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Bail set at $500 for alleged Parkman Bandstand tagger; ordered to stay away from Boston Common

A Boston Municipal Court judge today set bail at $500 for a Melrose resident charged with spray-painting anti-police slogans on the Parkman Bandstand yesterday and ordered that she stay away from Boston Common while the case is pending, the Suffolk County District Attorney's office reports.

Riley Dowell, 23, child of US Rep. Katherine Clark, was charged with assault and battery on a police officer, vandalizing property, tagging property, vandalizing a historic marker/monument, and resisting arrest, the DA's office says. According to the DA's office:

Assistant District Attorney Daniel Nucci said that on Saturday, January 21, Boston police attempted to arrest Riley, who was observed defacing the Parkman Bandstand on Boston Common with spray paint. Riley resisted arrest by flailing her arms, striking one of the arresting officers. Officers found a spray paint can in Riley’s backpack and observed paint on her hands and jacket.

Dowell is scheduled to return to court on April 19 for a pre-trial hearing.

Innocent, etc.



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I imagine the "resisting arrest" thing is BS because it so often is.

But I hope they make her clean the bandstand by hand with a rag, brush, and paint thinner.

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I think the cop was actually injured this time, but I agree this is most often the case. Striking a cop who is arresting you should qualify as resisting arrest.

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“At one point during the angry standoff, “an officer was hit in the face and could be seen bleeding from the nose and mouth,” according to Boston police.”

If you hit a cop, intentional or not, while being placed under arrest, the fact is you hit a cop while resisting arrest. The police weren’t arresting a woman, they arrested a man. It is misleading presenting this as if they arrested a woman.

When a man or woman gets arrested, we know everything about their race and gender almost immediately. But if a man who says they’re a woman gets arrested, while resisting, we are all supposed to pretend the cops arrested a woman. This is complete nonsense.

Jared “Riley” Dowell is the adult child of the House minority whip and that should be included in the headline instead of the second paragraph of the article.

Here are some past headlines on this site:

Son of police-union president found dead

Court upholds sentence for son of Boston police officer convicted of plotting Columbine-style massacre

Boston parking rules don't apply when you're the son of the city supervisor of parking enforcement

MBTA commuter-rail conductor who is son of Transit Police chief charged with Everett murder, sources say

Down in the dumplings: Lawsuit by daughter of local Chinese chefs alleges wonton disregard of trademark

Somehow it mattered enough to include these parents in the headline but it doesn’t when it is the child of one of our state representatives who is also the House minority whip.

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I'm confused. Are you mistaken about who hit the cop, or are you just the kind of gratuitously nasty person who just has to be a dick about other people's gender identity?

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the latter. This post has nothing to do with gender, but Dowell's identity is obviously an issue for this bigoted troll.

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Just say trans woman. Sorry, but a man isn’t a woman simply because they say they are.

If a trans woman beats up another woman, is it now just “a woman beats up another woman?”

If a trans woman rapes another woman, is it “a woman rapes another woman?”

Vandalism and assault on a police officer was done by a man, not a woman. The cops arrested Jared.

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Who cares whether it was a man or a woman? The same law applies. As for needing the alleged perp's parentage in the headline - I didn't, because I knew who she was from previous stories, here and elsewhere.

You do seem to be trolling.

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What if someone didn’t read the previous article or other news sites? The most relevant part of the story for most reading it is the fact the crime was committed by the son/daughter of a very powerful and influential politician both locally and nationally.

It matters a lot if it was a man or a woman. Gathering data helps to reduce crime. Saying it doesn’t matter also means that all characteristics of criminals do not need to be tracked.

Here are some crime statistics from a 2000 government report on the amount of crimes committed by women:

All. 14%
Sexual assault 2%
Robbery 7%
Aggravated assault 11%
Simple assault 18%


And this from a 2020 report:

Regardless of the victims’ sex, a greater percentage of violent incidents involved male offenders (79%) than female offenders (17%) or offenders of both sexes (3%).


