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Investigation under way after mayor's driver appears to go through red light and cause crash in Roslindale

WFXT reports on a crash involving Mayor Wu's city Mustang EV and another car on Hyde Park Avenue at Blakemore Street in Roslindale this afternoon. WCVB reports no major injuries.



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When Wu claimed that she's a public transportation user.

The car is king on Augustus Avenue.

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Maybe some day we'll get to the point where an elected official really can get everywhere without a car, but until then, at least she's using an EV instead of the gas guzzlers Menino and Walsh preferred.

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Menino switched to a hybrid at some point, not that it's significant when you're zigzagging through town with a large detail of support and security staff. Menino also attended as many four events (like ribbon cuttings) a day to shake hands and secure votes for reelection. There's no way to manage that schedule without a car.

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Show me where he said that.

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Your missing the "she can do no wrong" defense legions.

Kind of like the Trumpies in many ways.

They can be misguided and when you show facts to them you get insane defense reactions like being called a pedophile or that you used a car to bring groceries home from the store when you should have biked in the snow.

Just sit back for a minute and think what the reaction of certain people here would have been if it was Mayor Walsh's car.

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That bat signal fell flat the other day:

And speaking of insane reactions, when are you taking down this post? Seems a little hypocritical:

But the best has to be the projection about hypocrisy, no one does it better than Costello!

For the record, I'd want investigations into any Mayor involved in something like this, be it Wu, Walsh, Menino, etc. Hell, I'd even add Curley though I would have to preface that there would be no anti-catholic/irish bias behind those calls.

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When he was governor, he had his sirens roaring on Route 9 somewhere out in farm country and was running cars off the road. Read the Rascal King for additional detail.

His driver wasn't following the rules of the road either.

Give it a rest (See thing about absolutism in defense of a political figure above).

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Way to continue to ignore that ableist comment, the hypocrisy is very on brand

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Four events? Wow! An average person could get to 4 places in Boston on foot.

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Geez, Adam. I kind of thought you followed local news. If you had, you would have seen over the years numerous articles in the local newspapers, and on television, where Wu proudly pointed out that she was a regular public transit user. We were treated to how she would take the Commuter Rail from Roslindale to Back Bay, then would switch over to the Orange Line to get her to City Hall, all while bringing the kids to day care.

But good work deflecting things by pointing out how Walsh also took the same kind of vehicle to work. Interesting that he never got a pass for it, while you are more than willing to give her the kid gloves treatment.

As for Menino, yeah, I once had to pull my car over for his black truck to pass with its sirens and lights going. I'm just hoping that Wu never gets to that level of entitlement.

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Geez, Adam. I kind of thought you followed local news. If you had, you would have seen over the years numerous articles in the local newspapers, and on television, where Wu proudly pointed out that she was a regular public transit user.

Geez, Waquoit. I kind of thought you'd know the difference between being a regular public transit user and claiming that you used public transit exclusively. Does the distinction really escape you, or are you just being deliberately obtuse as you are wont to be?

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She made the claim that she got to work by T, and admittedly I know that when she was on the City Council, she did, but now there's this.

Interesting how you are parsing things. Marty Walsh took the T at one time, just not when he was mayor. And he was skewered here for that fact. Interesting how Wu's car use is being defended while Adam is still attacking Menino and Walsh for doing the exact same thing.

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when she had one job, she used one form of transportation, and now that she has a different job with different needs, she uses a different form of transportation?

I mean, it seems like a real shame and an indictment of our public transit system that the mayor can't use it to the capacity they might like to, but I'm missing where this is some kind of huge hypocrisy, vs someone changing their decision-making based on changing circumstances.

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But he also seems convinced that she now never takes the T at all. I've seen her on the Orange Line, I've also bike commuted with her. So at least some of the time, she does still commute the way she did as a City Councilor. However, I'm sure that there are plenty of times when the job demands using a car. He lacks the imagination to see that somebody might do all three things, just because Marty and Menino were exclusively motorcade guys.

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If this happened to Marty, I think we can all safely say that a bunch of people who comment on this website- Kinopio, his alter ego Lee, Spin, just for starters- would be typing in all caps that with Marty the car is king.

And proving my point, the reverse has happened here today. People are basically defending her being chauffeured around in a SUV. If she was going over Blakemore Street to Hyde Park, she was starting her day in the behemoth that those above love to gripe about.

And to be honest, perhaps I am trolling a little bit, as I don't really care that she gets the SUV service. Didn't bother me when Walsh got it. I have that annoying story about Menino, but that's basically an example of the imperial way he governed.

At the end of the day, people should be judged equally.

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That's completely fake. You do not judge people equally. She still rides the T, and more importantly she is working toward safer streets and reducing pollution.

