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Turnout particularly strong in Jamaica Plain

Rich Parr at the MassInc Polling Group is mapping hourly turnout reports from Boston - which so far show turnout is particularly up in JP, possibly because of the Sanchez/Elugardo race.

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Me, Ms. Stevil and one other person. A friend was walking in to vote as we left.

Sad :-(

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Vote for Ayanna, Vote for Katie Forde, Vote for Sonia Diaz, Vote for Sen. Warren, vote for Ms. Stevil if she is running. Women are a majority because we outlive our first, second and third husbands. We are playing the long game and women are the true pallbearers of making America Great Again! If women just voted for women we would have the women we deserve.

Read this great article in the NY TIMES about what an amazing outsider Ayanna is. https://www.nytimes.com/2018/09/01/us/politics/ayanna-pressley-massachus... although it forgot to mention that she was such an 'outsider' that she was campaigning hand in hand with Mayor Menino in her first campaign! Remember to believe everything you read in the Times and the Globe and follow Daddy's endorsements as we know better than you what's good for you!


ps. vote for Galvin, he helped Daddy get 80 million dollars in tax credits, facials aren't cheap!

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with this schtick? It's getting tiresome.

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That line just earned an extension on this shtick.

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When she stays in character, but the well is also shallow for this humor.

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...this trollish poster might also be the individual who posts as Ernie Boch III (on BlueMassGroup)?

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They very thoughtfully put something into my mailbox which touted all the people they would recommend I vote for...

... if I lived in JP. Pressley, Chang-Diaz, Malia, etc...

JP Progressives - big on local activism but not so into ward maps apparently.

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the ward maps in JP are especially nonsensical. The federal rep district line follows the Orange Line (until it doesn't), but I have absolutely no idea what kind of zigs and zags the local precincts make. I do know that I've talked to three different people who live less than a quarter mile from me, and none of them have the same set of state rep/state senator/federal rep to vote for. I can't blame JP Progressives for just flyering anyone who might be part of one of these horribly gerrymandered districts.

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Oh, sorry, I thought you were talking about Roslindale for a second there ...

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Down here between Belgrade and Washington in Roslindale, we are clearly not in Chang-Diaz, Malia or Capuano's district.

These maps are very stupidly drawn but also very easily accessible.

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You don't live in Jamaica Plain, or as we abbreviate it, JP.

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But if you grew up in Jamaica Plain and lived here all your life and you are over 60 as I am, you never call if JP, either. We still call it Jamaica Plain. However, soon I will be forced to move because I'm being priced out of here. I miss Hailer's Pharmacy with the 50 cent ice cream cones. But at least the Galway (no, we don't call it Galway House) is still alive and well and still a success because it still serves good traditional comfort food and drinks at super cheap prices!! And all of us our homeowners and we definitely vote.

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If you own, how are you being priced out? Property taxes are going up but it's still pretty small compared to rent. And the value of whatever you own has doubled or tripled in the past decade. If you move it's to gain a huge windfall, not because you are forced out due to rising costs.

Non-housing cost of living isn't significantly more expensive in Jamaica Plain vs elsewhere in eastern MA.

Renters and people looking to buy are the ones being priced out.

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Because the house was my parents' house they bought back in the 50s, God rest their souls. My social security check isn't enough to maintain it. My dwindling savings is, well, dwindling. I was a blue collar worker with a very small paycheck. I've already had the Sam Adams Brewery people make me offers but I love Jamaica Plain and my childhood home and simply don't want to leave. And that is why I feel I am being priced out. The house is old and falling apart but I love it here and don't want to leave. Does that answer your question?

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There wasn't a line, but there were several other voters in the polling place when I wandered through around 11am this morning. I was ballot 110. Not too bad for a primary!

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And therein you cover 2 problems:

1) The primary in many cases is effectively the election - the person we pick will be either unopposed by a Republican - or anyone else - and thus the office holder. If you don't show up now - you don't have a real choice or any choice come November.

2) The second problem is that the Republicans don't put up worthy candidates. Just because the rest of the country's R's have gone off the rails does not mean we can't put up some decent people that happen to have an R after their name and don't wear hats that say MAGA. (I'd be happy with qualified L's, G's, or any other letter too - but let's face it - those are even longer shots)


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Other than the fact that Baker (R) is going to win over Gonzalez by a wide margin IMO.

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I think the DA Race was big for turnout as well, especially in JP. Rollins set up her headquarters in JP so a lot of folks came out to support her.

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unfortunately, if you are a democratic he does not follow your views and is just giving the Republicans more power in the government.

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Unenrolled, so I picked the D ballot.

Pressley, Zakim, Forde, and I wrote myself in for every other office.

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You couldn't even thrown him a bone in Gov Council?

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Another precinct on the map in Jeff Sanchez's district. Always a high turnout precinct. So, it's not all in JP.

Thanks to redistricting, Roslindale is in fact the most dis-integrated community in Massachusetts elections: five state reps, three district city councilors, two congressmen.

And none of those local elected officials making decisions for Roslindale even lives there.

Plus, the Ward committees responsible for Roslindale (20, 19, 18) never meet there, even though Roslindale voters make up one-quarter to one-third of each Ward.

In the next redistricting, Roslindale will have to fight to be made whole.

Stop carving up Roslindale the way Stalin and Churchill carved up Europe after WWII.

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Michelle Wu lives in Roslindale - and she may be one of the few elected officials who knows what it's really like to ride the T, since she does it most days between Roslindale and City Hall.

But your point is still valid because she's an at-large councilor, not a district one.

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I’ve lived here 47 years, voted every election since 1989, and have been following the political scene since Flynn was debating Finneran in from of City Hall on the WBZ news. All that time Roslindale has been split up.

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at all times, constantly. mad annoying.

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When I voted at the FDR School in Hyde Park that morning, I was the only voter there.

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