If gender, race, class, or any other aspect of a person’s life doesn’t matter when committing a certain crime, then it doesn’t matter in all crime. It doesn’t matter that most sexual assault crimes are committed by men, most domestic assaults are caused by men, or that exploiting children for sex is mostly done by men. We can say these crimes are committed just by people, regardless of gender. This is nonsense, unless you are willingly burying your head in the sand.

Stating that a headline is missing a pertinent fact or that reporting and tracking accurate crime data is important to help reduce crime is not trolling. A troll “posts inflammatory or insincere messages with the intent of provoking others into displaying emotional responses.” I am definitely not looking for or seeking out emotional responses like the posts from berkleealum or Ibb.

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The most relevant part of the story for most reading it is the fact the crime was committed by the son/daughter of a very powerful and influential politician both locally and nationally.

No, that's only the most relevant part to you, because of your agenda. To me and a lot of other people, it's a minor point of interest.

And now I'm done feeding you, troll.

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Your statement claims that the individual's parentage is pertinent. How? Perhaps there is a rational explanation. But if there isn't then I conclude that is part of an agenda that is fits in Russia, not the US.

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For the purpose of the story, your concerns are pretty irrelevant.

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No you're not. You're happy to have a fig leaf excuse to behave abusively.

but a man isn’t a woman simply because they say they are

Oh look, a tautology! Aren't you clever? That's like saying "a turtle isn't an oak tree". Guess what? If she's a woman, she's not a man, and it's not up to you to say which.

If a trans woman beats up another woman, is it now just “a woman beats up another woman?”

Yeah, why not?

If a trans woman rapes another woman, is it “a woman rapes another woman?”

Yeah, why not?

You're really not good at this.

Vandalism and assault on a police officer was done by a man, not a woman. The cops arrested Jared.


You're a transphobic troll and instead of washing that garbage off, you keep wallowing in the stench of ignorance and bigotry.

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1. I am not abusing anyone. Your own feelings or misperceptions are not a barometer for what constitutes abuse.

2. I didn’t decide anything. The police report arrested Jared. A doctor will know pretty quickly if they are treating a man or woman and whatever “decisions” the patient made about their gender do no matter. Your assertion is in denial of basic biology.

3 and 4. You are saying you do not care about accurate statistics about rape.

5. Saying “nope” means nothing. The cops arrested Jared as it says in the report. Responding with nope does not make this untrue.

Your final statement is your opinion. There’s nothing transphobic about saying women are women and men are men and those who dress differently (or now get surgery) to become like the opposite sex are “trans.” You are attempting to erase an undeniable truth and change the definition of “woman” and “man.” Science disagrees.

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why the hot garbage this troll is spewing is offensive, dehumanizing, and downright dangerous to a vulnerable population, please be familiar with this primer.

For the millionth time, the news about Dowell has nothing to do with their identity, but this troll is trying to make it appear like it does. Adam, I can't tell you how to moderate or run your site, but this kind of raging bigotry is unacceptable.

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The primer does not help your efforts to dismiss reality as bigotry. Gender identity and expression does not equal biological gender/sex, which is stated in the link you posted. It also states that “a person’s body can be changed through medical transition in ways that fundamentally alter the sex they were assigned at birth,” however it does not say it turns them into a man or woman, just that it alters their body.

It also states that it is perfectly acceptable to call a transgender person transgender or trans. The distinction between a trans woman and a woman is real. It does not change because of the attempt to alter the definition of a word. A woman is defined as “an adult female person.” Trans women are not females, they are trans women.

Identifying criminals does matter, as men are often more violent than women. Search Uhub for the word “man” and notice how many headlines include the gender of the perpetrator.

Or this:

12-year-old arrested on gun charges in Dorchester after running from stolen car driven by a 16-year-old, police say

“Boston Police report officers arrested a 12-year-old boy who ran from a stolen car…”

Do the ages in this article not matter? Does the gender of those involved matter? Why does it state that it is a boy in the first sentence?

