't aware)

In the end, if you want to beat Trump -- Bernie probably isn't the guy! (though I'm sure we'll have to endure "Bernie would have won" until the end of time regardless of how unlikely that is)

I am both dismayed I have to be remotely excited about Biden, but as an independent voter who doesn't want another 4 years of Trump I am glad the party coalesced when it could actually do something about stopping Sanders (unlike the GOP with Trump in 2016) -- who I could only see as pretty much guaranteeing 4 more years of Cheeto.

Never-mind: https://twitter.com/SymoneDSanders/status/1234987504832434176

I think Warren's folly was chasing Sander's religious base in the first place and being the wonk she is trying to actually explain paying for any of that type of government which neither of them could credibly do in any way, but I appreciate her saving us all from Bloomberg.

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It is true that these countries have a generous safety net and, in order to fund it, high taxes. What is not often pointed out, however, is that in order to raise enough revenue, these taxes fall disproportionately on the poor, middle and upper middle class. Denmark has one of the highest top income tax rates in the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, 55.9 percent, but that rate is applied to anyone making 1.3 times the average national income. In the United States, this would mean that any income above $65,000 would be taxed at the rate of 55.9 percent. In fact, the highest tax rate in the United States, 43.7 percent, applies to income that is 9.3 times the national average, which means that only those with incomes over approximately $500,000 pay this rate.

i understand the spirit of the column, but it seems mr. zakaria is making bernie’s case for him here.

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She has a credibility problem, she has her own self to blame.

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The only credibility problem for Warren is misogyny driven. There is some sick part of human nature that rationalizes fear of viable competition from someone who is not male into ridiculous faults. The freaking logical gymnastics you have to do to make her "not credible" should embarrass anyone that repeats that criticism.

Why can't people just say "I don't agree with her plans?" The credibility issue should really be about personal attacks. If one side resorts to personal attacks, you should wonder why they don't have enough facts to support their position.

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also has a credibility problem. Warren has a tenuous relationship with the truth.

I actually agree with a lot of what she says (my wife tells me that all the time). I just don't find her trustworthy. Maybe more trustworthy than our current president - but that comment speaks for itself when you have to put her in the same sentence with him on integrity.

bottom line - lots of her plans (like Bernie's) are rationally unattainable. But she's smarter than Bernie and knows this. He's not smart enough (or sane enough) to know better.

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What exactly has she lied about?

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What exactly has she lied about?

Her parents having to elope because of racism against her white mother. Being a “single mom” when she met her second husband. Being fired for being pregnant. Being Native American.

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Her parent's married when her Father turned 21 and could legally marry without his family's permission. There is an assumption that because a minister performed the ceremony it could not be an elopement. However what she reported is no family came and his parents were against it. They announced the marriage after it had taken place. You can disagree with her interpretation but elopement is colloquial term, not an exact definition.

She divorced her first husband in 78, and remarried in 80. You are the first person to suggest that she wasn't a single mother during that period. I googled it a number of ways and even the haters acknowledged it.

The school board voted to extend her contract in April of 71. But in June they accepted her resignation. The principle that told her he would hire someone else, has passed away. The only person they could find from that time said that no women were allowed to work past their 5th month.

She has Native American Heritage. They have found family publications that acknowledged this. The Cherokee people welcomed English colonists and lived with them for almost 100 years before they were betrayed and forced west. She never claimed tribal membership only family history. Her DNA test is consistent with that result.

As I have said before, these desperately convoluted claims of dishonesty reek of misogyny.

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She’s a horrible candidate with a horrible demeanor but it’s all misogyny. One of my favorite arguments.

Her DNA test showed 1/1024.... boy, she really sold the public on her Native American heritage there.

I mentioned this earlier, but I’m pretty sure Harvard listed her as a woman of color on their website and then Lizzie didn’t want to be known as a woman of color any further once she got to the senate.

She was once so prideful because her grandmammie said she had high cheekbones and then chose to ignore her heritage as a senator, how come?

She told Mass she had no interest in running for president if they re-elected her, she was re-elected, then she ran for president.