No one could keep driving themselves or take the bus when they are working as hard as Wu. She needs every minute saved and she needs to work while being chauffeured. If she didn't do this, she would never see her kids awake.

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Because you think you know what people might say in a different discussion that never happened, you extrapolate from that some imagined views directly opposite to what people are actually saying in this real discussion? This is probably the saddest attempt you've made yet to justify a giant hole you've dug for yourself.

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And to be honest, perhaps I am trolling a little bit

That's not trolling, that's being intellectually dishonest in an attempt to manufacture a point.

And proving my point

Ah yes, the assertion of "proving my point", the last refuge of the failed argument.

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People who use public transportation. People who use private vehicles.

Are they mutually exclusive? No. There is overlap. So the implied argument against Wu fails. So why bring up the question in the first place?

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She has highlighted the fact that she takes the T to work. Thousands of people do, myself included, but she's made it part of her public persona. Now I'd say that her claim has holes in it.

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She never claimed to use it exclusively. You're just trying to manufacture a grievance.

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Nope, she made the claim of being a regular T rider. Now she's not. That's my point. She's become Walsh and Menino in the way she gets to work, which seems to bother you more than it bothers me.

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She was a regular T rider during the campaign. Now she is the mayor. It your dishonesty that bothers people.

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She also claimed it as mayor.

Perhaps she just decided to stretch past facts out. I guess I could try to get the student fare on the T, since I was once a high school student.

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post a link to the claim. Everyone is waiting.

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He is arguing that because she was in a car on Tuesday, it is proven that she only travels in cars. Best to just ignore the lunacy at this point.

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He never backs up his pontifications, and then acts hurt when no one believes him.

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Someone was very upset regarding road safety discussions involving illegal parking enforcement, the thought process seemed to be its an unrelated topic.


But here is a post about a motor vehicle accident involving the Mayor and they're talking about public transit purity tests.

Oddly inconsistent right?!

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he folds completely into the type and doesn't seem aware

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You are constantly making pronouncements and you never post a link to the facts you are claiming. You are usually wrong and you irritate people because it is disrespectful.

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Why did the driver have the emergency lights on and why was he running a red light? Was the mayor responding to an emergency?

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Based on her social media activity she didn’t do anything meaningful today. Just photo ops.

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She announced a major restructuring of BPS high schools at 11:30 a.m. - in front of the two schools most affected. It was on all the blogs.

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Very low visibility on those lights on an all black car. Even if going on emergency call, it was a reckless approach into an intersection to not slow until traffic yields

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I would welcome evidence to support your claim, but think that emergency lights would be more visible on a dark-colored car, not less. Agree about the yielding, though.

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Most people instinctively react differently to a marked police car vs a black suburban, flashing lights or not. And the top mounted lights on top a marked car really are more visible vs the under hood lights on unmarked cars.

The mayor's escort should never use their emergency lights to take her to a scheduled event. They should only be used in the rare times there's a urgent situation where she's needed immediately in person.

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Several issues here. I don't think the color of the car (black) has much to do with it. The tint however probably does. Many times the lights (which are inside the glass) are behind a tinted section of glass.

The bigger issue here is the placement of lights. I'm not an expert on emergency lights, but there is a science to it. Ambulances and marked police cars will have various sets of lights positioned at specific locations for visibility. The front corner of Ambulances and marked cruisers will have flashing/strobe style lights so when they go through an intersection, cars coming from the other direction will see them before anything else. Unmarked cars though don't often have these front corner lights. The unmarked car might have a side light in the rear passenger side window and in the front headlight, but the side bars aren't as visible as the ones you see on marked cars.

I do know this from experience using unmarked cars and attempting to go through red lights with lights and sirens on. You can tell cars don't stop as soon as they do when you drive a marked cruiser so you have to be extra careful in order to avoid a crash. The sirens are also not as loud but I'm not 100% sure on that.

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Most people instinctively react differently to a marked police car vs a black suburban, flashing lights or not. And the top mounted lights on top a marked car really are more visible vs the under hood lights on unmarked cars.

None of which addresses the original claim, that there's

low visibility on those lights on an all black car
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I’m sick of taxpayer dollars being used to escort around famous people. The state police shut down the downtown crossing pedestrian zone so the Miami Heat could drive through it. A fucking PEDESTRIAN ZONE. If Mayor Wu or any cop on their way to their next nap doesn’t want to wait at a light they can use the T like a normal person in a city.

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5. Marathon bombing
4. Delta Flight 723 crash
3. Molasses flood
2. Cocoanut Grove fire

1. Basketball team driven through pedestrian zone

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Let's not jump to conclusion based on a video. The mayor wasn't even in this electric Ford mustang according to the police report.

