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In rare unanimity, bicyclists, motorists and pedestrians all agree: Boston needs more plowing and shoveling

Blocked Beacon Street bike lane

One of the new "protected" bike lanes on Beacon Street in Audubon Circle is currently protected from bicyclists, P. Cheung reports.

Sheri Ann Cheng, meanwhile, pleaded with the city to do better plowing on Hyde Park Avenue into and out of Forest Hills:

And in South Boston:

Pedestrians are asking for help, too:



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How can a northern city known for heavy snowfall still have no real plan or idea how to conduct basic snow removal? It boggles the mind....

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In South Boston was plowed out at 10 PM last night. That's a full 96 hours after the snow stopped falling. It's really unbelievable and frankly embarrassing.

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It also boggles the mind that a city surrounded by wild bears does not have a bear patrol

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Bad government making poor decisions motivated by political back-scratching to labor unions and connected donors rather than service to citizens.

Witness the howling that happened when Gov. Baker floated privatizing the T's parts warehouse and cash-handling operation. All the audits found a complete lack of professionalism in both, resulting in wasted spending and reduced capability to keep trains and buses in working order. But it was there because T management had for years caved to union demands for no-work jobs.

When the T recently announced it was going to a cashless fare system, the Globe article was quick to devote a full paragraph to the fact that the dozen or so unionized electricians who maintained the fare gate were going to be re-assigned. You know what? I don't care. Fire them if their services are no longer needed. A public agency exists to serve the people, not to provide sinecures to a small number of insiders at the expense of serving the public.

I guarantee you that every other piece of nonsense you see in municipal government is the result of that same sort of skewed priorities in the managerial ranks. Instead of focusing on the mission first, they focus on loyalty to their own first. It's an institutional thing, not necessarily a personal thing. Well-meaning people are hampered by the bureaucracy that's self-sustaining and no one wants to stick his neck out to renegotiate contracts or work rules or look for better and cheaper solutions to do more with the same amount of financial resources. Because fair wages. Because labor. Because this that or the other.

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Union bashing? Most plow contracts go to independent owners. Just sayin...

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I don't remember the MBTA releasing the audits of the warehouse and cash-handling operation to the public. If you have copies please forward them to the universal hub. It is not the Pentagon papers but i'm sure the public would find the audits an interesting read.

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is often the consequence of bad decision-making by the citizenry; demanding expensive services while simultaneously refusing to pay for them, rewarding politicians who flatter these childish demands, and punishing those who insist that you get what you pay for. Those who say that the only reason we can't afford Champagne services at Coca-Cola prices are those greedy get an extra helping of votes.

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Of a northern city that routinely gets significant snowfall have such unrealistic expectations? It snows in Boston. No matter who the mayor is, it will snow.
The cost to “remove” snow at the rate that this comment section expects, would add millions and millions and millions to the city’s budget. Do you want to spend it on something that will literally melt in a week? The City did not ever “remove” snow prior to 2015. It plows it to the ends of streets, to street corners, wherever it can. Sometimes it even ends up back on the sidewalk after you’ve shoveled. The plows do the best that they can. Until the technology exists to catch the flakes as they FALL FROM THE SKY, it’s something Bostonians have to deal with. Unless of course, the City can get the Heatmiser on the payroll.

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for it to take 4 full days after the last snowflake falls for the city to make its first pass with a plow (or in this case a front end loader) down a city street? What if there had been a fire or a medical emergency in one of the residences on the street during the past 4 days?

Further, should handicapped residents be forced to stay home until the snow melts due to impassible side walks and curb cuts?

I'm pretty sure most northern cities have found solutions to these problems.

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It’s not acceptable for streets to be missed. That’s why 311 is in place. Mistakes can and do happen.
But, residents often throw snow back into the street after the plows have passed and it looks like they haven’t been plowed.

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In such a short post.

Mistakes can and do happen.
But, residents often throw snow back into the street after the plows have passed and it looks like they haven’t been plowed.

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There is a road I take to get to the outside world. It is a relatively narrow street- one travel lane and one parking lane- but it well used (by a lot of people going to the outside world.) Part of it being well used is that plows definitely clear it during storms. That said, there is always snow on the road after storms, and the snow is concentrated on the road by 3 houses. The road before these houses are always clear of snow. Those SOBs throw snow on the street all the time.