Trying to erase accurate crime data is completely dangerous and demeaning towards all women, which I could say is bigotry, but I’d rather have a discussion than simply dismissing others as bigots or racists. Insults and immediate dismissal of the facts on the ground because you have a different opinion gets us nowhere.

Your last sentence is an effort to censor those who do not agree with your opinion and is far more dangerous than anything I have said.

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You said

It also states that it is perfectly acceptable to call a transgender person transgender or trans.

The primer says

Transgender Woman
A woman who was assigned male at birth may use this term to describe herself. She may shorten it to trans woman. (Note: trans woman, not "transwoman.") Some may prefer to simply be called women, without any modifier. Use the term the person uses to describe their gender.

Did I miss a line in there where it said it was "perfectly acceptable" to refer to the person as something other than the term of their choice, or did you just make that part up?

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A transgender person can’t be called transgender, which in turn means a man cannot be called a man and a woman cannot be called a woman, in which case none of these things even exist. So why would somebody change their gender if it never existed in the first place?

It is a logical fallacy to say your gender isn’t real and then demand others to call you by a certain gender.

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Nothing you just said is grounded in reality. Certainly not grounded in the information provided to you on that web page.

The biggest issue you seem to be missing is that it is not for YOU to decide or determine what the gender identity of another human being must be.

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I am saying the actual gender is important when reporting a crime. Another statistic for crimes committed by those who are transgender is necessary if you don’t want to say a man was arrested. You absolutely cannot say it was caused by a woman. Men dressing as women who then commit a crime should not be reflected in statistics as crimes caused by women. It is completely inaccurate.

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I'm sorry that you are so blinded by your bigotry.

"actual gender" - uh okay, back to you deciding. It certainly has nothing to do with the clothing someone wears.

You keep mentioning crime statistics. This is NOT a story on crime statistics.

You started commenting on this article by falsely claiming Adam had failed to write a story about this with a headline that indicated who the parent of the accused was and then continued to dive in with transphobic rhetoric in your replies. Over and over.

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You need a genetics class and a biology class, dear.

Those of us who understand these things can easily spot the idiot who failed science if they even took a single class.

Shit, even farm folk know what a freemartin is. Look it up.

These situations are about 2% of the population. 3% of the female population alone is sensitive to their own testosterone.

XXY (Kleinfelter's)
X (Turner's)
... etc.

Then there are the mutations and developmental variations:
AIS - when an XY or XX genotype cannot bind and use their own testosterone, female phenotype (sorta)
Androgen sensitivity - female with enhanced binding of endogenous testosterone
Various developmental issues: hypospadias, indeterminate genitals, undescended testes, etc.


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i bet these ben shapiro style rants probably work pretty well in face to face conversation. not so easy to do via written word

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... with those who share the same opinions/prejudices...

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if you are a fast talker and you have a bunch of superficially legitimate talking points that you can get into, it makes it impossible for your conversation partner to latch onto a particular argument. not so with written word.

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Think about how much time you're spending worrying about this, which cannot possibly affect you in any proportion to how much time you're spending on it.

And then just don't.

Worry about something else.

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Bostonjerk should worry about how he's been brainwashed into thinking that this is even an issue or ever should have been by right wing media.

Transphobic assholes are being used and owned using their extreme ignorance of math and science.

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You are saying you do not care about accurate statistics about rape.

You are an absolute, flagrant, contemptible, sniveling liar.

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If a trans woman rapes another woman, is it “a woman rapes another woman?”

Yeah, why not?

So you want to include rape with a penis in the category of rape carried out by women? It’s just women on women crime? You don’t see it as a problem if there is an increase in rapes carried out by women even though they weren’t caused by actual women, or those born with a vagina? You honestly want this reflected in stats related to women? These would be inaccurate statistics.

The easiest solution, that shouldn’t be controversial at all, is to make another category that tracks crimes by transgender women and men. If those who are non-binary get upset at being called a man or woman, then make another category for them as well. Until that happens, crimes caused by those who are born as men should not be included in data regarding women.

