Jef Taylor has been leading a survey on wildlife in Franklin Park, shows us a fox that came to investigate a camera set up as part of the survey yesterday evening.
Michael Spicher spotted this fox just lounging around in Olmsted Park, along the Muddy River on the Boston/Brookline line.
Roving UHub photographer Gad Liwerant stopped to watch a fox enjoy a little squirrel snack on Chestnut Hill Road in Newton, between Hammond Street and the Chestnut Hill Reservoir.
Roving UHub photographer Karen Bidwell spotted this fox (not in socks) on Oakland Street near Brighton Center late this afternoon.
A fox that went after three women in separate incidents yesterday was tested for rabies and found to be infected with the brain-destroying virus, Burlington Police report. Read more.
Adrienne reports spotting this fox in a yard on the outbound side of Comm. Ave. near Mass. Ave. this morning.
For the record I did not ask it ANYTHING.
Chuck Tanowitz provides the photographic proof that should quell even the most vociferous doubter.