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But you can tell the difference between the snow thrown into the road by residents and a completely unplowed street, right?

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And I also think that it is complete BS to claim that there was a public street in Boston that was still untouched by a single plow as of Sunday (and yes, I know the comment was made on Tuesday, that's how confident I am in my statement.)

And as the other guy noted, if you got up on Friday and somehow the City and/or its contractors didn't touch your public way and no one on that street thought to call City Hall or use one of the many electronic forms to note this situation, that's one sad street.

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at all. I don't actually live on the street, but I can certainly tell the difference between snow shoveled onto the street and a foot of snow blanketing the entire thing.

Granted, it is not an easy street for plows to access, but it shouldn't (and did) take 4 full days to get to


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I can totally see how it was missed. Yes, it’s a public way, but it looks like an alley.

Someone should have called that in, and Eddie Flynn should be informed.

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The City has been trucking snow to "snow farms" since at least the 1990s. One year in the 1990s, the Globe had a contest to so who could guess when a particular snow farm (either by the Bayside Expo Center or near what is known as the Seaport District) would go snow free. I believe there was even a prize involved.

The reality is that if the snow on the ground gets to be too much, the city will take it away to ensure (2) the proper movement of traffic and (1) that drivers will be able to park in the commercial areas of the Back Bay. And yes, I did number where the emphasis goes.

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Yeah, that comment from Jimbog about the city only plowing, not 'removing" snow , before 2015 is simply false. When I worked in South Boston in the 70s and 80s dump trucks would dump their loads of snow in the Fort :Point Channel between Congress and Summer streets. And when the snow melted, it would reveal all kinds of stuff like bicycles and trash containers, scooped up with the snow.

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See Montreal.

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Snow budget is $160 million a year. Boston’s is about $25 million a year.

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Get rid of the transportation and public works departments and we will have almost enough money for Montreal quality snow removal. Easy peasy.

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Area: Boston is 89 square miles, Montreal is 167.
Annual snowfall: Boston 43 inches; Montreal 83 inches
Days on which it snows, per year? Boston 22 Montreal 59

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It's worse than that: 41 of Boston's 89 square miles are in the ocean.

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How can the residents of a northern city that routinely gets significant snowfall have such unrealistic expectations?

Since when is "Handle as well as other northern cities that routinely get significant snowfall handle it" an unrealistic expectation?

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Of a northern city that routinely gets significant snowfall have such unrealistic expectations?

You should try getting out more. Visit virtually any other northern city. Even Cambridge handled the snow better than Boston when I lived up there.

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Yeah, but no. It's not unreasonable to expect basic things like handicapped ramps to be clear, bike lanes to be open, emergency routes plowed to the curb, etc. Many other cities do it just fine. You seem fine with the city being in a basic state of paralysis for everyone not in an automobile. We can do better.

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Until it mostly melted on its own today, a lot of side roads in Manchester, NH, were still encrusted with compressed snow/ice/crust from the Christmas day storm. Complete incompetence this year, seems to know no bounds...

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The sidewalks all appear to be well-shoveled.

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Except for sidewalks in the middle of traffic islands, which I assume would be the responsibility of the city?

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I got home from work last night to find "NO PARKING EMERGENCY SNOW REMOVAL" signs stuck into the snowbanks along my Lower Allston street. Around 9:30 city workers arrived with two bucket loaders and a dump truck. They made quick work of the giant piles on the street and sidewalk, except for the ones blocked by the several morons who ignored the no parking signs. Oh well, they at least cleared the road to the curb directly across from my driveway, so I'm happy I can get in and out of it a little easier if somebody's parked there.

There are two schools nearby (within a block), and I saw lots of 311 complaints about the sidewalks, so those might have something to do with the city's snow-clearing priorities.

Still waiting on them to clear the main travel lane on Everett St at the intersection of Western Ave, though...

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They really need to do this during the snow emergency. Even if they're just pushing Snow and not removing it, they'll get it pretty close to the curb. Once the snow emergency is lifted the odd side has 48 hours of no parking so they can clear to curb.