She said her father worked as a janitor but her brother said he did not. Maybe the brother is a misogynist also?

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Warren's not in the running anymore, so you can get over your rage hard-on for her now. If it doesn't go away on its own, see a doctor.

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Did she not ask for examples? I provided examples. And now I have a hard on for Lizzie evidently.

I like your method of drawing conclusions. You’ll have to teach me sometime.

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you can't identify any lies so lets label her behavior.

What exactly is her "horrible deameanor"? Too uppity for you? Can you really say she has acted differently from any male canidate?

I am not aware her ever discussing her native american heritage in a public forum before she was attacked for it. Cleary you don't know much about the subject if you were pretty sure that Harvard put it on their website. This came out because there have been years of opposition research that looked for every form she every filled out since she was born. None it it came from a website. This is just hate without any factual basis

She told Mass she had no interest in running for president if they re-elected her, she was re-elected, then she ran for president.

Does that mean every man that ran for president is a liar? Or just women that intimidate you?

Her father worked as a maintenance man, and her brother was offended that she used the word janitor.

None of this is dishonesty. Your criticism is desperately convoluted. When you latch on to any negative thing the internet tells you about a women, you might be a misogynist.

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She’s pretty uppity...Made quite a killing on buying up foreclosures and flipping them, all while claiming “the middle class is getting hammered” and we need affordable housing. Hypocrisy is fun too.

I wish I took a screenshot from the Harvard website way back when. It claimed she was a woman of color and that statement went away when she became senator.

So you’re saying she did not lie to her constituents about running for president? Did every man tell his constituents they wouldn’t run for president, then lie and run for president? That would make them a liar also.

She said she was concerned about Mass, wasn't running for president, then chose to run for president. Is that a lie or is it me being intimidated? Very strange conclusion you’re trying to draw here.

Why did she switch back and forth between her father being a maintenance man and a janitor? Couldn’t make up her mind? Kind of how like she was once a woman of color (Harvard) and then she wasn’t (senate).

Everything I mentioned is dishonesty. Nobody is intimidated by this fraud. When you defend every lie by claiming misogyny, you might be a feminist.

Maybe Hillary will reappear and break that glass ceiling. According to your logic with Lizzie, Hillary is bastion of integrity too.

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Very desperate to prove my point, aren’t you. A maintenance man isn’t a janitor? Are you an insurance commercial? 200 plus words without proving your accusation of lying. But let's add hypocrisy and Clinton to your claims. It seems you get all your facts from mean cartoons. But if you actually believe that Hillary Clinton lied, aren't you afraid she will murder you?

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A maintenance man isn’t a janitor?

Building maintenance men make 38 thousand dollars a year


Janitors make 26 thousand dollars a year


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executive assistants make 48k to 82K
administrative assistants make 30k to 50k

I got that from payscale.com

Thank you for your support.

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Your hypothesis is true. Lizzie and Hillary are both as full of integrity as mere mortals can be.... and both should be president immediately (can we elect dual presidents for such noble creatures? We should).

Everything that has ever been said about them, whether proven with facts or not, is the result of misogyny and white privilege and racism et all (insert remaining buzz words).

Oh, and Orange Man Bad also.

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Everyone has faults. I don't know if you are lazy or challenged somehow, but Elizabeth Warren is extremely open and credible. She puts out records and plans for everything. To say that she is other than transparent is a fake misogynist trope. You keep repeating the "Orange Man" talking points without even wondering what it is based on. None of your comments provided a factual basis for calling her dishonest.

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Yep, Warren is full of integrity and I’m challenged. This is a beautiful post overall. What’s it like to live with your head in the clouds? Sadly, I’ll never know :(

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She has withheld not a single item of data. She publishes all of her plans in detail. She is completely transparent. All of your accusations are based on trivial interpretations. It is fake. You are too insecure to just disagree, because you know she is right.

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"Oh wise one."

Trying to fill out my Doug1001 bingo card. Come on, man.

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Everyone here is so wise I have to pay tribute. It’s an impressive line of thinking around here with some folks.

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