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Bovine still on the lam in Roslindale; do not approach, authorities warn

Boston Animal Care and Control reported tonight that the cow or bull last seen near the Flaming Grill buffet on American Legion Highway in Roslindale continues to hoof it around the neighborhood.

Authorities asked that residents not approach bossie, described as brown and white, or attempt to chase the animal, but rather to call Animal Control and Care at
617-635-5348 or 311.

This morning, police officers who tried to track the animal said it was a bull, but Animal Control said it's a cow.

One startled witness reported Bessie, or as he decided to call her, Daisy, near Pagel Playground on Hyde Park Avenue on the Roslindale/JP line. Animal Control reported the former heifer was also seen at Stella and Harding roads in Roslindale, midway between Pagel Playground and the American Legion strip mall.

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I say we nickname this one Kendrick

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When I saw "Bovine remains" I expected a much darker story!

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when I saw "Flaming Grill Buffet". Are they known for having very fresh and rare beef?

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Where you get a plate, pile it with fresh meat, chicken and/or shrimp and then a cook grills it for you, so, yeah.

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it's still mooing. "

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Headline changed, because you're not the only person to think that.

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I appreciated the innocuous clever wordplay. The idea of the remains of a bovine being on the lam make for a much more interesting story.

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Our next plague.

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When I grow up, I'm going to Bovine University!

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Section 3. If, within three months after the finding of stray beasts, or within one year after the finding of lost money or goods, the owner appears and, except as otherwise provided in section two, pays all reasonable expenses incurred by the finder in keeping such goods or beasts and in complying with this chapter, he shall have restitution of the money, goods or beasts.
Section 4. If the owner of lost money or goods does not appear within one year after the finding thereof, they shall enure to the finder, provided he has complied with section one.

So in three months the finder may get to keep the stray bovine.

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Can't leave out Section 2 of the Lost Goods and Stray Beasts law:

[A]ny person who takes up a stray beast shall report, post or advertise the finding thereof, in the manner provided in the preceding section, giving a description of the color and the natural and artificial marks of such beast; otherwise he shall not be entitled to compensation for any expenses which he may incur relative thereto.

The proceeding section?

Any person who finds lost money or goods of the value of three dollars or more, the owner of which is unknown, shall within two days report the finding thereof to the officer in charge at a police station in the town where said property was found, or, if there is no police station, post notice thereof in two public places therein, or, instead of such report or posting, cause notice thereof to be advertised in a newspaper published therein.

So if you find the cow, either report in to District E-13 (JP, where Bossie was first spotted) or E-18 (Roslindale/Hyde Park, which is where it was, so far, last spotted) or drop me a line about ad rates (going on the assumption that UHub would be considered a "newspaper" these days, natch).

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Because first of all, somebody has to catch it.

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then I will: This story is udderly unbelievable!

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You're really taking the bull by the horns with that comment!

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… mooving.

UHub should milk it for all it’s worth.

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...but I hope they find her soon. It's roasting out there.

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they actually might have a cow, man?

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Definition of a freemartin for those who want to believe that sex is genetically deterministic and binary.

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until the cows come home.

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Andrea. (polished off a couple of fisherman's platters in Hull this afternoon and needed a snack on the way home)

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One startled witness reported Bessie, or as he decided to call her, Daisy, near...

What - not named "Kelly"?

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