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Totally agree. Once parking is allowed again, it becomes very difficult to clean up the snow. I think they should continue street sweeping days all through the winter as well, and when there is snow on the ground, use that time to further clear to the curbs.

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I'm wondering if it was a policy decision in this case - because a foot of snow was a fairly reliable projection. If they plowed curb-to-curb on the emergency arteries, that would have meant 3 feet of snow on the sidewalks, which would never get cleared. This way, they got the roads (mostly) open for traffic, property owners can handle a foot of snow on their sidewalk, and they can come back night-by-night with the loaders for some OT to clear the emergency arteries (or wait for it to melt).

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My observation in the South End and Back Bay has been that the plows went through a few times, at times creating one lane in places where there could be two, then called it good once the storm ended. I saw no new plowing last Friday. I've walked many city owned sidewalks that were snow packed. Very disappointed in the plow jobs to this storm. Is it possible they stopped to save money for future storms this season?

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Look, I'm okay with my street being chocked full of snow until the meltdown, since by and large the lanes used for travel are clear, but Hyde Park Ave needs 2 lanes from Metropolitan Ave to Forest Hills. The City should either clear enough that 2 lanes and parking can coexist or ban parking until things are clear enough. Losing that lane right by the station is bad news.

The City must have a list of roads that get fully cleared. I swear they were cleaning up Corinth Street in Roslindale Square last night.

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South St by Delfinos and Corinth were marked Tow Zone, Snow Removal last night.

There were of course, people parked anyways because few people can seem to accept that they might have to walk any distance from their car to a store.

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I mean what can the city do there, those cars obviously never moved. Also, wonder how many of the cars in that Forest Hills picture are single occupant.

The issue is that the majority of roads are cleared pretty well so motorists can move right along uninterrupted but sidewalks, crosswalks, bike lanes and bus stops are not. Snow removal is a guarantee if you drive, you have to beg and open 311 tickets if you use any other means of transport.

How are people with mobility issues supposed to get around with sidewalks like this? Hell I haven't even been biking recently, walking a lot more and I've slipped a few times. That could be discouraging enough that someone with less mobility than me might decide to not even leave their house for fear of getting hurt.

But don't worry, if they have a car they can drive anywhere!

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If you're in a wheelchair, I guess you're just supposed to stay home. Very few curb ramps are clear where the ramps actually are and wide enough for a wheelchair to navigate them. It's truly embarrassing.

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This past week I've just taken to walking in the streets in many places. It's the only way to get my handcart through when I go grocery shopping, etc.

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Let's stick with the unity that Adam sees from these requests.

As one who walks, drives, and occasionally takes a bus, I will note that if the city had done a better job clearing things, or to say the least dedicates itself to following up on these issues, all of us would benefit. What good is a well shoveled sidewalk when you try to cross the street and there is a mountain of snow in the way? How are buses supposed to pass each other when the roads are now barely wide enough for passenger cars? And hey, what about garbage trucks, who take away the refuse of cyclists, pedestrians, and drivers without pondering what mode of transportation the person takes who put their recycling out?

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The city should focus way more energy on making sure the crucial corridors for bus/car/bike/pedestrians are clear much higher than purely residential streets. Hyde Park Ave should be a first priority in our part of the city along with Washington St.

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"...majority of roads are cleared pretty well so motorists can move right along uninterrupted..."


Where have you been in the city the last few days?

The City did pretty good at keeping/getting all city roads at least partially open during the storm and the night/morning after.

Since then (almost 96 hours, knock it down to 72 for the plow/loader crews to get some sleep after the blizzard shift), performance has brought the score down to "mediocre". A few major arteries have been posted for No Parking and snow removal, but that's it. Lots of two-way through streets are still squeezed down to 1&3/4 lanes because of parking so much further from the curb because of snow not cleared to the curb - roads that become alternating one-lanes when a bus (leave your car at home, don't clog the roads, take mass transit!) has to swing out into the middle of the road to get past anything. Lots of local two-way streets are still only one lane wide.

I've got a feeling they're going to gamble on this "warm spell" this week and do as little follow-up cleaning as they can get away with.

