A man was shot inside Fete, 25 Kingston St., shortly after 12:20 a.m. Not long after, a second man showed up at Tufts Medical Center with a gunshot wound to the leg he said he got while walking by the restaurant. Read more.
Boston murders
This year's murders (also see: 2024, 2023, 2022, 2021)
Men posing as city workers duct tape elderly Dorchester resident in gunpoint robbery
03/03/2025 - 4:40pm
Man charged with sexually attacking woman at Maverick MBTA station
02/28/2025 - 6:00pm
Transit Police report arresting a man for "indecently assaulting" a woman at the Maverick T stop around 6 p.m. on Friday. Read more.
Police say off-duty cop kept man in Copley Square restaurant from stabbing two others by shooting him
03/01/2025 - 5:30pm
Live Boston News reports that a man who chased two other people from the Chipotle on Boylston Street into the Chick-fil-A a couple doors down and was about to stab them refused a demand from an off-duty officer who happened to be there to drop the knife, so the officer pulled out his service revolver and shot him, around 5:30 p.m. Read more.
Two teens were hanging around outside a Roxbury McDonald's with loaded guns, police say
02/27/2025 - 2:47pm
Boston Police report arresting a 17-year-old they say had a gun loaded with 14 bullets outside the McDonald's at 301 Warren St. in Roxbury yesterday afternoon - but add that his pal, who ditched his own gun loaded with 7 rounds, managed to flee. Read more.
Man who keeps getting arrested for robbing banks gets arrested for robbing banks, including one he robbed the last time he got arrested
02/20/2025 - 9:59am
A man fresh out of prison for robbing a bank was arraigned yesterday on charges he robbed a South End bank last Thursday - and will also face charges for holding up a Downtown Crossing bank the following day - the Suffolk County District Attorney's office reports. Read more.
Group of a dozen teens threw a firecracker at an Allston market; one of them beat the store clerk when he came out to object, police say
02/25/2025 - 3:24pm
Boston Police report a clerk at Cheema Super Market on Cambridge Street and Gordon Avenue who went outside to find and video whoever had just thrown a firecracker at the store entrance got pushed to the ground, where he was kicked and beaten with a broom by one particular 14-year-old, shortly after 3:20 p.m. on Tuesday. Read more.
Man sliced with a screwdriver in Camden Street pill holdup; suspect arrested
02/22/2025 - 9:00am
Boston Police report arresting a man they say used a screwdriver to force another man to hand over a bottle of pills and mone
Police say three men broke into a Roxbury apartment; two arrested, one found shot
02/23/2025 - 10:00pm
Boston Police report finding three people they suspect broke into an apartment at 66 Dabney St. in Roxbury's Warren Gardens Sunday night. Two were immediately charged with the break in; the third was taken to a local hospital with a gunshot wound to the back, police say. Read more.
Drive like hell and you'll get there, but first you might get arrested for the crack and stolen checks police say they found in your car
02/21/2025 - 2:00am
Boston Police report officers who initially stopped a driver they watched speed through two red lights in a car with excessive tint early Friday arrested him for the the two bags of crack and roughly $24,000 in stolen checks they say he had in the car. Read more.
13-year-old nabbed skulking around with a loaded gun in Roxbury, police say; five others also arrested
02/20/2025 - 6:00pm
Two shot on Dudley Street in Roxbury, at least one repeatedly
02/19/2025 - 8:39pm
Two people were shot on Dudley Street, one at Dudley and Mt. Pleasant Avenue, the other outside 225 Dudley Street, closer to Greenville Street, around 8:40 p.m. Read more.
Randolph man was using Mattapan Square apartment to store guns, police say, adding they also found drugs
02/12/2025 - 8:40am
Boston Police report officers with a search warrant arrested a Randolph man in an apartment on Cummins Highway in Mattapan Square, where they also found a loaded rifle, three guns and bags of coke, crack and fentanyl Wednesday morning. Read more.
Three arrested at Jamaica Plain development after gunfire at Mission Hill development
02/09/2025 - 12:45am
Boston Police report arresting three people on gun charges - one for possession of a loaded machine gun - in the Mildred Hailey Apartments in Jamaica Plain after gunfire in the Annunciation Road development around 12:45 a.m. on Sunday that sent one bullet through a window and a mirror before it lodged in an apartment wall. Read more.
Man in Mattapan apartment under investigation for sex trafficking tries to evade police by jumping out a window, instead slices arm open and is arrested on gun charges, police say
02/06/2025 - 9:00pm
Boston Police report BPD, State Police and FBI investigators looking into a human-trafficking ring at a Mattapan Square apartment arrested six people Thursday - including one man who tried to flee by jumping out a window, and the man whose car he jumped into in a vain escape attempt. Read more.
Woman found dead in apartment on Claybourne Street in Dorchester
02/03/2025 - 2:45pm
The Dorchester Reporter reports  Boston homicide detectives are investigating the death of a woman found dead of stab wounds inside 43 Claybourne St. in Dorchester around 2:45 p.m. on Monday.