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Moakley Bridge light pole falls on pedestrian's head, sending her to the hospital in bad shape

WCVB reports on our decaying infrastructure, specifically, a pole that gave way and smashed into a woman's head this afternoon. A 311 report claims the pole was rusted at the bottom.



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I walked by the downtown side of the Moakley bridge around 8 pm tonight, and was wondering why there were all these police cars and closed lanes, with both sidewalks closed to pedestrians. There appeared to be welding in progress.

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Mayor Wu should be on top of decaying city owned infrastructure , for the sake of public safety, this is 2022 not 1975.

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the bridge was named in honor of Joe Moakley’s wife? I’m sure she was a lovely lady, but I can’t find anything about her except that she married a future congressman.

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For the infrastructure in the seaport and a great deal of the Big Dig.

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Yes, she should. Just as all the other mayors before her should have.

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That bridge isn't even very old!

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I looked it up and it opened in 1996.

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Galvanize all the things.

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But you can apply a superhydrophobic coating.


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Hydrophobia is another name for rabies. Last thing we need is rabid light poles thrashing wildly about and biting people.

…. Well, actually, looks like we’ve already got something like that in this case, so maybe it wouldn’t be any worse.

I do worry about the “super” part in “superhydrophobic”. Super rabies sounds a lot scarier than regular rabies.

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The galvanized components at the exterior electrical hookup on my house in ptown, 2 blocks from the water, were significantly corroded within the first couple of months after installation.
The likely culprit is cheap materials, planned obsolescence, and break-away fittings designed to mitigate injury if, say, you drive your car into a light pole.

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...but not sure he could do much about the rust :-)

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Cheaper thinner metals on all the poles now. You can just bend the poles that have coroded from dog urine, pollution, and weather. This poor woman deserves to be okay, a positive prognosis, and every single dime.

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In 3, 2, 1 ....

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This is what happen when you let your dogs piss on everything.

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This is what happens when you don’t use galvanized bolts near salt water.

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When you don’t use stainless steel on saltwater adjacent fixtures. Rapid rust and corrosion next to the ocean is to be expected.

It’s also what happens when there isn’t a process to regularly inspect and replace city owned infrastructure.

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We are in the thrall of the Big Dog Urine lobby. Rotting the infrastructure of our lives, from the ankles down.

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This never would have happened in old Southie.

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Joe Moakley must rolling over in his grave,

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Rode across this bridge on the way to work this morning, tons of cones on the bridge and multiple news crews milling about

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