As for protected bike lanes - as they've emerged the last couple of years, did anybody ever think to budget for enough bobcats/mini-loaders/mini-plows (to say nothing of enough extra man-hours) to do the now-separate work where a lot of the regular road equipment can't fit?

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Way to quote the entire sentence bud. Seriously.

Compared with the state of snow removal for cars, snow removal for every other mode of transport is night and day. You cannot walk a block without being interrupted by a snow bank at the corner that you have to walk over. This happens every winter, the strategy is remove snow for cars, let the rest melt. I've been taking the bus because there is zero bike infra to get to work safely, so I've been painfully aware of how much of a joke snow removal has been.

As for the protected bike lanes, when they were proposed, I knew they would mainly serve as a place to push snow out of the road during the winter. The city loves the photo ops that those projects create, love forgetting about them once winter comes.

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Because I wasn't talking about what you said about sidewalks, crosswalks, bike lanes and bus stops, Genius. I wasn't making any assertions about those things or disagreeing (or agreeing, for that matter) with your assessment of them.

You made an assertion about the roads (that the majority were cleared pretty well) and an assertion about the rest (that they were not). Not a comparison between the two points. I replied to your assertion about roads, which was clear from what I said.

Now in this post, you've made it a comparison, which might be right.

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Take the lane and ride in the road. Lots of visibility gear.

Safer than hiking on the sidewalks right now - I'm serious about that! If one can even use those. I see a lot of people walking in the road and have had to do it myself.

If they are going to clear only the roads, use them. Anyone complains, tell them to talk to city hall.

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What a joke, they did an awful job on the roads, it’s bc the roads are well traveled that the snow is gone. They lanes are being widened by the vehicles that have to pull into a snow bank to let another car by. Big chunk of snow gets knocked down and ppl run it over.

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Clear the streets!
City: Pushes the snow to the sidewalk

Clear the sidewalk!
Homeowners get the privileged of cleaning Bostons plowed snow.

It is utter idiocy that Boston expects homeowners to maintain city property. Until a reckoning happens regarding where the responsibility falls this will be an annual exercise.

The Tyantll tweet is a perfect illustation, does the city seriously expect joe blow homeowner to clear that massive mound of snow on top of the sidewalk? Freaking idiocy!

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If you read the ordinance carefully (§ 16-12.16 Snow, Slush, and Ice on Sidewalks and Curb Ramps), you're required to remove snow "three (3) hours after snow fall has ended" — not remove the snow the city bureaucrats throw back on your sidewalk when plowing later on.

So if you're a homeowner and they do this to your sidewalk, tell them to go f--- themselves. And if they ticket you, this would be an excellent court challenge to maybe get rid of this law once and for all.

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It is utter idiocy that Boston expects homeowners to maintain city property.

Who else but property owners is there? People who own houses in Cambridge or Brookline certainly aren't going to pay to clean Boston's streets.

There are really only two choices:

  1. Mandate that property owners clean the sidewalk in front of their property
  2. Charge property owners additional tax, and use the revenue to hire staff to clean the sidewalk

Personally, I'd rather be directly responsible for my sidewalk (either by shoveling myself or hiring a contractor) rather than pay the overhead associated with passing the money through the city's bureaucracy.

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That's all well and good that you're okay shoveling your own sidewalk, but it completely misses the point.

Too many people don't do it. And there are too many sidewalks that aren't directly in front of a business or home that no one accepts responsibility for.

I'd rather the city handle it because they would do it all to a uniform standard and there'd be no squabbling over whose jurisdiction it is. Ticketing people clearly doesn't work.

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So, in that picture of the crosswalk plowed under... the homeowner should move the cities mound of snow?

Does the homeowner have a bobcat with which to move the mound?

The city fails to plan for all aspects of snow removal because it is able to pass off the final responsibility to property owners.

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It is pretty brutal in Cambridge. Walking to Alewife from my house is a trek across numerous completely snow-covered pedestrian walkways, and John Cleese in Fawlty Towers style goosestepping over snow against roads/sidewalks.

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Maybe they need to resume the 2015 South Boston one-way program.