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You use your mouth, and your keyboard, for your own words. Don't put them on me, Tucker. All your bullshit non-questions are just your way of saying what you want to say and pretending that I said it. You posit a problem that doesn't exist and then pretend that I'm in favor of it. Then you try to fall back on "statistics" like your designations mean something. You operate at a middle-school level and no one here is fooled. You're just a bigot with no game, and, thankfully, no power to change any outcomes. All you have the power to do is make your children and grandchildren embarrassed to be associated with you.

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Gender is not absolute. Not all men are born XY not all women born with XX chromosomes. There are hermaphroditic human beings. There are boys who are turned into girls at birth because the presenting genitalia is not clear enough.

So, without personal knowledge about the person then making any claims about the individual are claims based in ignorance.

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You really need to learn some science about the fundamental natural non-binary nature of genetics and phenotypic development before you comment again.

Even nature isn't cleanly binary, so why should culture be so?

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"Police say cop smashed in face while trying to arrest congresswoman's daughter in Boston Common protest"


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Thanks for pointing it out. The headline there is also misleading. The cops arrested a man, not a woman.

There is no phobia in calling a male a man and a female a woman. If you want to be called a trans woman, fine. You are a trans woman. You are not a woman.

The definition of bigotry per Merriam-Webster: obstinate or intolerant devotion to one's own opinions and prejudices.

How is one not a bigot towards all women by saying any man can be a woman?

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You keep making strong assertions with a level of authority on the matter that I doubt you possess.

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Riley has nonbinary in their social media bios. Calling them a man or woman is misgendering, unless they specifically state that they use these terms, which some nonbinary/genderqueer people do.

Trans women are women, and trans men are men. They aren't required to specify that they're trans in order to appease your apparent obsession with people's genitals.

Yet again, blatantly transphobic comments are allowed on UHub.

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You need to look deep into your soul and figure out what makes you this way. You sad little person. Get some help.

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You need to look deep into your soul and figure out what makes you this way. You sad little person. Get some help.

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If you hit a cop, intentional or not, while being placed under arrest, the fact is you hit a cop while resisting arrest.


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It’s the real world where you get arrested. Why does that sentence trigger you so much to the point of going on the attack? It’s just a simple fact.

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that’s your response to getting laughed at for being an idiot online? have you been in a coma for 10 years? lmao

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Someone who has to chime in with bigotry and hatred at the simple mention of "trans".

I bet if Adam put "trans fat" in a headline you'd be here bringing the stupidity and hate.

Go away snowflake. Toughen up and grow up. If the real world is too complicated for you to deal with then that's a YOU problem, honey.

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“an officer was hit in the face"

Maybe by the person being arrested. Maybe by someone else.

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1). Stop cherrypicking. You obviously have spent a lot of time on this site, and so should realize this story is not my first on the topic, that it's really just an update to the original post, which ran the day before and with a headline that made sure you knew this was a congresswoman's kid.

2). Time for you to find another site to spout your transphobia, so bye.

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the same one as the other two sockpuppets, er, transphobes, that were tossed off the site today?

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I may have gone with "offspring" rather than "child" since the accused is an adult, but that's just trying to justify what I paid for an English degree :-)

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  • Prosecutors routinely overcharge people.
  • White folks are more likely to have $500 bail for assault and battery on a police officer than are black or brown folks.
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Oh I have one!

- There are some cops in this city who should not be cops.

- There are some cops in the city doing amazing work and we are lucky to have them.

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  • Family & friends of the well-connected are more likely to have $500 bail for assault and battery on a police officer than literally everyone else.
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What ever happened to AJ Baker's charges? He gropped a woman on a plane back in 2018, I've seen nothing in the form of charges since.

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  • Very hard to prove without other eyewitnesses.
  • An amount of money may have made the story go away.
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Why cops have digital eyewitness on their chests.

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So it has to be the latter.

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Let me tell you about the very rich. They are different from you and me.
F. Scott Fitzgerald
from the short story: The Rich Boy

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Being a parent is hard, they are going through a multi-dimensional trial

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