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WCVB headline "Boston Mayor Wu was passenger in police vehicle involved in Roslindale crash, city says." There was also a photo of her at the scene at one of the links. So I would like to know where she was going. I say this as someone who has voted for her multiple times and will almost certainly do so again, but if she was just going home or to an event, it's certainly embarrassing. I'd also like to know whether the other driver was cited for failure to yield to an emergency vehicle, which is a far too frequent response to any police involved accident even if the police driver was at fault - if so, even more embarrassing.

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I don't know what the Mayor's destination was, but based on the report, the car was turning left from Blakemore on to HP Ave., which would be heading away from her home.

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Why were the lights on? What’s the rush?

Also, no way that car could have seen the mayor’s car with or without lights until it was too late.

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As noted above, back in 2001 I had to pull to the side of the road to that Menino could get... back home?

I kind of expected better of Wu, but as we can see, there are people who are willing to defend her while at the same time pointing out how bad it was that her predecessors did the same stuff.

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You've now gleefully repeated the same distortions and irrelevancies, plus your anecdote about the time you were scarred for life by having to pull over for Menino's car. Your ax is so far ground down that there's nothing left but a stump.

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I don't see a single post here defending Wu or the cops driving her around.

I don't think she should resign, but yeah, bad judgement for her to be in a car using emergency lights if she wasn't headed to an emergency.

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Read before you comment.

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Can you show where in that post, in your mind, Adam was defending Wu or the cops driving her around?

Don't deflect and remember, BostonDog asked you who on this thread was defending Wu or the cops driving her around and that was the post you linked to.

Its just a very weird absolutist hill to die on, Wu has been and spoken about being a public transportation user over the years. Show us where she said she only takes the T.

No true public transit user fallacy, which of course you've been running away from.

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He made it seem that Wu's situation was very much different as it was a hybrid she is being driven around in.

When you're tooling around on 2 wheels, does it matter if the SUV on your tail is a hybrid?

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And to be honest, perhaps I am trolling a little bit, as I don't really care that she gets the SUV service.


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are trying your absolute darndest and it shows. Just admit you misread the room and move on.

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And if I were in another room, and everyone there claimed that Biden stole the 2020 election and that Trump most certainly won Georgia and Arizona, it'd be pointing out the bullshit there as well.

But sure, let's not criticize Wu for her big, boxy means of getting around town, since we never did it with Walsh.

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But sure, let's not criticize Wu for her big, boxy means of getting around town, since we never did it with Walsh.

So you and the mouse in your pocket are a huge fan of purity tests, are you?

it'd be pointing out the bullshit there as well.

Suuuuure you would.

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Because unlike you, I don't like living in a bubble.

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Yikes, you're so entangled in this trolling bit that you lost your way!

I remember
By Waquiot on Tue, 06/06/2023 - 10:40pm.
When Wu claimed that she's a public transportation user.

The car is king on Augustus Avenue.

No true public transit user fallacy, still running away from that?


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And again, Walsh and Menino were driven around in SUVs all the time and were criticized by the likes of you for doing so. When it comes to Wu doing the same, and specifically Wu's driver running a red light and t-boning a car, your anger is with me.

I mean, think about your thought process with this. But sure, 4 wheels are bad, unless they aren't, no?

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You operate under the assumption that I and others think cars are bad and should be banned. Something I don't believe and is just intellectually wrong for you to state.

But let's not run away from your first post here, you applied purity to Wu taking public transit. The world salads can't escape that.

And you admitted to trolling at this point so again, at least you are being honest!

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They commemorate the Great Waquiot Broach of 2001 with song and fable.

The commemorating SUV Drive-Through Parade has become a major tourist attraction and draws thousands to its pageantry and the surrounding street fairs. It is celebrated with fireworks and a massive SUV “driven” by that year’s Boston Latin valedictorian with a massive balloon float of Hizzoner atop it.

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This child should be grateful for being correctly diagnosed by our brilliant city spokesperson. No need to go to the Children's.

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Umm… what???

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Per the police report, the mother and the child in the offending car were transported to the Children's hospital. But who needs CT when you can evaluate head injuries by text message (on a private phone).

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Explain what you're babbling about, and what connection the mayor has to do with people being transported to a hospital.

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Has everyone here forgotten the gauntlet Wu had to run just to leave her house (don't know if there are still protesters or not)? Or the protests when she's been in public?

Walsh and Menino were never attacked the way Wu has been. If I were in her protection detail, I'd want her in a car instead of taking the T.

Not to mention that she does have to get to days full of meetings on time and, through no fault of hers (remember, MBTA is a state agency) the T is not currently a timely or reliable form of transportation.

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You also forgot the childhood full of hardships.

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What are you going on about now?

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...and failing, because everyone knows it's a right wing troll allergic to facts and truth.

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