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They consistently never plow out the right lane. Thus three lanes become two lanes. Then someone is turning left (and waiting for the arrow) so two lanes becomes one lane. Then the 39 bus comes and stops to pick people up and that last lane also disappears. Happens every year and traffic backs up for blocks.

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Things are no better in Somerville. Some of the side streets still aren't down to bare pavement (though I'm hoping that will be the case after today's melting). Even the major roads like Broadway are effectively down to one lane because the snowbanks extend 6+ ft into the road and everyone is just parking in the travel lanes.

I haven't even attempted to bike to work because of how bad it is.

And there are a surprising number of places where the sidewalks have a nice 3' wide path down to bare pavement, but there's no cut through cleared at an intersection - just a continuous wall of snow around the corner.

I don't remember it being this bad previous years.

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I borrowed a car to take a family member to Boston Medical for a 10:15 am appointment this morning. I figured that traffic might be somewhat abated by 9 AM to we didn't even leave until 9:15 AM from Roslindale Sq.

I went down Hyde Park Ave as is customary for me to get to that destination and just passed the gas main repair site (still ongoing) traffic halted. I noted there was a snow crew trying to push snow back but it was also stuck in traffic itself.

I pulled a U-turn at Southbourne and headed across to Washington Street. By the time I got to Forest Hills there was another issue on that side of the MBTA station and no one was moving there, so I went across Ukraine Way to get to Hyde Park Ave which was my original plan. The snow crew was barely at Weld Hill St and the rest of the wonderful thoughtful drivers on Hyde Park Ave blocked the intersection. After 4 traffic light cycles and not moving anywhere I gave up.

I then went southbound on Hyde Park Ave, went east up Walk Hill Street to American Legion Highway, followed that easterly to Blue Hill Ave. I considered taking Blue Hill Ave to Warren but thought the streets might also be narrow there so I opted to take Geneva Ave to Egleston Sq and picked up Columbus Ave there.

Essentially i drove around Franklin Park.

That said, while there was some traffic it moved nicely and I actually beat the mad crowd, and came out where I wanted to be in the first place. Columbus also moved at a reasonable pace.

We rolled up to the front door at BMC at 10:10 AM just in time. My family member went in and I went to park the car in the garage.

It occurred to me while I was doing this that this is the same route the Senior Shuttle from the city often uses to "beat traffic" at this time of the morning.

Shhhh that is their secret !

I clearly made better time going that way which was never in my wildest dreams a route that I might ever consider, yet today it worked.

My take... the biggest problem is the selfish people that willfully block intersections. As it is, even if the city paints a box and puts up signage, no one seems to understand -- or care -- what that means.

Forget public transit too. That is just as stuck in the traffic.

Today I got lucky and used up 2X the normal gasoline. I kept holding on to the fact that despite traffic I was moving toward my destination and was not stuck. Had I gone faster that 30 mph for more than a mile I might have screamed "Eureka." But as it was I averaged 20-25 all the way... but was moving.

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Yep, gridlock is one of the biggest problems here, and the nature of our streets and intersections certainly doesn't help. Prospect Street in Cambridge? Forget about it.

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I grew up in a medium-sized midwestern city, where they know how to plow. Where snow removal is organized and normal. Boston is just awful -- I've never been able to get used to it. I don't understand why everyone puts up with how bad it is.

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You have to understand the New England culture.

Rather than have a "snow emergency" system that has everyone to put their cars in garages overnight so they can clear all the roads, Boston's snow emergencies only apply to main arteries. So people on side roads leave their cars in place, have to dig themselves out the next morning, and then naturally want to guard their efforts with "space savers." This in turn creates all sorts of anger and ill will and finger-pointing and recriminations, people demanding the symptom (the space savers) be banned rather than deal with the root cause of the issue. (Boston, plow the whole god-damned road.)

Rather than plow the sidewalks, the city demands the homeowner do so. A sizeable number don't. This creates more anger and ill will and finger-pointing and recriminations. People scream about fining homeowners rather than deal with the root cause of the issue. (Boston, clear your god-damned sidewalks yourself.)

This also leads to the large amount of government-owned property not getting cleared at all, because the various agencies can't agree on which "owner" is responsible for it. City? County? State? DCR? MBTA? Who knows. More anger and ill will and finger-pointing and recriminations and nothing gets done.

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It has nothing to do with "New England" culture. It was made (in)famous and codified in practice by one tiny neighborhood of one tiny city that's in a New England State.

...and municipalities holding property owners responsible for clearing snow from the public sidewalks bordering their properties is common practice throughout the country.

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With traditional bike lanes, it doesn't matter that much if the road is narrowed by snow. You can claim the lane in most places. There's usually enough wiggle room to get past any big traffic jams if you go slowly.

With protected lanes, unless the city does a whole lot of work to clear them, you're stuck with an unusable bike lane, and general lanes that are much narrower than before so there's no wiggle room and no room for mistakes.

In Cambridge, they clear the cycle tracks, but then property owners use this as an excuse to skip shoveling the sidewalk. So everyone walks on the cycle track, and the cycle track ends up like the sidewalk it essentially is.

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Some are comparing Boston's snow removal to Montreal's.
It appears Boston's snow removal budget for 2017/18 is less than $23 million. Montreal's is more than $150 million.

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And Montreal has a much larger land area and about twice as many snowfalls.

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More relevant: Montreal's density is about 900 people/square km. Boston has 5,000 people/square km.

In Montreal it's easier to push the snow around, and parking is more abundant. Boston is crammed to begin with.

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"Roxbury man charged with helping brother murder teenager in Dorchester"?

No? Oh, that's right, a bike lane didn't get plowed!

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This post?


Whataboutism is a fallacy employed toward the ends of distraction. In your case, it is a desperate cry for attention on a par with 3am white house tweets.

We can discuss how life can be made better in our human habitat without your demanding that we discuss ONLY the things that you happen to think are important. Just because you are incapable of fathoming a multifactorial world doesn't mean that others can't worry about crime and bike lanes. It is a both/and world for people without serious affective disorders.

Back under the bridge with you.

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Here, now!

Caber-rattling is a violation of the terms of service 'round these parts.

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Besides that, I haven't encountered any significant push-polling around here since before Election Day.

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This from a woman who manages to drag her somewhat narrow and limited life experiences into annoying pontificating on any subject she feels some, any sort of connection to.

Then again, as far as lacking for attention, I'm not the one who seems to spend more time on this site posting rather than spending time boring the family that you're obviously lacking attention, if not affection from.

Back to the warm glow of your monitor while hubby nods off in front of Netflix.

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Yes, a new year for Swirls and, unfortunately, she continues with her insult A-game.

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Poor little bunny. Go read all the crap you spew here and try that again, maybe?

You came in like a trolling douche, as usual, and got what you had coming to you. Too bad your male feels got broken. Mommy will help you.

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8 years and ten months ago. And my feels aren't broken, apparently yours are.

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"Hey, what about this thing that 2 black guys did? Why isn't anyone talking about that? It confirms everything I've always said!" -on the other hand its credible that people who do that aren't self-aware enough to know they are doing it.

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Let see, comparing the original poster with Trump, that is one, CAP LETTERS, two. Degrading person's intellect, that is 3 (she is on a roll,folks). Degrading person's ability to function, 4. Inferring person is mentally ill, 5.

Oh, and calling the person an under the bridge dweller (which can't be a good thing, right?), 6.

Not bad for the first full week of a new year. Hey, Swirls, did you call your therapist yet to help with your anger management? A new year, a new you!

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For the movie theatre, toots.


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What about my car?
What about my car?
What about my car?

Good to see some variety here in your postings about how special you are.

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Its the people who hate cars that think they're special and being "cheated" out of something because of this illusion you have that you're being ignored by the world. If you want a medal for not driving a car in Boston, pass one around amongst yourselves. Just don't dare do it while standing in a bike lane.

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I recently left Boston for Colorado and had the good fortune of being back in town for the snowstorm (seriously, I'll miss that element of living in Boston). What I won't miss are the full lanes of unplowed major arteries (Melnea Cass for one) and the joke that is the MBTA during any sort of weather event. Hopefully the new rolling stock helps, but spending 30 minutes stuck in a semi-disabled Orange Line car brought me right back to the winter of 2016. When my normally 20 minute commute routinely took over 2 hours.

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